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The Aura & the Chakras

The Aura & the Chakras

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The Aura & the Chakras: An Intuitive Processing Unit

by Regina Chouza

The human body comes with a built-in processing unit that makes it possible for us to receive intuitive messages from angels, spirit guides, and our surroundings. It is known as the energy body; we can flex its muscles by working with the aura and the chakras in daily meditations.


The Chakras & Their Psychic Abilities

The chakras regulate the flow of life force energy in the physical, mental and emotional bodies. We can send healing to different spheres of life through the chakras, as they each govern a different aspect, for example, community, an appetite for life, or personal power. They are also the filters through which we receive psychic impressions from the universe.

Each of the chakras opens the door to a specific psychic ability:

~ The Root Chakra makes it possible for us to receive messages in the form of physical sensations, whether it is feeling the energy in crystals or feeling a constriction the physical body – perhaps tightness in the throat when it is best not to say the thought that is on the tip of your tongue.

~ The Sacral Chakra rules emotions and through it, we can get an intuitive sense of how other people feel. So for example, we might feel a loved one’s grief, though we can also feel emotions of strangers on the street.

~ The Solar Plexus Chakra holds our intuitive warning system, establishing boundaries and telling us when we need to keep our eyes open. It also makes it possible for us to manifest joyfully and with healthy self-esteem.

~ The Heart Chakra makes it possible for us to feel the love in the world, in our hearts, and also the love and support of our angels and spirit guides.

~ The Throat Chakra is linked with the psychic ability known as clairaudience; when we hear words as an answer to our prayers. It is linked with psychic smell and taste, which often come through in messages from loved ones.

~ The Brow Chakra, also known as the Third Eye, is where we experience clairvoyance – receiving images, visuals or pictures as intuitive messages.

~ Situated at the top of the head, the Crown Chakra is our connection to God and to the universe. Through it, we receive blocks of spiritual energy, which travels down our core through the rest of the Chakras. This triggers visuals in the Third Eye, sounds in the Throat and intuitions in the Heart.

The chakras send our personal vibrations out into the world, while simultaneously receiving impressions from our surroundings through the aura, also known as the human energy field.


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Tapping Into The Human Aura

Let’s picture a bubble of light around the human body. It is shaped like an egg and extends above the head, under the feet and out to the sides. This is what we refer to as the aura. On any given day, it will extend an arm’s length in any direction, though it varies from person to person. The aura is like a sponge; it absorbs the feelings associated with our day-to-day thoughts and interactions. When we activate it in meditation, it also takes on the role of a psychic sensor, receiving information from our surroundings which is then processed by the chakras, creating psychic impressions in the form of visions, sounds, feelings or thoughts.

There are as many layers to the aura as there are chakras, with estimates ranging from seven to 12. To keep it simple, we can work with seven layers, one for each of the main chakras. The first layer is closest to the body and it is energetically connected to the Root Chakra, governing our physical intuition. This layer makes it possible for us to feel our angels brush up against us, or to feel the vibrations in crystals. The second layer relates to emotional sensitivity. As is the case with all of the auric layers, it extends out from the physical body, past the layer that precedes it. The third is linked with the Solar Plexus Chakra, allowing us to receive warnings on our surroundings, and so on, through the seventh and final layer, which holds them all together.

While it can be difficult to sense the different auric layers at first, we can work with the power of intention to activate both the aura and the chakras in simple meditations. We also achieve great results by working our way up from the bottom as described in an earlier article called Psychic Development 101: Laying The Foundations. Stay tuned for the next in a series on psychic development – with guided meditations to awaken your psychic abilities.

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About the Author

Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Intuitive, and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love. At the moment, Regina is developing a healing technique that combines natal astrology, energy healing, and crystal magick. Join her email list to receive a free copy of her Chakra Healing & Magick eBook, here: For guided meditations:

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