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Who is Our Spiritual Entourage?

Who is Our Spiritual Entourage?


Your Spiritual Entourage

OMTimes-Experts-Marc-LainhartIn our physical world, we can’t help but notice those with their own entourages. Whether you’re Jay-Z and Beyoncé, Oprah, the Pope, Jesus and his twelve disciples, too many sports figures, powerful business leaders, to politicians, they all have one thing in common. They are surrounded by people whom they trust, have loyalty, can be advised, helped, inspired, healed, with a true sense of community, a physical entourage. So what about the rest of us who may not be rich, powerful, famous, popular, or not have a lot of family and friends on the earthly plane? Who is in our entourage? What entourage do we belong too? Where is our entourage?

The word “entourage,” by definition, is “an informal group or band of people who are closely associated with a famous, notorious, or otherwise notable individual.” Well, you are a famous, notorious, and notable individual for those in the spirit world!

Stop for just a few minutes every day, in this fast-paced, crazy, and chaotic world of ours. Take the time to listen, feel, pay attention, exercise, meditate, speak to the unseen, and accept what you get back. You will realize just how important you are in life. Your spiritual entourage is ready to connect to you through many signs, symbols, and synchronicities. This is in addition to the “known” five senses of the human body. The time has arrived to accept and acknowledge your real status as a “Spiritual V.I.P.” in the world of spirit. Welcome to your spiritual entourage!

Nearly everyone who comes to earth to experience life feels isolated and alone from time to time. Some may feel alone and disconnected from any type of entourage or community. They feel no help to guide and support them on the many “Soul Adventures” of their lives. However, we may look, listen, and feel, for what is “unseen” to the physical eye and ears. Consider more than what people, news, or society “tells us.” We come to understand and connect to something much larger than ourselves, with plenty of guidance, support, and unconditional love. You are a “Spiritual V.I.P.” in the spiritual world. Your spiritual entourage is only a thought away, waiting to share so much love, healing, and guidance.

Your spiritual entourage is very much like the wind. We can physically see the effects of the wind and feel it, but we do not actually see the wind. Just because we do not see with our human physical eyes, or hear with our physical human ears, doesn’t mean that it is not present in our lives, thoughts, energy, and emotions. Ever look through a microscope or telescope, blow a dog whistle, watch TV, or listen to the radio? The same applies to the physical body, the human mind, the human aura, and the major chakra systems of the body through energy, frequencies, and vibration.

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Perspectives OMTimes

Tune-in, focus, receive and perceive, and your spiritual entourage. They have been with you since the beginning of your life. And they will start to make themselves known to you here in amazing ways! As a “Spiritual V.I.P.” you do have your own spiritual entourage and community. Introduce yourself to those who love and cherish you. They are so eager to meet and connect with you. You are never alone…


About the Author

Marc Lainhart is an international and tested Spiritual Medium. Marc’s work is serving as a Radio Show Host, Hiking Guide, Certified Diver, Metaphysical Teacher, Holistic Healer, Inspirational Thought Leader, and Writer. He guides, teaches, transforms, and inspires others in connecting to self, spirit, and the world around us! For more “Spiritual prospecting,” please visit or Internet search ‘The Intuitive Prospector™.’

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