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The Akashic Vibration Process

The Akashic Vibration Process


Akashic Vibration Process

Akashic Vibration Process is designed to help you do all those things and more. Participate in a series of transformational classes. Have fun, feel joy, as you expand your conscious connection to your soul, and the many light beings who are here to help you. Ten classes make up the full course work for level one of this dynamic, powerful teaching. From the introduction to the Akasha, to the last class in this series, you will find yourself engaged with and energized by your Council of Light. How you expand and grow is limited only by your beliefs of who you are and how much you desire to know the truth about you, a divine being of light.

maggie_chulaExperience powerful shifts in your consciousness and in your physical body. Connect to the universal source and identify your unique soul vibration. Expand your dialogue with your Council of Light. Understand and make choices in alignment with your life purpose. Experience transformational healing. Help others by learning how to channel love, light, and divine wisdom. The Akashic Vibration Process was channeled through Maggie by the Master Teachers of the Akasha. These pure vibrational beings continue to be a part of this dynamic course and will channel new vibrational healings during each class. Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael are two of the master teachers but many other light beings do participate. Maggie started working and channeling the Master Teachers of the Akasha when she was very young. She turned her back on their work together, when her mother was murdered. During that dark time, her natural gifts were so misunderstood, she was diagnosed as being psychotic. She felt her only answer was to shut down her psychic connections and work with the doctors to help her heal. As she grew, she experienced many limiting illnesses. But it was when she developed a life-threatening disease, she started to actively channel vibrational healings again. She knew she needed to help herself regain her physical and mental health because the doctors believed this would not be possible. Not only did she regain her health but today, her doctors are astonished at the vibrant health she continues to enjoy. Maggie was determined to understand how she was able to go from being too sick to survive her condition, to thriving with divine health and well-being. This desire reignited the sacred contract she had with the Master Teachers, to share her knowledge and wisdom about the spiritual realm, the Akasha, and life after life. Her goal for sharing this course work now, is to help you connect to your soul vibration, your Akashic Vibration, and learn how to channel divine light and love for yourself. You will also understand how channeling your light will help the people you love. As you work through this course, your mental and physical health will improve. It is her belief when you do access your Akashic wisdom, and know you are a divine being of light, you will open up and start to work in alignment with your soul’s purpose for this life. She knows, your light is needed right now, to help you, your loved ones, and Mother Earth. The only prerequisite to be successful within this transformational course, is to have a desire to know more about you, a divine multidimensional being of light, so you can gain clarity to help you with the choices you make each day. Maggie does offer private or group mentoring, spiritual healing, and many free resources all designed to help you connect to the Akashic Vibration of your source, your Soul. Learn more about Maggie and the Master Teachers at

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