Are You Letting Go or Giving Up?

by Baba Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari
Letting Go Can Be Good Advice…
It is not enough to hear, “Don’t give up” or “Just let go, let God.” Today, these words, slogans, and quotations flood the social networks like Facebook or Twitter. But how many of these words about letting go register in the brain? How many do we practice? If we really digest this wonderful wisdom that floods cyberspace, there would not be so much depression and anxiety globally. We would have less endemic stress-related diseases and untimely deaths every day.
Sometimes life demands the words “Let go”! Those who cling to wrong emotions, and are victims of self-imposed limitations. This only adds to their emotional heaviness and frustrations if they don’t loosen their grip and let go.
The “I CAN” Philosophy Empowers You
One needs to know when to let go and when to realize the power of the soul to believe in the self, to never give up, and hold on to the greatest philosophy of “I CAN.” This “I can” philosophy created men and women in history who we hail as heroes of all times. Muhammad Ali, who died recently, never gave up in his life and was hailed by President Obama as “the greatest.”
Failures are the steps that only the brave can negotiate to their utmost advantage. Those who have resilient emotions the ones who have spiritual grounding. The anchor is always the spirit, or the soul, which is the basis of fruition of real values in life.
The Role of Mediation in Letting Go
Meditation creates that inner cushion, that shock absorber, that calm state of mind that can always create a pause between an external stimuli and an internal, programmed reaction. Meditation creates the ground in the mind that gives the meditator true clarity of thoughts and analysis.
Meditation helps to let go of all that binds. It reminds us that we are a frail body, and a mind bound to its own subconscious programs. We let go of our limiting thoughts by standing before the mirror and telling ourselves that we are not here to cling to that which does not belong to us. We are not here to attach to all the changing flux of life, but to realize the transient nature of impermanence. In meditation the mind goes to a higher vibratory field. Here, it can vibrate with the wisdom that only one truth belongs to us, which is the Divine Presence, the Divine anchor within.
Letting Go – Make it Positive
Let go of the small for the big, impermanence for the eternal. Let go of the transient for the higher good that can help heal humanity. Let go of all jealousy and fear to usher in the light of the soul to manifest the ultimate beauty of life. Never postpone the good, and never hurry to react to what we judge as bad. Let go of all that impairs and is painful. Also, never give up on that which realizes our true value. It contributes to the peace and blessedness of this world.
Never give up the efforts to meditate and to be mindful. When we manage our mind well, once the cells of the body are in harmony, once the body-mind is in balance, then we base the right decision comes on the eternal values of life. Blessed are they who realize these eternal principles and values, and passionately tread the path of Truth. They never give up, for they are here to be successful in their real self. Thus, bringing delight to their own souls while bringing joy to millions of others in the process.
Letting Go for the Greater Good
“Atmana moksharthanm Jagadhitayacha” is a Vedic pronouncement that we should use to aspire to attain our nirvana or liberation by bringing the highest good to the whole of humanity. That is our goal in life, ans why we are here. We are not here for success in the limited purpose of selfish greed and satisfaction. We are here to cross the frontiers of selfishness and touch the peaks of human excellence. When we base the things we do on eternal values that are full of compassion and love, we care for all species of life and for the Earth Mother as a whole.
Especially relevant are the great mystic saint, Sant Kabir, of the 16th Century India. He said that when we come into this world we cry and everyone laughs. Let us live in such a way that when we leave this world we will smile and all will cry.
About the Author
Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (Kolkata, India) is a globally acclaimed motivational teacher of mindfulness meditation, and stress reduction. This author, peacemaker (Man of Peace Award 2012), and visionary social advocate founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission in 1985. He serves thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in India. (Lifetime Achievement Award, House of Lords, UK, 2015)

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