A Message from the Creator of the Universe
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Has someONE been trying to send you a message?
The Creator of the Universe Sends Messages All the Time
And there it is, a big, profound message disguised as a trivial little text. This may not be the mystical, magical way we have envisioned a message from the Creator of the Universe would arrive. A message of such importance needs a grandiose entrance with trumpets and horns. Not necessarily….
Scratching our head, we wonder how in the world a text message could clearly illuminate life at that moment. Although cleverly disguised as an innocent text, it’s hardly menial. It could have been ridiculously infantile, yet oddly, divinely orchestrated to be a catalyst for tremendous change. The world stands still. We catch our breath, realizing things need to change, as years, months and moments flashed before our eyes.
Staying in a secure place may offer a sense of stability, but we can stagnate. If you feel a calling to be more, heed that call. Messages in any form, are meant to initiate “becoming.” They are asking us to change, evolve, and grow.
A Message, When You Least Expect It
Overcoming Fear. It often takes a wake-up call to get our attention. Many people are living in a state of self-imposed bondage. Afraid to move forward. More afraid to stay where they are. Perhaps the old “I am not good enough” tapes are playing. Those recordings are not from the Creator the Universe. As God knows we were born to be victorious, and abundant, confidently moving in the direction of our dreams. Which is why messages are sent in the first place. God wants our attention.
How to live the life you’ve always dreamed. Start by being the kind of person you’d like to meet in the world. Become a masterful creator. Plant unique, visionary seeds of greatness. With powerful intention, determination, and an unshakable belief, everything desired will be harvested.
Make bold proclamations, while standing firmly planted, and grounded with intention. Walk with an expectancy of mercy and grace. Chin up and shoulders back. Don’t be afraid to walk away from anything or anyone that is not aligned in truth. Everyone has a journey, and yours is equally important.
Material possessions are not at the center. We can’t buy love, good health, character or a giving heart. Who we are is not connected to what we have. The only thing that matters are the people we love. The love we share and the legacy left behind.
Dreams. Are you a healer, teacher or a missionary? Remember, that is what you do. It is not who you are. Perhaps you feel like Julia Robert’s in the movie Eat, Pray, Love. You are a woman, or man, in search of a word. Have fun discovering your word. Dream big!
An innocent text message could be the proverbial bully, pushing, taunting, challenging us to turn the page. Maybe it’s a post or an article you read. Everything, and anything, that catches our attention is a message. Nothing is coincidental. No longer can we remain in the current chapter. To do so would be a serious injustice. This is why…
Why Recognizing A Message is So Vital
People are in hospitals fighting to live. Wishing they could have one more day to take a walk with loved ones. To feel the warm sun. To dance in the rain, smell fresh cut grass, and lilacs. They want one day without doctors, medication, and pain. To just be. To live. They wish they had taken more chances, gone after dreams, turned the page when they had the opportunity. They think about what they’d like to do when they get better. How sweet life will be.
You may not get a text; however, a message will arrive. A sign, signal from the Universe begging you to pay attention or life could pass you by. We can’t rewrite a previous chapter. But we can boldly turn the page.
Live from a joyful perspective. In a place of knowing, believing and allowing life to beautifully unfold. Most importantly don’t put off happiness any longer. Make changes today. Move towards what makes you happy, and leave unhappiness behind.
Have you received a message from the Creator of the Universe? Continuously, they are sent. We are blessed to be alive. Practice gratitude. Be the change you’d like to see in the world. Live like there is no tomorrow. A new glorious chapter begins today.
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About the Author
Gia Dalton is an international visionary writer, speaker, coach, teacher, and intuitive life strategist, who is currently writing a book. A modern, Bohemian guru, she states, “My mission is to motivate, empower, and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty, and love, giving the Glory to God.”
Gia Dalton is an international visionary writer, speaker, coach, teacher and intuitive life strategist. Currently, she is writing a book. A modern, Bohemian guru, she states, "My mission is to motivate, empower and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty and love, giving the Glory to God."