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2016 Gemini New Moon

2016 Gemini New Moon

Astrology Forecast for the 2016 Gemini New Moon_omtimes

2016 Gemini New Moon

June 4-5, 2016

14 Gemini 53

7:59 PM PDT / 10:59 PM EDT / 2:59 AM GMT

Astrology Forecast for the 2016 Gemini New Moon

Strap on your bungee cord and hang on tight. And keep breathing. The 2016 Gemini New Moon is treating us to a glorious, bewildering, quick-changing kaleidoscope of emotions, challenges, and gifts.

This is not easy energy. It may be the most difficult of the year, to be honest. Gut level discomfort is off the charts. At times, it will feel like labor pains, or an alien exploding out of your chest. There’s no way out except through. Try to escape and a screaming crisis will plunge you back into the mess — or an unexpected boon will wet your eyes and renew faith and joy at simply being alive.

Experiences are a peak in every extreme, cycling in and out and often piling on each other in one discomfiting mess: Bliss and incredulity at dreams taking physical shape. Moments of connection so sweet they strain the heart’s ability to embrace them. Misunderstandings, panic, and specters of soul-crushing loss and calamity, heavy on finances and security.

Two monumental, interlocking configurations are responsible for the peculiar nature of the 2016 Gemini New Moon. One is a grand cross, a combination face-off and shoving match in the middle degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). The changeable, flexible nature of these signs is behind the every which way the character of events, impulses and life in general right now.

All year, three titans have been whipping up pressures, confusion and the need to go on instruments: Jupiter in Virgo (turbo-charged analyzing and clean up), Saturn in Sagittarius (rigidity vs. wisdom in life philosophy, issues of law and authority, plus invitations to act with integrity and accountability) and Neptune in Pisces (illusion, delusion, confusion, transcendence and connection with all that is). This 2016 Gemini New Moon fills the empty leg in the configuration and plays the pressure of a three-way shoving match to the four winds.


The cross simultaneously speeds up and stops time. It has us running in zillion directions, or in place, and yet immobilized. Circumstances change like sand dunes shifting in the wind. Emotions — this is a Moon event, remember? — are especially all over the map. It’s as if the entire human race has gone hormonal.

No easy or lasting resolution is possible with this, just yet. The challenge is to deal with each moment as it hits, and then confront the next on its own terms.

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Ground yourself firmly and deeply and you can exist the grace and suppleness of a reed through the 2016 Gemini New Moon and the weeks growing out of it. Fortunately, the skies are giving us an assist for exactly this, via the other monumental configuration. It connects to the grand cross at Jupiter in Virgo, the point that favors optimistic, expansive thinking and healthy boundaries. Jupiter is part of the free-flowing energy of a grand trine to Pluto in Capricorn (agent of unavoidable change transforming structures and foundations) and Mercury in Taurus (bringing communications down to terra firma and their most concrete, and the ruler of the 2016 Gemini New Moon).

This unimpeded current in earth roots the every-which-way energies in stabilizing, tangible and practical considerations. Uproar and delights alike are directly linked to real life and the real world. Just as much as disruptions and unwelcome developments have concrete ramifications and likely cost, so are dreams, artistry and relationships coming out of stardust and into physical form. Think: Star Trek characters materializing in the transporter in slo-mo.

Some of the transmissions may come in spurts, jerks and clouds of static. They are coming, however. Your mind’s eye is clouded. When it freaks out, sputters, panics, give it a task. (Cleaning is ideal. Seriously.) When you feel underlying calm in the face of a panic, trust your feelings. We’re flying on instruments. Foremost, with the heart.

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. “ — Antoine du Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.


Why is life so weird right now? Kathy is offering a special 30-minute session exploring that for you, available through June 30, 2016.

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