Personal Truth and the Soul Self

The Fine Alignment Between Personal Truth and the Soul Self
Do you desire to align your personal truth and soul self harmoniously?
There is a fine alignment which can be achieved to avoid feeling sluggish, fatigued, overwhelmed, and just plain unhappy. Are the thoughts and feelings you have been experiencing serving you?
What is Personal Truth?
Personal truth is what we believe. It is learned and accepted as “truth.” It is our perceptions, intentions, motivations, prayers, meditations, and mantras. Personal truth is subjective and individualized. It can bring happiness, or unhappiness. It can motivate or discourage. It’s comprised of thoughts, whether alone, or in the presence of others. It is an aspiration to live truthfully and honestly every day. It is all that would be said, if courageously aligned with it. It may appear to be an “alter ego; ” however it is personal truth.
What is the Soul Self?
Soul self is who we are. It is not about looks, an occupation, profession, or social status. It has nothing to do with nationality. It’s an internal voice or awareness. It can never be taken away, and it will never die, because it is immaterial and immortal. Think of the soul self as an authentic light that shines from within. Every soul has meaning, purpose, and a mission. It is part of our identity, which is why it is vitally important to align with it.
Aligning Personal Truth and the Soul Self
Sadly, some people go through their entire lives without ever aligning the two, or, for that matter, with either. Life may be filled with regret because they lacked the courage to listen to the callings of their soul. Many are afraid of not fitting in, or being judged. Happiness is difficult to achieve if the two are separated. If you are separated from your soul self, the result is a separation from God. This can happen when life’s hectic and often chaotic pace infiltrates the internal self.
Making an adjustment in perception
When things are turned upside-down, there can be a splendid view. Try looking at the situation from various angles. Play with it. When a particular perception creates a sense of hope or promise, keep moving in that direction. Continue taking steps towards what feels good. Feelings are indicators that you are “home.” Home is the place of rest, coupled with a sense of security. This is the fine alignment of personal truth and soul self.
Learn to live above circumstances, no matter what they are
Now that you have stepped out of the reality of the current situation, joyfully basking in beautiful, peaceful loving energy, practice going there every day. Make time to meditate or pray. Live and “be” in that space. If a moment feels fearful or aggravating, stop and breathe. Take a few deep cleansing breaths. Visualize and imagine all the tension floating away, as your soul fills each space with love.
Walk in truth, act in truth, and sing a beautiful song to the world
Feelings of empowerment, motivation, and inspiration will come rushing in. The deliberate intention of “being” harmoniously and gloriously aligned to personal truth, joyfully connected with soul self, results in feelings of hope, even in the darkest of times. Knowingly and with confidence walk towards your dreams, aspirations, and desires.
Hope provides the ability to glimpse at what is to come
When alignment between personal truth and soul self has been achieved, it is a bond to happiness, and abundance by divine design. You are no longer separated from it. Hope provides sight into a glorious and happy future.
Desires will be drawn to you
Hold only intentions, and thoughts of what is wanted. Practice gratitude and thankfulness every day. Choose to see a miracles, rather than grievances. Gratitude and thankfulness allow happiness to fill the space in this moment. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Be present. Practice gratitude while waiting patiently, and with expectancy for what will come.
Shift perception
Shifting perception is merely a matter of listening to your soul. Perceptions directly influence deposition, happiness, health and overall state of wellness. The only one that can change a perception of attitude is you. Change by being a mindful and deliberate creator of thoughts. Take focus off the storms. Place the focus on what is good.
Don’t be a slave to fear
You are a child of God. Knowing this, provides the capacity to surrender. Place everything of concern on the altar; God is in control. Do what needs to be done daily, knowing that everything will fall into place according to Gods perfect timing. Life is not always easy and predictable. There will be hills to climb, and dark valleys to journey through. What appears to be a terrible situation could be an opportunity to learn and grow. Think of a setback as a set-up for something even better. Mercy and grace will fill the space that was once occupied by worry; celebrate liberation from fear.
Look for beauty
When setting out to look for the beauty in the world and daily life, remain open to witnessing the splendor and blessings of God. Once we find God, we receive peace. The fine alignment of our personal truth and soul self helps us feel empowered to live victoriously and harmoniously.
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About the Author
Gia Dalton is an international visionary writer, speaker, coach, teacher, and intuitive life strategist, who is currently writing a book. A modern, Bohemian guru, she states, “My mission is to motivate, empower, and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty, and love, giving the Glory to God.”

Gia Dalton is an international visionary writer, speaker, coach, teacher and intuitive life strategist. Currently, she is writing a book. A modern, Bohemian guru, she states, "My mission is to motivate, empower and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty and love, giving the Glory to God."