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Free Avatar Hour

Free Avatar Hour


Schedule a COMPLIMENTARY Avatar Hour!

Power of Avatar with Ariela Sarai

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Click the logo to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY Avatar Hour

Have you been trying to make changes, but still end up stuck in the same place?

Does your busy mind keep taking over?

Are you putting off what is most important to you?

Avatar is a self-empowerment course that enables people to truly free themselves from old patterns and make lasting foundational changes. There are weekend workshops and 9-day courses around the world. Students receive individual attention throughout the course as they learn the tools to clear their minds and direct their lives. I have guided hundreds of people through this course over the last 17 years. It is my greatest joy to introduce people to this work. I invite you to schedule a Complimentary personal Avatar Hour. You will learn tools to experience more clarity, better focus, and freedom from negativity.

Click HERE to schedule a COMPLIMENTARY Avatar Hour!



“Where to begin? The Avatar coursework has changed my life. As a serious spiritual student for over 15 yrs and a licensed spiritual counselor, I thought I’d been exposed to just about all the powerful tools and teachers on the market. How wrong I was. Apparently, I was saving the best for last. These are truly paradigm-busting tools. Ariela listens and guides with compassion, yet stands firm, knowing you can play bigger in your own life. The result? You see the world differently, as though the veil has been lifted and you are free. I made some major life decisions that were long overdue, and my indecisiveness had been toxic to many around me. Avatar helped free us all. I simply cannot express the power of this whole experience, for which I will be forever grateful.”

Linda Albright, Spiritual Counselor and Business Coach, Hartford, CT

See Also

“Avatar provides an amazing combination of spirituality and tools for real people living in the real world. I use the tools daily to stay present, focused, and happy. There are no words to describe how my life has improved since Avatar. Ariela has supported me through my challenges, successes, and transitions. She is honestly committed to each person’s success.”

~ Ivonne Zucco, Director of a Crisis Counseling Center, Stamford, CT

“Thank you for your tenacious and loving commitment to helping me uncover the true me. I feel like a bright and shiny jewel. And, best of all, I have the tools to keep myself clean and shiny.”

Kate Law, Business Owner, Roanoke, VA

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