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Following the Energy in Business

Following the Energy in Business


MTimes-Experts-Simone-MilasasWould you like to change and expand your business, but you’re not sure how to go about it? Follow the energy in your business – it’s much easier than trying to figure out everything and way more joyful.

Your way of doing an enterprise is different to everyone else’s, so why not use what you know to your advantage? How do you do that? Create your business and your life anew every day by asking insightful questions, following the energy and making different choices.


First, Unlock from Your Cognitive Mind

Any time you’re thinking, you’re functioning from your cognitive mind which only knows what you’ve learned in the past and what you’ve already been and done. Following the energy in business begins with tapping into your infinite knowing, which is far more expansive than your logical mind.

Knowing is not experience or intuition. What if knowing is being able to access what the universe knows? It doesn’t mean you do things blindly. Once you recognize what you know, then start to collect information about systems, finance, risks, strategy and so on.

However, to truly function from knowing you’ll have to let go of all your conclusions about what your business is supposed to look like. You’ve got to release any expectations, assumptions, and judgements about yourself, your clientele, your staff and how things should and should not be done. Be open to infinite possibilities showing up from anywhere without any judgement. Possibilities are beyond time, dimensions, reality and matter.


Stop Thinking; Start Asking Questions

In Joy of Business seminars, I always say: don’t think, ask questions. Anytime you ask a question you’ll get an energetic yes or no. For example, whether you’re buying a computer, a car or even real estate, a great question to ask is, “Truth, will this make me money?” You will immediately perceive a lightness or heaviness. If the energy feels heavy, it’s usually a lie. If it feels light, it’s usually true for you.

I’ve used the heavy/light tool in business for years. It was particularly useful when I first began to do business in the US. To find out about how business is done there I talked to lawyers and accountants; sometimes I received contradictory information. Using the heavy/light tool gave me clarity about which choice to make. It was actually easier than trying to figure it all out.


Ask the Right Questions

You can ask questions about anything in your enterprise your life. If you’d like to be more successful–


Here are some great questions to ask:

~ What would it take for my business to expand more?

~ How can I increase the incoming money flow?

~ Is there anything I can change here?

~ What else can I add to my business?

~ How many revenue streams can I create?

~ What magic can I invite into my business today?


See Also
wealth creation OMTimes

Would your business be easier if you allowed it to be magical?

No one needs to have a money problem. If you ask questions, are willing to be aware and receive that awareness and then take action and do what’s required, unexpected things could show up from seemingly random places. For instance, you could meet a great promoter for you and your business or be invited to travel inter-state or overseas. If something that you’ve never considered before shows up for your business, be willing to receive it, to take action and always ask more questions.


Expand Your Enterprise Zone

I recently coached a woman who has numerous interests and businesses and wanted to manage everything she had going on in her life with ease. When people have trouble coordinating all the different parts of their business or life, they usually try to do that by being super-organized and controlling everything. There is an easier way: follow the energy – and function from the infinite space of you. It may take a little practice.

Here’s a quick exercise you can do. Close your eyes for a moment; now expand outward and feel the outside edges of you. Keep expanding outward beyond your body and out into the universe. Expand your energy across the entire planet. You will start to perceive the energy of what is occurring on everything you put your attention. Tap into your business or your projects and ask, “What do you require?” Then make a choice. If you follow the energy, you’ll know what to do. Always trust yourself to know when to work on something, when to change a part of your business or ask someone to assist you.

Every single day you have a choice and each choice you make will bring you a different awareness. Then you can make another choice and another choice and start moving forward with your business. Remember, just because you make one choice about some part of doing business that doesn’t mean you have to stick with it forever. Every choice is only good for 10 seconds, don’t hesitate to change anything. Start making choices because every single choice you make is creating your business, your life, and your future.


Employ the Energy of the  Universe

We live in an infinite, abundant universe that desires to gift to us. What if you could employ the universe and ask it to contribute to you? You can! To tap into the abundance of the universe ask questions and be willing to receive infinite possibilities from anywhere.

When you’re asking for something to show up for your business, you may have to be patient and allow the universe to rearrange itself. Don’t give up and never give in – and keep asking questions. Rest assured, if you follow the energy of what you desire to create in your business and you’re willing to receive everything, the money will show up.

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