Feng Shui: Distinguishing Between Love and Sex

The house is a dynamic space with energies inside which can attract or repel a wide variety of events and circumstances for occupants. People utilize Feng Shui principles and applications to improve their health and finances, but attracting love, maintaining healthy relationships, and better sex are also at the top of the list.
The Different Subtleties of Love, Sex, and Romance
When a consultant makes recommendations to help a client attract love and romance, often the process involves two agendas. One is to remove obstacles which can keep a person from attracting love and romance, and the other agenda is to create a productive, pro-active relationship between the house and the occupant so that they can attract love to them.
The vehicle we use here is the house itself, like a satellite dish.
The adjustments made can include how a person sleeps, where they spend most of their time, which entrance they use the most and adjusting the magnetic field of the various rooms to be more conducive to attracting another person. Most of these adjustments are non-obvious, although the New Age versions of Feng Shui have marketed the notion that you need to place romantic images and placebos around your house as reminders of your goal.
Is Distinguishing Attraction Up to Science?
Feng Shui is not always so specific in regards to whom, and how many people, may be attracted to the occupant, once adjustments have been made. We can suggest things that may heighten a person’s magnetism, but this cannot always be so discriminating as to channel the most appropriate person. Like pheromones, we can help a person be more sexually attractive or charismatic, but the quality of the person it draws in cannot be guaranteed. That is why some “Romance Remedies” are recommended, with disclaimers or with a cautionary note.
As an example, there is one Romance application that involves the placement of a vase of flowers in your house. The location is determined based on your Chinese zodiac sign, so it is unique to each person. One time I had a party at my home and a guest brought me a bouquet of flowers which I honestly just placed in my “romance” direction without even realizing it. In the following days, I received a couple of phone calls from ex-boyfriends, who I had no intention of reuniting with. I found it so amusing when I realized that I had possibly triggered this reaction without having done so consciously.
Is a Love Life Jump-Start in Your Stars?
It can be a little tricky when trying to help a person jump-start their love life because we often have to stimulate energies which can naturally increase sex attraction, and that can also result in betrayals or other bad behaviors. I’ve had older clients say to me, “I don’t want to just play around and have sex; I only want to attract a serious partner.” This is also a little harder to laser in on since personal destiny plays a part in whether or not a person will have an easy time or difficult time in experiencing a traditional type of relationship or marriage. In fact, I have sometimes referred my Feng Shui clients to one of my personal astrologers, to see if they are even in a time frame in their life when a serious relationship is a good possibility. With Feng Shui applications, we can speed things along that are meant to be, but we usually cannot override destiny.
As my teacher once said in a similar arena, Feng Shui can’t help a woman get pregnant if she has had her tubes tied. Nor can a person have an easy time meeting someone, all remedies aside, if they hide in their home and don’t make an effort to meet people. One thing I have noticed in a Xuan Kong Flying Star analysis is that sometimes we can tell whether the individual will meet someone away from their home or if the occupant will be pursued by someone who comes to the home. This can also reveal some clues when a person is having an affair.
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About the Author
Kartar Diamond is a classically trained Feng Shui practitioner since 1992 and is the author of several books. She helps many clients through her company, Feng Shui Solutions. Discover more at http://fengshuisolutions.net

Kartar Diamond grew up in Southern California in the 1970’s and always had an interest in metaphysics and holistic lifestyle choices. She met Master Sang in 1992 became one of his senior graduate instructors from the American Feng Shui Institute. Kartar founded her own company, Feng Shui Solutions, and has advised thousands of clients and students about the healthful benefits of this still greatly misunderstood practice.