Meditate on the Chariot for Harmony in Your Life

The Chariot and Tarot
Each card in a tarot deck represents an aspect of the Self. It is a book of metaphysics that helps guide us through life. The symbolism of the cards shows us ways of being that are easily recognizable once the code is cracked. It requires learning the language of the tarot and understanding its symbolism. This brings insight to read the deeper essence of the card and to apply it then to the self.
The Chariot is such a card, where it calls us to develop control over our thoughts and emotions. By holding reign over the internal world of our thoughts that cause emotional distress or elation and to our external reactions toward experiences with others and the world, we acquire the ability to control reality. Thus, it represents Inner Control – Law of Polarity – Perception Shifts Reality – Moving in Harmony.
In most decks, The Chariot card depicts a charioteer steering a chariot pulled by two beasts of some sort – sphinx, horses, or lions. The energy intended by the author and artist of the deck is reflected in the type of beast used. It’s also determined by whether or not the beasts are made of an element such as water or fire. If water, it pulls on the emotional nature of the experience; if fire, its essence is in the passion and/or motivation one puts forth in a situation.
The more ethereal the image, the greater the focus is on the shifting nature of reality. Generally, each beast is of opposite color, such as black and white, or contains both black and white in its image. This represents the Law of Polarity. This is where positive is mixed with negative, good is mixed with bad, and nothing is purely one or the other, as with the Yin Yang symbol, each contains its opposite.
The two beasts, then, represent thought and emotion and the need to control both in order to push forward. Without this control, we stay locked in place, stuck, and lacking focus. By way of controlling these aspects of the self, we are capable of steering our chariot toward anything we set our sights on. Depending on which path we take – control or lack thereof – our perception of the world and our perceived control can take us forward or hold us back.
The beasts may also constitute the earthly and the spiritual, which present our need to incorporate the spiritual into everyday tasks and interactions. This blending of the two allows for a deeper experience and a more peaceful and gentle approach to ourselves and the world. The separation of the two creates disharmony in our lives.
Just as two horses need to synchronize their running to move the chariot along smoothly and quickly, so too it is necessary to find ways of combining and seeing the relationships between the facets of ourselves and how they impact our lives. Perceptions, actions, feelings, and thoughts all have a direct impact on the outer world. The inner creates the outer. These two aspects need to be in alignment and harmony with one another to achieve what you envision.
Reality is what we perceive it to be. By taking stock of the way we choose to approach thoughts and emotions, we shape the way we live, for better or worse. Additionally, the Law of Polarity comes into play. The goal we set for ourselves is blended, containing both ideal and difficult aspects. If we look for a perfect solution or situation or way of being, it eludes us as a function of the Law of Polarity. The mix is a matter of degree, choosing the goal with the most benefit and the least disadvantage.
We are the charioteers of our own lives, driving ourselves toward a goal or a way of being. With effort, we are capable of grasping fleeting thoughts that can lower our self-esteem or enhance our self-confidence. Hence, we can align what we are with what we wish to manifest. We can bring seemingly disparate parts of ourselves together to create harmony in our lives.
In conclusion, recognize how all the facets of the self-combine, and their relationship to what is currently occurring. If the result fails to coincide with the vision, shift the goal. Change the way you perceive it, or the thoughts contributing to the lack you experience. Meditate on The Chariot when there is a need to realign the disparate parts of the self. Seek to move forward effectively and harmoniously.
About the Author
Author, teacher, personal transformation guide, and intuitive consultant Diane Wing, M.A. enjoys exploring the mysteries of life and the way that people experience themselves and the world around them. Wing’s books create a transformational experience for the reader while incorporating a bit of the unexpected. Find out more at

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