Search Racism and Find the Truth!

Search Racism and Find the Truth!
In the Search Racism, Find the truth Campaign, courageous refugees stand up to far right hate preachers and their hateful videos and try to debunk their prejudices with hard facts, surprising revelations, and humor.
All the information about the campaign can be found under
Prejudice: »All refugees are terrorists.«
Prejudice: »All refugees are criminals.«
Prejudice: »They are lazy and dangerous.«
Prejudice: »Refugees don’t want to integrate themselves.«
Prejudice: »Only economic refugees are coming.«
Prejudice: »The refugees are only here for the money.«
Prejudice: »Living together in peace is endangered.«
Prejudice: »Along with refugees the rate of criminal activity will rise astronomically.«
Prejudice: »The refugees are stealing the jobs from German people.«
Najlaa doesn’t think much of prejudice, Najlaa only wants to survive. She has experienced a lot of things in her day to day life at »Refugees Welcome«. But nothing remotely like what the vicious hate preachers claim in their videos. That’s why it was important to »Refugees Welcome« to try to counteract this hate and prejudice. With the campaign »Search racism. Find truth.« they are taking a stand for more understanding. For a better future. For the refugees and for all of us.

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