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The Moon Course – 28 Days of Transformation

The Moon Course – 28 Days of Transformation

Full Moon, we harness the 28-day cycle of the moon, current cosmic energies, and our powerful group dynamic to initiate deep healing and spiritual expansion

The Moon Course – 28 Days of Transformation

OMTimes-Experts-Ahtayaa-LeighWhat is the Moon Course?

Beginning each month the day after the Full Moon and reaching a climax on the following Full Moon, we harness the 28-day cycle of the moon, current cosmic energies, and our powerful group dynamic to initiate deep healing and spiritual expansion. This spiritual retreat style course is for all those who are ready to embody their wholeness as multidimensional beings functioning as 5D humans in our shifting reality. The power of the group healings and DNA activations accelerate the healing and growth of each individual beyond that which could be achieved alone.

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OMTIMES: How and to whom do you believe (your course Name) can bring beneficial results to?

Ahtayaa Leigh: In my work as an Energy Healer and Ascension Guide I notice that my clients achieve much faster results when they work consistently and persistently within a simple but well-defined process. Spiritual awakening is not a one-off event. It is an ongoing process of purification and unfoldment that truly never ends until we reach the Godhead. The Moon Course gives us the opportunity to develop a heart led spiritual practice that triggers the kind of deep healing and profound awakening that we would be unlikely to achieve alone.

OMTIMES: Why is important to the spiritual community to keep themselves connected with their inherited gifts?

Ahtayaa Leigh: We are in a time of great change. A shift in the cycles. The old paradigm is dissolving, and at the same time, we are receiving an immense influx of higher frequency light from the galactic center. To limit the chaos and destruction and assist in the transition, many are awakening to their special gifts and talents as healers. It is through our own healing, thoughts, and actions that we anchor the golden light of peace through our lives into the world. When we nurture a consistent spiritual practice, we remember our oneness with God and become beacons for peace, balance, harmony and love for the highest good of all.

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OMTIMES: What other services do you offer our audience aside of your specialized courses?

Ahtayaa Leigh: As a conduit and keeper of the golden ray it is my soul’s purpose to be a guide and facilitator to all those seeking to connect with the golden ray for deep healing and spiritual acceleration. Working with the guardians of the great central sun, introduced to me as the 12 keepers of the eye, I offer golden ray activations, ascension attunements, individual/group healing and energy healing training. I work with healers and coaches, particularly reiki masters, who wish to take their healing practice to the next level by becoming attuned to the frequencies of the golden ray that are assisting with our collective ascension.

Contact and sign up for this course  here:

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