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The Healing Key: Breathing Through the Crisis

The Healing Key: Breathing Through the Crisis


We hear a lot of talk about healing these days. In the last couple of years, the term has become both more recognized and popular, which itself means great news for the collective consciousness. Humanity is increasingly interested in achieving new heights and becoming better versions of Self. Happiness, self-realization and inner peace is something we finally understand that we deserve! This is positively something to be excited about. But do we fully understand the concept of healing? What are some effective ways to deal with a crisis or sickness in our lives?


What is the purpose of light in healing?

Healing is light entering darkness. It can be anything that helps us release old fears, feelings of lack and down-putting thoughts. Healing is any input, in any shape or form, that helps us realize that no one is more important than ourselves, and that we deserve to be happy and loved. This input of light can come from a beloved, a therapist, a piece of music, a grand experience in nature.  And, this light of healing can come from an energy healer.


What is the role of the energy healer?

An energy healer can be thought of as the light bulb that will shine up a room when ignited. The recipient of healing, someone who is sick or in crisis, is responsible for turning the light switch on. Problems occur when we leave all the responsibility in the hands of the healer. Oftentimes, people think that a quick visit to a healer will solve all of their issues. The truth is, healing will indeed open up for that possibility. But the healer’s role is to ignite a spark in the client. The client themselves must feed it to make a flame.


What is the role of the recipient?

An important aspect we should all be aware of, is the concept often called “the healing sickness.” This means that healing, especially during a crisis situation, can and will brings a lot of old stuff to the surface. In reality, it can almost feel like we are getting worse after a session. If and when this happens, it is crucial to understand that it is nothing but a huge energy cleanse. Know that by working against it, we can work against the healing itself.

The key to surviving the healing sickness is to simply acknowledge everything that comes up. Pushing down, ignoring, or repressing our feelings in the first place may be the very reason or cause of imbalance. The saying “out of sight, out of mind” is unfortunately not applicable in these crisis situations. We may not think about it consciously, but it will most assuredly come through in negative thought patterns and bodily ailments. There are ways to make the healing process shorter and more bearable.


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3 ways to deal with energy sickness or crisis:

1. Stay in the feeling when it occurs, taking deep breaths. Watch it dissolve and go through your body, back to the earth beneath your feet. Ask your system to release any related physical ailments with it.

2. Afterward, visualize a light coming through your head, moving through your body. Breathe in with the light. Let it cleanse your system and revitalize your energy. Be grateful as you inhale and exhale calmly.

3. Write down or record all rough feelings you might experience. This helps bring them into the light. Remember, your dreams are your unconsciousness talking to you, so keeping a dream journal can be helpful as well.

Have faith that these occurrences are all part of the healing process. This is just making oxygen for the spark to ignite. And remember; you can’t start a fire without a spark!

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