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Unprecedented Times

Unprecedented Times


by Eva Sieber

Unprecedented Times – The Changes to a New World

Unprecedented Times

These are unprecedented times: a lot of people are currently going through big changes, as the Earth itself is going through major shifts. The changes include all aspects of life; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual and they affect our relationships, work situations, and finances. We can no longer maintain old systems, habits, and imbalances. Therefore, we must examine and replace quite a lot.


DNA-Upgrades and Light-Codes

The changes on the physical level even include our DNA. Scientists prove that solar flares have an impact on life on earth. Indeed, these flares change the DNA signature of human beings. The sun is very active recently. Many solar flares erupt on an almost daily basis and its energy then enters the atmosphere of our planet and reaches every living being. There are not only solar flares coming in but also lots of new energies from different sources: comets, star systems, planets and even energies from the core of the universe.

This has occurred before in past times, but since the bodies and minds of most people have been very dense and shut down, none of this has had an impact on the human being. But this time, many people are open and ready to receive these energies and light-codes and let them work through their bodies and their whole systems. This has an enormous potential to uplift the consciousness of humanity in a very quick way. We must renew, re-code and rewrite a lot of old programs installed in the human body and mind for a very long time. We are now waking up as a planet and as a human race.


New World Cleansing on All Levels

Some people are going through a lot of physical and emotional pain right now and others feel unusually tired. Since we are now taking a major step in our evolution within our consciousness and our physical bodies, we might experience a time, where we feel challenged and pushed to our limits. Many are shifting their 3rd and 4th-dimensional living to a 5th-dimensional frequency. The Earth itself is now vibrating in the 5th dimension and a lot of humans have upgraded themselves to this level and to higher dimension as well or are doing it right now. New energies of love are entering the Earth and a new potential for humanity has awakened.

The new light frequencies that are coming in need new space. Therefore, we are going through a deep cleansing to get rid of everything old, restrictive and dense, that we no longer need. The physical body gets rid of toxins and old programming. The emotional body heals wounds from the past and present and detoxes from unhealthy emotions like anger, grief or sadness. Our mind is challenged to release old beliefs and surrender into the unknown.

As we are uplifted, we are also asked to leave everything old and dense behind us, so we can enter into a new way of being. The faster this process occurs, the more likely we might feel symptoms on a physical level. Many experience nausea, headache, flu-like symptoms, sinus problems and other aches and pains. At times we might also feel a symptom that goes back to another lifetime, which we are healing. It always helps to know, that what we are feeling, we are healing.

See Also


Trust, Relax, and Transform

The more we relax and trust this process, the easier we navigate through it. At times, we might feel very tired and exhausted. It is highly recommended to sleep a lot because during our sleep state we can process. We integrate in a much quicker and easier way since no ego or fear is blocking us. When we wake up in the morning, still feeling tired; this might be a sign that we have allowed a lot of transformations occur during the night.

We are now releasing all the old densities and restrictions. We will never go back to the limiting beliefs and lives we once had. Now we are getting in alignment with our higher aspects. This is our way into our own Golden Age and a life nurtured and filled with joy. We are our own paradise, a paradise of love and light. And so we become – and so we are.


About the Author

Eva Sieber is a teacher and artist. She has a master in comparative religious studies and dedicates her work as an author and artist to the spiritual awakening. Her main focus lies on healing old wounds, reprogramming mindsets and bringing back joy and love into all areas of life. To find out more visit her website:

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