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The Key to Removing Unwanted Entities

The Key to Removing Unwanted Entities

Entities OMTimes

Do you feel that negative entities are feeding on you?

Remove the Unwanted Entities that Have Attached Themselves to You



From one lifetime to the next, we inevitably pick up hitchhikers. These come along with us for the ride on the journey of our soul. Unwanted thought forms and negative entities make their way into creation as a byproduct of the illusion of separation from divinity. Separation birthed fear and negative entities were born from that fear. It is fear they need to sustain themselves. Unwanted entities attach to human hosts that can provide this sustenance for them. Negative entities will even attempt to induce fear in us to keep their ‘food’ supply going.

Fear is not a natural state of being for humans and so is the cause of much sickness of mind, body, and soul. We were born from Love, and so it is Love that we need to heal and thrive. The push and pull between fear and love produce traumas at the soul level.

This causes us to manifest fearful situations, allowing fear to multiply. Fear increases the ‘food’ supply and perceived strength of the negative entities attached to us. In moments of intense fear, parts of ourselves become fractured. This leaves us at odds with ourselves, swimming in a sea of discordant energies.

These traumas and parasites often cling to us through many lifetimes. They weigh us down and keep us from manifesting our highest good. We feel these effects physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Not all energies we carry are necessarily ‘bad’ or malicious. Some are the result of deep emotional bonds with lovers or family members that leave residual energy in our field, usually unbeknownst to either party. Whilst we may think there is no harm in these types of energies being in our field, we must release them not only for our own good but for the good of those to whom the energy belongs. In order for us to become pure beings of Light we must release all energies that do not belong to us ‘good’ or ‘bad, and we must reintegrate all energies we have left behind throughout our many lifetimes. Our mission in life is simple. It’s to become whole within and unified with the Creator/Universe/All That Is.

Much attention has been given to the subject of mind parasites in recent years. This is not surprising, given that we are in the middle of a mass purification process whereby all that is hidden is revealed. Parasites of all kinds are very good at hiding to ensure their survival. Whilst not always a popular subject amongst energy workers, it is nonetheless vital that we remove negative thought forms and entities from our experience. We can allow more Light into our multidimensional bodies.

The Golden Ray of Unity Consciousness that is streaming into the Earth plane from the Great Central Sun is now supporting the mass cleansing of these entities. This means we are being supported to rid ourselves of all parasites with greater ease. As we raise our vibration we become more empathetic. This means that any emotions that do not serve us are becoming more apparent.

It’s important not to be afraid of malicious entity attachments because (a), fear is what feeds them, and (b) they have no power over us unless we give it to them. As soon as we see them for what they truly are, which is inherently weak, powerless parasites that cannot survive without our compliance, they no longer have any power over us. They rely on the illusion to survive.

The best time to rid ourselves of both mind parasites and physical parasites is beginning at the full moon through the waning moon until the new moon. Research shows this is when they are most active, and it is common knowledge that incidents of hospitalization peak during a full moon.

Be aware that discordant energies are not personal. They are merely impure thought forms fighting to survive. If you’re sad inside, even if outwardly happy, they will pick up on this vibration. Often when we are not living our truth we are susceptible to entities.

So, what is the key? Truth. All fears can be traced back to the moment of the illusory separation from the divine. The truth is there is no separation. When we realize and embody this truth, we are 99% of the way to ridding ourselves of all discordant energies. Separation is merely a misunderstanding with no-one to really blame.

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If we keep this in mind while requesting that all entities be released from our field, we can genuinely release that which does not serve us without judgment and with unconditional love. When we each embody our soul’s truth of unity with the divine, everything that is not in alignment will be dissolved by the light.


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About the Author

Ahtayaa Leigh is a Spiritual Alchemist, Gold Ray Energy Healer, and creator of the Energy Healing Practitioner Course.

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