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2016 Capricorn Full Moon

2016 Capricorn Full Moon


2016 Capricorn Full Moon – July 19, 2016

3:56 PM PDT / 6:56 PM EDT / 10:56 PM GMT

27 Cancer 40 / 27 Capricorn 20

2016 Capricorn Full Moon Audio Recording

To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2016 Capricorn Full Moon, click the player below:

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Astrology Forecast for the 2016 Capricorn Full Moon

The 2016 Capricorn Full Moon invites looking at the ground beneath your feet and where it’s leading. Remember that? You haven’t seen much of this year, what with the fog and dust and general wooziness that’s beset us all. It’s clamoring for attention now, though.

You’ve been regaining awareness of it over the past couple of weeks, which have felt like coming out of a daze, or a dream. The Cancer New Moon brought you to with a good, long soak in emotional needs and impulses, mostly your own. The effect is still with you. They have sensitized you, awakened your inner child and molded the way you are viewing and experiencing the fundamentals in your life.

Aren’t you more attuned to what feels safe and secure, what nourishes you, and what does not? Recently this focus has been on immediate nurturing (and wishing someone would deliver it). The 2016 Capricorn Full Moon shifts the questions to how to provide for and safeguard sustenance for the long haul.


Discover More about the 2016 Capricorn Full Moon

Now that the fog is clearing, what exactly is beneath your feet? What’s it made of? How stable and supportive are your foundations and the structures in your life? More importantly, how do they feel? Solid? Rickety? Warm and fuzzy? Cold? Do they have staying power? Even if the answer is yes, this is a time to consider whether you really want them.

The same questions are coming up about your goals, as well as all the work you’re putting out. Are you seeing solid results from the efforts you’ve been expending? Are they leading anywhere? Anywhere you want to go?


Answering the questions may put you through a cold calculation. This is “Santa Baby” territory, which prefers long term value to fleeting pleasures.

You might not entirely trust your assessments. The 2016 Capricorn Full Moon’s ruler, Saturn, is still squaring transcendent Neptune, and with the ruler of form clashing with the ruler of all that is formless, cosmic fog does cloud perceptions. Still, honor your emotions; trust your instinctive reactions.

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And much as you might prefer to be the baby, this is the time to be the adult in the room. Or, at least to look around and see if any adults are present.

This Moon has enormous incentive for you to step up and be the adult. To take responsibility for your long-term security. To protect and provide for your inner child, and make up for the shortfalls it (and you) have experienced throughout your life. And very possibly, to recognize allies who have stood the test of time — or are up to standing by you for the long haul.


What to Expect from the 2016 Capricorn Full Moon

An elixir of nurturing, motivation and healing is coursing through the skies, because of the open current, or grand trine, from the Cancer Sun to Mars in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces. (The latter two bodies are pouring cooperation directly into the Capricorn Moon as well.) The mix fosters bold, fearless, loving resolve and follow through, whether that’s baring our heart to another or cutting a connection for the good of all concerned. With Mars making its third pass since spring over the final degrees of Scorpio, the healing coming off the action is penetrating to the max, extending to deep, scary, scarred places we have kept hidden, even from ourselves.

The lineup also favors connections with a therapeutic impact on our core and abiding wounds. They are in line with the approach of Imago therapy, pioneered by Harville Hendrix: that we work out childhood issues in our closest adult relationships, and can experience healing when a partner provides the special flavor of love and understanding we didn’t receive from a parent. If you sense a relationship has this potential, brave and gentle candor may pay off in profound and lasting value. Or it may reveal that your sense was misplaced. Either outcome ultimately furthers and strengthens your emotional bottom line.


Whatever the nature of this 2016 Capricorn Full Moon’s status report, action is likely to follow. We’re running situations and goals through the filter of the heart and evaluating whether they make us feel good, safe or secure — or worth the effort. Then responding. Watch for a flurry of airing and removing anything that might threaten foundations or structures (rot, decay, debris, termite damage, phobias, assorted crazy talk). Watch yourself sort through your life with a steely eye. You’re watching out for your inner child, as well as for your future.

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