Why Angels Have Wings

When I am being neglectful of my inner child and her need to be swaddled in the rainbow colors of love, all “hell” breaks out in my highly sensitive and very emotional being. As my vibration plummets, my mouth fills with fear. For me, fear has an almost indescribable taste. It is a mix of the saltiness of sorrow, sweetened with the intensity of guilt and then sharpened with the bitterness of shame. When I fall into fear, my misery strikes me like a lightning bolt, and then I remember to call for my Angels’ help. At this moment, as the love rushes in and lifts me up, I am reminded why Angels have wings!
Why Do Angels Have Wings?
The aura or energy field of an Angelic Being is vast and magnetic. This field of pure love envelopes the Angel and, at the same time, expands out like the hungry fingers of a healer searching to touch someone in pain. Always on call, Angels are assigned to help humanity expand their “wings,” their incredible and seemingly infinite field of love until they find the one who is afraid. Once their energy enfolds us with eternal love, we become illumined with the awareness that we are safe. Holding onto the truth that we are not alone helping to shift our minds and bodies out of fear and back into a place of inner strength and calm.
Angels, and their wings, come in many shapes and forms. We can feel the tangible love fill our hearts when we hug the great oak in the backyard or cuddle with the loyal pooch or kitty snuggled next to us. Other Angels are invisible to our human eyes unless we see them through the clairvoyance of the Divine Child within. Our helpers become visible when we enter the magical world of heart and Soul. Whether we see our winged friends or not, they work ceaselessly to shepherd us onto a gentler path than the fear-fraught one we often chose for ourselves. During times of emotional crisis, when we feel like we need to transform from a vulnerable larva to a glorious butterfly, we can ask to stand in the center of Oneness with the 12 Archangels.
We have winged guardians surrounding us, guiding us, protecting us, and pushing us forward in our evolution. We also have The 12 Archangels, our mentors here on Schoolroom Earth, where brave Souls learn how to discern the difference between the lowest vibration of fear and the highest vibration of unconditional love. The 12 Archangels are the bringers of the alchemy that fills our atoms with forgiveness for self, others, and God when we feel forsaken. As they fill us with the power to create positive change, they also expand their magnificent energy field beyond our comprehension. These big wings can embrace each of us, Planet Earth, and the Universe at the same moment.
As we stand together with the Archangels and our guardian Angels and soak in the colors of love that renew our energy fields, we can begin to spread our wings and soar with a higher power. Love is the power that will raise us up from the abyss of fear and trauma and move us into peaceful serenity. The blending of Angel and human wings of Light generates a beautiful healing power. The fusion of our loving vibrations reaches the Heart of God, and from the Heart of God, great waves of healing flow back to us and to our planet. This flow of love shifts School Room Earth up and out of the illusion of fear and the suffering it creates. One with our Angels, one with our Creator, we move from the vibration of hell to the vibration of Heaven. Now we can feel the amazing grace that comes from allowing ourselves to be helped. With this awareness and a real sense of security, we can feel safe to be the happy children of the Divine, full of joy and invincibility.
To experience this wonderful freedom, the 12 Archangels offer us a guided imagery exercise to experience the delight of being wrapped in the wings of Angels. To listen to this guided imagery exercise, “Soaring with Angels,” recorded with music, click here:
Audio PlayerPlease close your eyes and breathe in deeply and exhale slowly.
See a large purple door just in front of you. Open the door and walk through it into a lush green garden.
In the center of the garden is a great fountain of golden Light. This is the energy of Divine Love. When you touch the Light, it turns into gold stardust in your hands. Make a large circle with the golden stardust on the beautiful emerald green ground with the Divine Child that lives within your heart.
Invite your Angels and the 12 Archangels to stand together with you on the circle of golden Love Light. Then say, “I am sending my energy out from my heart. My wings are touching your wings. Your energy field is fusing with my energy field.”
Watch the energy flow around the circle. Feel the Love energy grow in strength. Then, the energy picks up speed. Reach out your arms and hold the hands of the Angel to your left and to your right. Feel your feet lift off the ground and soar high with the Angels. Say, “Thank you, Angels, for taking me to all places on the Earth where I need to sprinkle the golden stardust of Love.”
Wherever you go, sprinkle the golden stardust and give thanks for the resurrection and ascension of humankind.
And most importantly, smile at the sun and enjoy the journey!
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About the Author
Belinda J. Womack is the author of Lessons from the 12 Archangels, Divine Intervention in Daily Life. To learn more about Belinda, sign up to receive her complimentary meditation, learn about her “Healing Power of Angels” audio course, or schedule a private session, visit BelindaWomack.com. To watch the book trailer, go to: https://youtu.be/UgXb7z3Y1pk
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Belinda Womack is an Intuitive Problem Solver, Counselor, Inventor, Spiritual Messenger, Teacher, Dream Interpreter, Healing Facilitator, Author and Human Being.