What are Light Beings?

Light beings exist in higher dimensional fields as pure energy. Most light beings exist in fifth dimension or higher dimensions. They are usually tall beings, exuding very high energy. Their presence is more like solar energy present around us. Sometimes, light beings may contact us if some transmission is to be passed on. It’s a one-of-a-kind type of experience. Their energy can transmute eons of psychic layers carried by us within seconds.
Ascended masters are camouflaged light beings. A few of these light beings are present today amongst us in disguised human form. To quote an example, the siddhas, or self-realized souls of the Himalayas, are light beings in disguised human form. These siddhas are ageless, timeless and dimensionless. They can live and die at will. They are meditating for hundreds of years to increase the earth’s vibration. They are also called the ascension masters. There are around 215 siddhas located on earth. They have the power to materialize and dematerialize their body into light, ‘at will’.
Human beings can contact higher dimensional beings through the following ways:
1. Meditation
Most of the meditative practices aim at increasing one’s vibrational frequency. At a delta state, one can access higher dimensional beings or light beings.
2. Dream Visitation
Another way light beings can be contacted is through our dreams. One can make an intention before sleeping to be contacted by a light being and let it manifest in divine timing.
3. Astral Travel
We can contact a light being on an astral plane. During an induced astral travel, one can intend to contact an astral light being.
How Do Light Beings Communicate?
An intriguing fact about light beings is their mode of communication. The fundamental basis behind interstellar communication is thought transference or telepathy. Aliens from other planets also communicate through telepathy. All higher dimensional beings live in an etheric form. Etheric reality is consciousness existing in higher realms or the fifth dimension. On Earth, consciousness is condensed and seen as a physical reality. In the third dimension, communication is either ‘heard’ or ‘written’. In the fifth dimension, communication is mind-to-mind.
For human beings, it is important to raise their body’s vibrational frequency. The higher our vibration, the higher our telepathic ability to communicate. Humans with an activated third eye chakra can easily connect with the thought forms of light beings.
Increased Contact With Light Beings
As earth undergoes several energetic upgrades, many people are reporting contacts with higher dimensional beings. Even Hollywood is fascinated by the alien phenomenon. Movies like Contact, Interstellar, and Transformers depict the stories of extraterrestrial contacts being made.
Earth’s frequency is rising and the unseen dimension is now magically opening up to the human eye. The metaphysical community is more aware of the unseen presence around us. Many mediums, channels, and healers are able to intuit the messages conveyed by higher dimensional beings. Light beings talk about harmony, love, and peace. Their message to us is clear. Surrender lower consciousness thought forms and beliefs, and embrace forgiveness and unconditional love.
Light Beings from Other Planets
Even aliens from other galaxies are light beings. They are spiritual beings capable of taking on any form. In their truest form, they are pure light with humanoid shape. In biblical terms, the stars of the universe signify angelic entities. The agenda of these angelic aliens is to help humanity evolve spiritually. They are here to assist the ascension of planet earth. Their constant interactions with humans are to open up our minds to the worlds beyond our own and to alter our genetic codes. These alien-angels seek to raise collective consciousness. When this happens mass enlightenment can take place. Eventually, we will see the ascension of our planet to a higher dimension.
Many people have seen UFO’s. Aliens use UFO’s as their transport for interstellar ride. UFO’s operate at a very high speed. In the higher dimensions they are invisible to us. When the UFO’s enter the Earth’s vibration which is very condensed and slow, they become visible. The very fact that we are able to see a UFO is itself a validation that we have spiritual mates on the other side. They are the harbinger of light and love on earth.
If we go back in time, our ancestors were very technologically advanced and highly spiritual in nature. Ancient India in 4000 B.C. and Atlantis are examples of highly evolved ancient societies. But due to the existence of some dark forces, consciousness of our planet declined resulting in separation and war. Now what is happening is an effort to lift the planetary consciousness. We have aliens or light beings as our helpers from the other side. They contact us to remind us of our spiritual nature. Many light beings are here to open our eyes to our latent psychic powers. As we access our multidimensional potential we, in turn, raise the vibration of our planet.
Light beings are showing us our true destination. A journey from darkness to love. And love is light!
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About the Author
Sunanda is a life coach, tarot reader, psychic and a published author. She has authored two books of inspirational genre, “Inspiration from the Spirit,” Part 1 and “Inspiration from the Spirit,” Part 2. These books are available on Amazon.com. Sunanda can be reached at www.sunandatarot.com

Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach from India. She is a member of Best American Psychics Team 2013, Member of Certified Psychic Society 2013 and Winner Tarot Super Achievers Award 2012 in India.