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Luca Bosurgi: Mind Fitness Lab

Luca Bosurgi: Mind Fitness Lab

Luca Bosurgi_omtimes

An Interview with Luca Bosurgi: Mind Fitness Lab

Luca Bosurgi_Cover_OmtimesLuca Bosurgi was born to an Italian Aristocratic family in Rome, Italy, descendants of the Marquis Bosurgi with a 1,200 history rich in art, engineering and enterprise. In 1850, Luca’s grandfather invented concentrated orange juice, establishing himself as one of the first Italian Industrialists. Luca’s history is an eclectic mix of experiences that meshes perfectly with his passion for increasing human happiness and self-reliance. At an early age, Luca Bosurgi began receiving extensive spiritual teachings from a channeled holy master. By the time he was becoming an adult, Luca had acquired groundbreaking knowledge about the meaning of life, the spirit-mind hierarchy, the mechanics of the mind and how it relates to humanity’s journey of spiritual evolution. At 23, Luca was called on to rescue his family company, Sanderson & Sons in Messina, Sicily. In three years, Luca saved 1,500 jobs and secured the continued production of approximately 25,000 citrus farmers. This experience launched Luca into his first career, investment banking. But in 2005, after more than two decades of sharing his life between his healing mission and the world of banking, he sold his business and moved to Los Angeles to establish his Bosurgi Method™ School and Los Angeles practice. This began Luca’s 10-year-long journey towards perfecting the life-changing Bosurgi Method™, which enables people to live an emotionally independent life. In 2014, Luca Bosurgi identified Virtual Reality as an effective channel to bring the Bosurgi Method™ to the general public and in this interview, he will share why this is so revolutionary.

OMTIMES: How do you feel you can change the world?

Luca Bosurgi: I spent most of my life exploring the beauties, the purposes and the needs of the mind. The mind revolution initiated by consumerism in the 60s gave us the unprecedented freedom to choose the way we like to live, the food we like to eat, the relationships in which we like to engage, and the work we like to do. This new liberty of choices represents, in my opinion, the most relevant and exciting upgrade in the history of humanity – but it also changed the way we think. Today we process daily the same amount of data that our great grandparents were processing throughout their entire lives. This new data-driven thinking allows us unlimited options and unprecedented accomplishments but requires careful management to be safe and effective. The most powerful discovery, however, was the awareness that our mind requires our leadership and emotional self-reliance to function efficiently. Without our drive, our mind will seek leadership and emotional supply from external sources, relying on daunting emotional co-dependency. Until recently self-leadership and mind control were reserved for masters, but the mind revolution has extended the need for personal empowerment for the masses. Now more than ever, each one of us needs to learn how to lead our minds, managing thoughts, emotions, and feelings, to avoid falling into confusion and chaos. That’s the reason why self-help books, motivational speakers, and mind/body control modalities like mindfulness and yoga are flourishing. This discovery propelled my life mission for finding solutions to emotional dependency and… I did. I guess that the power of my method is the focus on emotional independence.

OMTIMES: I can see you are very passionate about this, what does it mean to you personally to bring this to humanity?

Luca Bosurgi: My vision is to help create a community of psychologically independent, high-performing, emotionally self-sufficient people. Together, we can create an interdependent society of people – based on being, instead of trying to be; on choosing, instead of being chosen; on our real identities instead of the ones mirroring external expectations. We can help millions to free their mind from fears and thereby enhance their performance and compassionate intelligence, so as to move our communities into the next wave of inventions, accomplishments and, most importantly, harmonious accord. I’d like to ask all of you to join me in this mission of bringing this knowledge of self-leadership and emotional freedom to your children, friends, and family, showing them the natural self-reliance that allows emotional freedom and unconditional happiness.

OMTIMES: Are you considering helping unprivileged people with your method?

Luca Bosurgi: Sure! We will eventually offer our mind-healing solutions to jails, youth institutes and programs for the underprivileged, and we have, in fact, already designed mobile units for this purpose. Imagine the reduction in drugs and alcohol related crimes that we will be able to facilitate! I can’t wait to see this happening.

OMTIMES: How are people responding to this Virtual Reality product?

Luca Bosurgi: People love the product – they love the immersive environment, the ability to experience virtual reality, but mostly they love the results. The results are not subtle in most cases; instead, they are apparent and have an immediate impact.

OMTIMES: How do you see emotional co-dependency play out in the world with people and our society as a whole?

Luca Bosurgi: I believe that we are born emotionally dependent. This is the natural protection that keeps us reliant on our parents during the vulnerable childhood period. We are meant to become emotionally independent just before puberty and refine this skill during the teenage period. Unfortunately, most parents do not experience suitable models to guide us toward emotional independence during childhood; therefore, when it becomes time to release their parental duty, instead of empowering ourselves with self-reliance, we transfer our emotional needs from our parents to the people around us. This is the cause of emotional dependence. An emotionally dependent person experiences all the fears and anxiety determined by the need for love and validation from partners, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, etc. This includes fear of rejection, judgment, poor confidence, emotional pain, emotional numbness, narcissism, and results in feelings being overwhelmed, poor performances, addictions and in extreme cases depression.

OMTIMES: What is The Bosurgi Method™

Luca Bosurgi: The Bosurgi Method™ is a fast, effortless and fun home therapy that accelerates the path toward emotional freedom. This is obtained by offering to the user’s mind the clarity Luca Bosurgi_omtimesthat we were meant to receive from our parents during childhood and the tools to implement it. Our mind is always striving for the “Natural Order”, which is maximum security and best efficiency – therefore as soon as it identifies a safer and more efficient solution, it will immediately move to that option.

OMTIMES: How did The Bosurgi Method™ come to be, and why It is so effective?

Luca Bosurgi: The Bosurgi Method is based on the theory that the mind always strives for perfection, implementing and choosing behaviors that grant the best possible responses to daily events. Optimal responses are selected by the mind to maximize the safety and efficiency required by the occurrence. It took ten years and 25,000 hours of research and testing to get this level of results. The main challenge was to build an efficient communication protocol able to speak to the mind, solely focused on emotional dependency. Then, the advance in technology provided by Virtual Reality offered a perfect learning environment for the delivery of the protocol. In our informal testing with hundreds of clients during the past four years, they are reporting 95% noticeable-to-life altering change after going through the Bosurgi Method. Of these, approximately 50% of the users claimed to experience life-altering results. The Bosurgi Method™ uses a proprietary protocol to help the mind identify self-reliant models; the same ones that we were supposed to receive by our parents. As soon as this new clarity is implemented, the Bosurgi Method™ helps the mind to archive the now-obsolete behaviors. This is a process that reviews a period of our lives in search of obsolete behavioral responses, actions, thoughts or feelings done or experienced in consequence of the old emotionally dependent models. As soon as these are retrieved, the mind makes the required behavioral updates, so that in a future event, these responses are in tune with the new model of self-reliance. These processes are subliminal and effortless and do not require events to be remembered; the mind is like a computer – it doesn’t need to recreate images and sounds; it can browse through millions of events in a fraction of a second. It may seem very complex, but in reality, the Bosurgi Method™ only helps the mind to accelerate the same evolutionary process that we use to learn and improve.

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OMTIMES: Who is a candidate to use this?

Luca Bosurgi: anyone seeking personal growth and who likes to improve his or her emotional state, or desires to increase the ability to perform and experience unconditional happiness. I know that sounds like a very broad statement, but we all have emotional challenges originating from some dependency. We can all use stronger self-leadership, refine our emotional self-reliance and improve our self-driving skills. The Bosurgi Method™ is also a powerful tool to remove traumas and capitalize on the consequences of challenging childhoods.

OMTIMES: Why is this application of Virtual Reality so groundbreaking?

Luca Bosurgi: The Bosurgi Method™ Virtual Reality is the culmination of years of work and vision. Technical advancements in cellular phone processing and virtual reality created the perfect delivery mechanism for the Bosurgi Method™ to the world. With these advancements, the full healing potential of the Bosurgi Method™ can now be delivered to millions of people throughout the world at a cost and location that almost everyone can afford.

Virtual Reality is mainly used for interactive entertainment, but it has much more value to it. It engages our two main senses in a fully immersive setting that replicates the way we learn naturally, through experiences. It also offers captivating visuals able to calm the mind and keep it focused on the experience. We enhance this learning environment by guiding the mind into the theta state, the same state used by Buddhist Monks for the mind and spiritual development work.

OMTIMES: How is this different from general meditation or mindfulness Virtual Reality products?

Luca Bosurgi: The simplest answer to this question is that general meditation and mindfulness products have a general purpose of relaxation–focusing and reducing stress. We use the same theta state and the Virtual Reality immersive environment as a vehicle to channel our proprietary therapeutic communication protocol. This is what makes the Bosurgi Method™ a therapy – and this is fundamentally what makes us different. OMTIMES: There are lots of spiritual leaders, healers, and personal growth experts offering their products and processes in the world – why is this different? Luca Bosurgi: There are wonderful teachers and healers in this world. I’ve met many of them, and they have earned my respect. But their work is different. They focus on releasing symptoms with teaching, energy work, and/or relaxation techniques. Our only focus is helping our users to gain emotional independence to clear the rut of problematic issues.

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