Astropsychological Forecast for 7/17 to 7/23

Astropsychological Forecast for 7/17 to 7/23
By Christos Archos M.Sc
Astropsychological Forecast is the Astral Interpretation of the influence of the stars on our wellbeing. This week helps us to provide to ourselves the opportunity to change in many ways. Strong Sun aspects help us to know better ourselves but also to start new interest things but also to complete many projects we have begun before. It is vital to remember that we will have two inconjuctions one with Neptune and Venus and the other with Mercury and Pluto, those inconjuctions help us to stop bad habits but also to stop giving in excess to the others without providing to us the basic emotional and material comfort.
7.17 Sun Sesquiquadrate Saturn Today we may feel inhibited and that we don’t have a lot of chances to work and to be productive. People with low self-worth should care more about themselves because it is an aspect that brings inferiority problems. People with melancholic also tendencies should also try not to lean towards bad thoughts and families with problematic father figures may have increased conflicts. This is especially for 3rd Decanate of Cancer and 2nd decanate of Sagittarius
7.18 Sun Sesquiquadrate Neptune This is a day where we may feel tired and that our spiritual abilities are not helping but on the contrary blur more our lives. We need to pay attention to our center and not get lost on weird ideas. Another catch is not to try to submit to lies in our life. The biggest lives my friends are those we say to ourselves, so it is very important to try to protect yourselves from these mistakes. This is especially for 3rd decanate of Cancer and 2nd Decanate of Pisces.
7.19 Mercury trine Saturn This is an aspect that helps a lot of people to control better their thoughts. Sometimes our minds are polluting our own selves, and we create problems where there is no problem at all. This aspect will help us to change the way we react to others avoiding conflict for no purpose and building bridges between people we had severe conflicts. This is especially for 2nd decanate of Leo and Sagittarius
Full Moon in Capricorn This Full Moon will help people to understand better their family problems, and I think its one of the best days of family therapy. Moon in Capricorn will help us to understand our trauma and to be able to recover from it. The chart of the full moon also brings the danger of relapse in several things so avoid being close to things or thoughts that may lead you to copy old behaviors and attitudes. This is especially for 3rs decanate of Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
Mercury Inconjuction Neptune Sometimes we get to have paranoid thoughts about things, other times we think that people or situations will harm us. There are also times where we don’t have conduct with the reality. This is an aspect that helps a lot of people to come in touch with logic and to understand what is the truth in their lives. On the other hand, those seeing dreams may feel very happy cause it is an aspect that awakens a lot the subconscious and will help people to understand better their inner selves. This is especially for 2nd decanate of Leo and Pisces
7.20 Venus Trine Saturn This is a great aspect that will help us to organize better our emotional lives but also to understand better what makes us happy and complete. It is of great important to understand also our limits and to know how to react when someone tries to break those limits. For relationships with severe problems, it is a good aspect that may help to prioritize the problems they have and to solve their disagreements. People with problem expressing their emotions may found this day even more disturbing. This is especially for the 2nd decanate of Leo – Sagittarius
7.21 Venus Inconjuct Neptune This is a great aspect if you are into a relationship that it causes you more problems that happiness. There is a time in our life that we stop seeing a fairytale, and we understand that all this time it was, in fact, a nightmare. This in conjunction helps us to break down the bonds we have with people treating us badly and finding our freedom from the prison of insecurity. This is especially for the 2nd decanate of Leo – Pisces
7.22 Mercury inconjunct Pluto
Another Cathartic aspect that helps us to stop thinking obsessively and to have destructive tendencies with our minds. This aspect is very good for people who want to stop smoking or an idea that is haunting them for lots of time and brings them pain and doubt. Deep in us there is always a need for more power and control can we change and relieve ourselves and others from the thirst for power?
This is especially for the 2nd decanate of Leo – Capricorn

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