Astropsychological Forecast 24 – 30 July

The Astropsychological Forecast for the Week of July 24 – 30
By Christos Archos M.Sc
The Astropsychological Forecast shows this is a week that will help us to develop our plans but also to obtain our personal freedom. We do not have a lot of aspects, but the message is clear, we need to stop our vampiric relations and start to care for ourselves and the others. Relationships based on vampire traits will end this week, so this is a very good period If you want to go further in your life and to find peace in your personal relationships.
The small aspect that we don’t analyze here like Mercury Semisextiles Jupiter and Venus semisextile Jupiter will help us have positive thinking and to overcome problems related to mood disorders or existential crises.
7.24 Venus inconjuct Pluto
This is an aspect that will help people to stop forceful and decadent relationships. Fear of losing things may arise, and we may be in a place where dangerous emotions may come because of the
instinct of survivability and of the need not to lose things that in the past (but not now) gave us comfort. Passions will be going to end because people will understand that relationships are not based on eating our companion’s energy.
This will affect a lot Leo and Capricorn of Second Decanate
7.27 Mercury trine Uranus
This is a very good aspect that will help us to find solutions on our lives. The search for independence is very important here, and many people will reach their freedom through thinking and revolutionary actions. It is a golden period for us all to understand what is best for us and leave all this old and bad habits that do not let us feel happy
This will affect 3rd decanate of Signs of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
7.27 Mercury square Mars
Sometimes we may feel more irritated than other times. Things that we did not consider bad we may feel that are not so good and anger may come. We need to be careful of the aggressive behavior we are going to have, and caution is advised to couples that have severe problems and their communication channels are broken. We need to be calm and cautious in our thinking and behavior because extreme violence may come.
This will affect the 3rd decanate of fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius)
7.30 Mercury enters Virgo
This is a very good position because we will feel that our minds can analyze and solve any problems of our everyday life. Mercury in Virgo will help us understand basic mistakes we do in our routine and is an excellent period for us to change bad habits in food and our behavior.
This will affect a lot the signs of earth and mutable ones.
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