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Is Western Astrology Part of the Matrix?

Is Western Astrology Part of the Matrix?


What if western astrology is actually part of the matrix control system that works tirelessly to keep us out of alignment from who we really are? Or at best, what if western astrology is all one great big misunderstanding that our collective pride just does not want to admit?


Western Astrology vs. Vedic Astrology

If you ask any astronomer where the constellations are located in the sky relative to Earth, the coordinates they give will match those given by vedic astrologers when calculating the position of the planets and stars. Vedic astrology and astronomy both point to the actual position of constellations in the sky relative to Earth. Western astrology does not. Western astrology is out of alignment by almost 30 degrees.

In both western and vedic astrology, the zodiac consists of 12 constellations, or groups of stars, from Aries to Pisces. Each zodiac sign covers 30 degrees of sky out of a total of 360 degrees. The constellations slowly move backwards from our perspective because of a phenomenon called the procession of the equinoxes. In the last 2,000 years the constellations in the sky have moved backwards almost 30 degrees, but western astrology has failed to account for this, resulting in an almost 30 degree discrepancy.

Around 2,000 years ago the position of the beginning of Aries happened to occur at the same time as the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere. But now if we look in the sky to see which constellation is on the horizon at the time of the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere, it’s actually Pisces.

Western astrologers try to convince us that this discrepancy has no bearing on our lives here on Earth. After all, they have a lot of their identity tied up in western astrology’s validity. It’s understandable that they would first defend it. Some will argue that our cosmic influence ends with the sun, and that everything beyond our sun is irrelevant to our everyday lives. This is gross misinformation.

The sun is a transducer of energy. It steps down energy received from the core of creation channeled through the vast star systems of the wider galaxy. Our solar system is minuscule in comparison to the wholeness of the galaxy, and that’s not to mention the galaxies beyond the Milky Way, which are tiny in comparison to the entire universe. Our physical sun is not independent, it is connected to all that is, and so are we. So to say that the energy from the stars channeled through our sun has no influence on our lives here on Earth is an unfortunate misunderstanding that could be costing us dearly.

This misunderstanding is part of what keeps us trapped in illusion. As human beings we are easily manipulated because we often accept information without doing our own research. This is how misinformation and mind control has spread in epidemic proportions. For those of us who are lightworkers on the path of ascension we must especially exercise common sense and logic. We must question everything logically and listen for the truth in our hearts.


What does this mean for lightworkers?

From a lightworker perspective we know that we are working with energies from the wider universe. We are aware that all the light we receive on Earth originates from the Creator, not our physical sun. We know that. We know we are multidimensional, galactic light beings helping to raise the level of consciousness on planet Earth. Logically, if we are tuning into the energy of the stars we had better know which stars are influencing the planet at all times. Many of us harness the moon’s phases to assist in personal and planetary healing. We focus our attention on the energies that are being transmitted through the sun and the moon from the stars beyond because this is how we ground cosmic energies into the Earth plane. We anchor them through our actions and intentions.

If the moon is actually receiving energy from Pisces but we focus our attention on Aries what happens to our efficiency as conduits for cosmic energy?

Let’s answer this by using the analogy of two water pipes that are badly fitted together. Some water will pour through from one pipe to the other, but lots will go to waste. This is what happens when we are out of alignment with true cosmic forces. As noble and pure as our intentions might be, most of our potential is being wasted. Most of the energy does not get grounded.

There will be resistance to this information, stemming from an unwillingness to detach from the identities we have formed based, for the most part, on our western sun signs. Those who have their sun in Sagittarius in western astrology are suddenly having to get their heads around being a Scorpio! It’s too much for some people to cope with, but as lightworkers cope with it we must. We have a job to channel cosmic energies into the Earth plane.

There are beings who will try to hold us back with misinformation, perpetuating what may well have started out as a misunderstanding, but is now a serious issue. Whether this misinformation was intentional doesn’t really matter. What matters now is that we return the Earth to alignment with the true harmonics of the universe.

See Also
2024 Cancer New Moon

There is no doubt that lightworkers all around the world are doing amazing work on all levels of creation. But we could be doing better. Those of us following western astrology for light-working purposes are out of alignment with true cosmic forces. We know that the sun does not just heat this planet, it transmits light codes from throughout the universe. As conduits grounding the energies into the Earth plane, it is important that we properly connect to the circuit so that energy can flow freely and unencumbered from the stars, to the sun and through us into the Earth plane.

Let’s remove all distortions caused by the false matrix system and return to Truth!

Let’s focus on what is important, and that is doing our best for Mother Gaia and all sentient beings living upon her. Let’s align with our full potential as conduits for galactic energies. If we do this, we can raise the collective consciousness on Earth and dissolve the false systems that have kept us trapped in a fear based existence. We must set aside our pride, take a step back and rectify the mistakes, misinformation and misunderstandings that plague the collective well-being. We must return to alignment with all that is.

Let’s look at the facts in a logical manner and be prepared to change. This is important for us all.

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About the Author

Ahtayaa Leigh is a Galactic Mayan starseed, Healer and Ascension Guide. Following the call of Spirit, she has traveled the world participating in light activations and planetary healing. Her life work is committed to helping others embody their full potential as magnificent Beings of Light. Learn more about her work at and connect with her on Facebook at Ahtayaa’s Gold Ray Healing.

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