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12 Archangels Prosperity Breakthrough

12 Archangels Prosperity Breakthrough


The 12 Archangels of the Central Sun have a deep and vast well of knowledge. They understand our human concerns because they are the creators of School Room Earth, this amazing dust speck in the Universe where Souls come to experience fear and transform it with Love. The 12 Archangels are also our guidance counselors, along with the Ascended Masters, loved ones in Heaven and many other super intelligent beings of Light. In addition to all the other aspects of daily life that they help us with, our committee of instructors also offer their teaching on how to solve our cash flow problems.

Perhaps we desire to experience financial freedom so we can play more and realize a greater freedom in our daily lives. Maybe we would like the resources to help more people or to expand our businesses. Whatever the motivation might be, we deserve to break free from our current limitations that seem like they are all about money. …If only we had more resources then we would be able to do what we need and want to do, right? According to the 12 Archangels, money is never the real issue. Therefore, to solve the problem and allow ourselves to experience true prosperity, we need to understand what is really going on when funds are in short supply. The Archangels know how to help and offer us this channeling.


12 Archangels Prosperity Breakthrough – Channeled by the 12 Archangels

In your society, it may seem verifiable that money solves many problems. It is a logical assumption of your ego that having money would surely resolve your current state of pain and discomfort. We say to you that your lack of cash is a signal to your conscious mind that your subconscious believes that you are unworthy to receive from God. The root of unworthiness is a hurt so deep that only Divine Love can heal it. This hurt of abandonment is the feeling that you are here to endure life on Earth, while God is far away and completely oblivious to your pain.

Healing the wound of separation between humans and God is a process that opens you to receive. Prosperity flows into your life like a river that has no beginning or end. Every incarnation asks you to take a journey where you discover your value as God’s Child. Each lifetime gives you the opportunity to uncover the truth that your gifts, talents and skills are important to humanity, to Mother Earth and to the entire Universe.

With every incarnation, you are asked to love your humanity unconditionally. Develop a deep respect for the divinity held within. As you discover and uncover your true identity, you must also learn what it means to be patient and kind to your self. Allow us to explain the awakening and healing process.


Human…A Diamond in the Rough

We see a human being as a “diamond in the rough.” The diamond does not come out of the mine as a perfect brilliant cut with all of its facets reflecting the Central Sun. You are both the miner looking for the great diamond as well as the great diamond itself. You are also the jeweler who is learning to cut the gem without destroying it. Once the diamond shines its Light, you must learn how to polish the precious gem that is you.

Each human being has an entire committee of Angels and Guides that hold your hands steady as you hold the lantern that lights the path into the mine. We fill your spine with strength as you dig deep to find the authentic, invaluable you. We teach you in your dreams and in your experiences how to cut the gem and transform it into a clear and receptive mind and vessel. We love you unconditionally as you learn to polish your magnificent self into a fiery and gleaming work of precious design.

And then we teach you that to manifest prosperity does not require you sell your great diamond to the world. All you need to do is to shine the Light of the Central Sun. This is reflected by your pure Heart and that gleams for all to admire.

We are here to help you find your brilliance and to respect your immeasurable worth. Ask for our assistance in your discovery process. We are happy to remind you that you have always been a perfect diamond that never leaves the Central Sun and the Heart of your Creator. This is the lesson that once learned will keep you in the flow of abundance and happiness, living on Earth as you live in Heaven. And yes, we understand the misery that comes when “cold hard cash” is lacking. We offer you some sure tips to help you manifest the transformation you need.


Some tips for manifesting cash on the physical plane:

We remind you that wanting to control your feelings, even the straight-jacket-like-feelings that come with lack, steals your cash out of your pockets. Feel your feelings with respect. Respecting the feelings of others, without judgment or desiring to control them, helps financial prosperity. It lets good health and loving relationship flow into your life.

Instead of focusing on the lack, do something creative or go and exercise. Play and thank the Divine Child within you for attracting opportunities into your reality for you to share your Light and giftedness with others.

See Also

Ask all controlling thoughts, doubting thoughts, not-good-enough thoughts and “poor me” victim consciousness thoughts to jump in the Violet Fire dumpster of transformation. Breathe in the white gold Light of Divine Love. Say, “I AM so grateful to share God’s precious gift of me.” Also say, “I Am so grateful to receive the generosity of the Universe today.”


Ask, So You May Receive

Ask for Archangel Michael (Saturn) to help you strengthen your boundaries with those you help and serve. They understand that when they give back to you, it helps them receive even more from God.

When funds arrive, celebrate as a happy child who has just gotten what she wanted most for her birthday present. Let God know that receiving what you have asked for makes you joyful. Ask Divine Source to send you even more so that you can share the joy.

Lastly, we tell you that it is safe for you to trust that your prosperity breakthrough is certain. It IS Divine Order for you to remember your true worth. It is Divine Law for you to receive what you ask for the moment you allow yourself to receive it. Until that moment arrives, the 12 Archangels “have your back.” Tell us what you need and give thanks for YOU.

Blessings of Love and Freedom, The 12 Archangels of the Central Sun

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