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10 Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar

10 Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar


by Gyanunlimited

Do You Know the 10 Health Benefits of Sun Salutation, the Sun Salutation?

Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, Can Help Externally

Enhances skin beauty: One can perform Sun salutation for beauty, healthy and glowing skin. Surya Namaskar is an effective means for having beautiful skin and fair complexion. The practice enables to eliminate sufficient amount of waste products through the skin. It makes the person sweat profusely, which ensures removal of accumulated toxins through the skin, thus preventing pimples and boils. The module results in increased perspiration thereby release toxins. This is an excellent method of acquiring a fresh and fair complexion.

Prevents hair loss: There are many Yoga postures in Surya Namaskar that increase blood circulation to the scalp region. Yoga exercises like Parvatasana (Mountain pose), Padhastasana (the forward bending pose) enhances blood supply to the head area thus give massage to the scalp thereby beneficial in the prevention of hair loss and graying of hair.

Weight Loss: Sun salutation is the useful tool to shed extra calories. It is helpful for those trying to reduce tummy fat. All the yoga poses of this module facilitate adequate stretching, twisting and compressing of the entire body thus proves useful for weight loss regime. This is excellent practice for those who are longing for weight loss thus has been the part of power yoga too.


Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, Can Help Internally

Improves digestion: This method alternately stretched and compressed the body organs including the stomach. It imparts better massage to the digestive system and encourages to work efficiently. By regular practice of this module helps to remove and prevent many diseases and disorders of the alimentary canal. It stimulates peristalsis of the intestines and removes waste products from the body.

Smooth kidney functions: The practice gently massages the kidneys, increasing their supply of blood as well as speeds up the circulation of blood throughout the body. Regular practice of sun salutation encourages the organ to work efficiently, which also leads to filtration of blood through these organs.

Good for heart: The method increases the heart beat and the working of the whole circulatory system. It is good to remove waste products from the body and ensures efficient human heart function. All the cells and tissues of the body receive fresh oxygen and nutrients that lead to healthy and vitality of the body. It encourages the lymphatic system to work more prominently thus helps in combating germs, bacteria, and illness.


Achieve Greater Balance with Surya Namaskar

Improves lungs function: The practice of this module helps in optimum utilization of the lungs and the respiratory system. It appropriately expands and contracts the air sacs or alveoli of the lungs, prevents building up of germs and many diseases of the respiratory system. The lungs completely emptied from polluted air and the brain gets fresh oxygen, which makes the person full of energy and vigor.

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Corrects hormonal imbalance: Surya Namaskar harmonizes the different endocrine glands. It helps to remove any irregularities of such glands, which further improve their blood flow.

Tones the nerves and nervous system: It gently stretched, massaged and stimulated the nerves of the entire body. The better health of the nerves determines the efficient working of organs and muscles of the body system. Surya Namaskar tones up all these muscles and nerves and awakens the brain centers.

Helps in muscles loosening: It invigorates all the muscles of the body and offers intense stretching to the whole body. The expansion and contraction of muscles assist in the redirection of impure blood to the kidney and the lungs. This is the best module for a loosening of muscles and removes stiffness from the body and considered as the best possible exercise which seeks a healthy living.


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