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Belinda Womack: Lessons from the 12 Archangels

Belinda Womack: Lessons from the 12 Archangels

Belinda Womack _omtimes

An Interview with Belinda Womack: Lessons from the 12 Archangels

Belinda Womack _omtimesBelinda Womack doesn’t just believe in angels. She’s been channeling angelic wisdom to support individuals, couples, and families for over 25 years, and she’s now released a book called Lessons from the 12 Archangels: Divine Intervention in Daily Life.

A scientist by training with dual masters’ degrees in microbiology and environmental science, Belinda J. Womack is a spiritual counselor, an angelic messenger and the creator of an online Change Your Everyday Reality to Heaven on Earth education platform.

Audio Interview with Belinda Womack

To listen to the full audio interview of Belinda Womack with Host Sandie Sedgbeer on OMTimes Radio’s What Is Going OM, click the video above!


Interview with Belinda Womack

Sandie Sedgbeer: You start your book with the words I have always believed in the presence of angels, and describe memories of being surrounded by them at your birth and whenever you were in nature as a child. But, then you closed the door on them. Why? What happened?

Belinda Womack: I believe it was because I was experiencing a lot of stress in my family and my sensitivity was just too much to handle. So, I decided I was going to be a scientist. As soon as I made that choice, I started to work as much as I could out of the left hemisphere where everything is logical and rational and we can delude ourselves into believing we have a bit of control. That’s when I felt a big door slam shut in my head, and that was when I said goodbye to angels for quite some years.

Sandie Sedgbeer: What happened to reunite you with them?

Belinda Womack: It was 25 years ago. I was working as a biologist on a stem cell experiment, and I had an unbelievable experience. I suddenly found myself in a stone room. I was not in the laboratory any more. There was a dirt floor, and the room was very ancient looking. There was no ceiling, and there was an incredible golden white energy flowing into the room. Then the Archangel Gabriel took form and spoke to me telepathically, saying, “Belinda, we have new work for you to do.” I said, “I am confused, I don’t know what’s happening.” The angel said, “We need you to help humanity to remember that they are divine children and that they are worthy of receiving.” And I said, “I don’t feel I have the qualifications for this, Gabriel. I’m happy being a biologist, so maybe you’ve called the wrong person.”

Gabriel said, “We haven’t called the wrong person, and you can resist if you want, but we believe that you will surrender.” I said, “Well, what do I need to learn to do this job?” I was instructed to look to my left, and there was this enormous stone table with a book that was probably three feet wide and at least a foot or two deep. The book opened up, and in the middle of the pages came the word ‘love’ in a brilliant red scarlet fire. And so I said, “Okay, I am willing to learn how to love, and I’m willing to work with love.”

Then I was back in the laboratory, and my whole body was vibrating. I thought that I had been gone for hours, but when I looked at my watch, not even one minute had gone by.

A couple of months after that, in meditation, I met the circle of all 12 archangels. They work as a community, a team, and they appeared in their brilliant colors and as energy, not in the form that I saw Gabriel in.

I soon left my post at the medical facility where I was doing research, and though it took me a while, I finally went back to the angels, and said, “Okay, tell me what you need me to do. I live on earth. I’m not independently wealthy. I have to earn a living.”

That’s when I began to channel them; to receive their communications, and I taught a little class, and then began offering to counsel.

Sandie Sedgbeer: Did they help facilitate things to make your transition from being a scientist to doing the work you’re now doing smooth and easy?

Belinda Womack: Only when I learned to surrender and ask for their help. One of the first things the angels taught me is to remain a scientist. They said, “Ask for proof that we exist. Ask for proof that we can help you. Ask to see it in your daily life.”

And that’s when things changed because every time I ask for help now, it manifests.

Angels work through our higher selves. They work together with our creator. They come from love. They work with the power of love. But they love for us to still be human beings. They say, “Look, God gave you that left hemisphere. We understand you have an ego. We understand you need proof, that you want things to be grounded, tangible and logical. And that’s exactly where we want to meet you. So, ask for that proof.”

Sandie Sedgbeer: You write about working with the God force of the chakras. What do you mean by that, and why are the chakras so critical?

Belinda Womack: The God force of the chakras is our spiritual body. And in that spiritual body, we have chakras, which are batteries of love energy that we can use to access that power. The biggest thing we can do to help ourselves is to use the God force of those energy centers to transform our subconscious, which is just another word for our past.

Human beings create just like our creator. We create with our thoughts and our feelings. But very often, we’re creating from the past. And that’s truly where these chakras, where these batteries of spiritual energy can help us, because as we send that energy into the cells of our being and focus on asking it to find the hurts and the wounds from our past, and past lives that we don’t have access to, we start to create a better future.

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As you use the energy of your chakras, your outer reality changes. And we do that by transforming the fear that’s inside of us. So, we want to raise the vibration of our mental body, emotional body and physical body to the vibration of that spiritual body so that we are walking and talking in that vibration of love.

Love is the power that we can use to change our lives. And because we all come from the heart of God, as one of us changes, we help all of humanity and planet earth to change as well.

Sandie Sedgbeer: When you say work with energy centers, you’re talking about visualization?

Belinda Womack: Yes. What the 12 Archangels teach us is how to work with the creative hemisphere of our brains; that part of our minds that is spiritual and intuitive and can visualize.

And when we work with imagery, it’s very powerful. When we visualize the color purple or that violet energy that’s in our crown chakra, this is the energy of forgiveness, which is very transforming. The color violet also works great for anxiety. Right now, humanity is struggling with anxiety. Because we are all so connected, we feel what’s going on across the globe, and in our neighbor’s house even though we may not be conscious of it. If we visualize a purple hat on our heads and take a deep breath, and the fear and anxiety just leave our bodies. As you do the exercises in Lessons from the 12 Archangels, that part of your brain starts to wake up.

Sandie Sedgbeer: The archangels say that to increase our worldly wealth, we have to face our fears of lack of money.

Belinda Womack: Because we give power to money, and money is a symbol of exchange of energy, we need to pay attention to the vibration of what we are exchanging.

Fears, jealousy, laziness, greed, doubt, and unworthiness can affect the quality of your service, your talent and the energy you are exchanging with another.

For example, if weapons, drugs or slavery are being traded for money, the money received will have a value equal to death and imprisonment. If human creativity and the vibration of love, empowerment and grace are being traded, the money received will multiply for the giver and the receiver.

The angels say that needing money or not needing money, struggling financially or not struggling financially has nothing to do with your value. Your value is infinite. And I want to emphasize that because in the work I do with my clients it all comes down to worthiness.

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