Michelle Beltran: What It Really Means To Be A Psychic
Becoming psychic is not about being psychic necessarily. Indeed, that’s a wonderful sort of windfall of it, but it is about self-actualization and growing internally. And I’ll share with you a story, early on when I started in my psychic development; my teacher said this to me it’s not about being psychic. It’s about development. And I thought to myself at that time, well, what do you mean? Of course, it’s about being psychic? But, she couldn’t have been more right, and it was so true, and looking back, it is a doorway, a vehicle to connect with your inner self. My jaw still drops every day when wonderful messages of confirmation and psychic impressions and facts and names come in, and it’s beautiful, and it’s still a beautiful thing.
But, it’s not about that. It’s about changing your life and that whole self-actualization process. I would take this moment just to let students know, too, that, the very, very first step in their learning is to set that intention of, yes, I want to do this, right, or put that desire out there. And to add to the podcasts and these wonderful tips and tools and short listens that they have at the Intuitive Hour, I would encourage people to get out and start using their senses. I like to call this a sensory field trip. Maybe go to a zoo, maybe go to a theme park, maybe go to a farmer’s market or a World Market if you have them in your area. The World Market, they’re wonderful healthy stores. And so, in any case, it’s a sensory sort of overload. So, it’s an opportunity to tune into sights and smells and taste and sound and begin opening those doors. And then, of course, meditation is pretty essential – but, first and foremost, for any student that comes in as a routine of getting onto the program of meditation that I always recommend, as well.
Shay Parker: You share the belief that everybody, either can be psychic or is psychic or has psychic abilities or, intuitive abilities, which I certainly do agree that we all have innate intuition. Now, what would you tell the person out there who believes that, I’m natural born psychic, I don’t need training, I don’t need anything. What would you say to those people out there with regards to training?
Michelle Beltran: First of all, when a person is that strong about their internal sense of what they need, they aren’t going down a good road. Now, can we support that, though? Can that be supported? Sure, it can. They’re born with their abilities just blowing right open. But, I also do, in addition to supplement that, without stepping on that person’s toes who has that real strong belief, there’s always room for growth. There’s always room for new education and expansion and considering someone else’s view or reading or learning. I do encourage, even as a practicing psychic that’s so thrilled to have so many wonderful successes, I continue to learn and read. I encourage it no matter who you are. I speak to this in my book. We’ve got a section on the benefits of psychic development and how it can change your life. It’s an immense transformation. I guess I would go so far as to say it’s truly an ineffable thing, meaning there just are not words for it. And it’s more of an internal kind of certainty about who you are and where you’re going and your choices, a knowingness about those choices. But, from a positive standpoint of empowerment, not from an I lacking place or something from the outside filling us up. And so, what this work does is it fills you up from the inside. You don’t want to compare yourself to others. You grow because you want to because it feels good. You’re not worried about what others think anymore. It’s not so much what they think of you because that’s a tendency in human nature, to be concerned about what others think. And there’re some incredible freedoms with that. It’s a sense of ease and peace of mind with anyone. For some reason, this is taking me back to my first reading when I was nine that I was used. And the psychic said to me to make three repeatable wishes in my mind, and I did that. And one of them was that I just want to have peace of mind. At nine years old, I’m like, this is what I was thinking. And so, that was what I had even way back then. And she knew, she was a mind reader, and, that’s a different element of psychic reading. And she told me back my three wishes. And, I was at that moment convinced forever. So, anyway, so as I speak these words, there’s this deep sense of peace of mind and ease, internal ease. It took me back to that memory.
Shay Parker: I just think that’s so funny at nine. I was out from climbing trees, and you’re trying to maintain inner peace. You’re like a little Gandhi; I tell you.
Michelle Beltran: Gandiette.
Shay Parker: Michelle is on the cover of the magazine, that her website is michellebeltran.com, and you can find all of this information there about her, her podcast, which comes on every single week, her book, which is out everywhere now.
Michelle Beltran: Yes, it’s available, on Amazon too
Shay Parker: And then, of course, your classes and courses are all there, as well. So, those are easy enough. Can you do any of those long distance, or are they only in person?
Michelle Beltran: Oh, good question. I do teach over the phone and–telephone and Skype. So, distance is not an inhibitor. In fact, I have clients, thank goodness, and I’m so blessed all over the globe. I’ve got clients in Jordan and Hawaii and Canada and Australia, and they come in on the telephone or Skype. So, if in person works for a client, great, but if not, we can do that remote, sure, very easily.
Shay Parker: So, that’s perfect, very easy to get in touch with Michelle in those ways. And I just want to say, on this interview, because, obviously, Michelle is the cover story here, she has been with my directory, Best American Psychics, for many, many years now. And I have to say that, I touched on this a little bit earlier in the interview, but the reviews and the satisfied clients that come in, just raving about the work that Michelle does and the readings that she gives are truly up there. And I just want to personally commend you on that because, it is a rare privilege to have someone who is so highly thought of in the industry, both by clients and colleagues and teachers and students and pretty much everybody else. So, I want to tip my hat to you on that because you truly do walk the walk and talk the talk.
Michelle Beltran: Thank you. Thank you so much. I appreciate that.
Shay Parker: Well, do you have any final tips, tricks, anything that you would like to share with our readers or, any stories that were very meaningful in your career?
Michelle Beltran: Obviously, if readers or listeners would like to follow me, they can reach me at my website. I’m kind of at that phase in my career where I want to connect more with–in person with clients and groups. So, I’ll hopefully be doing some traveling in that regard. I’ve gotten a couple of invitations to travel overseas and teach, so I’m looking to that, and I’m very excited about that.
Shay Parker: So, final words to anybody out there who may want to sort of delve a little deeper into the world of intuition, and psychic ability, but yet they’re really afraid to do it, what advice would you give to them?
Michelle Beltran: I would say that psychic and intuitive development is very normal. We can call it intuition. We can call it gut sense. We can call it psychic. It doesn’t matter what you call it; it’s a normal, innate human ability to tune into our inner self.
It’s very, very safe, nothing to fear. I will say that, in my learning and development, one of the things that I made sure that I was very in tune to all along the way is. I never lost sight of, well, that it’s normal, first and foremost, but, second, that it was–that this is fun. It’s not heavy. It’s not scary. It’s a very, very, very fun thing. It’s not a draining thing. As an intuitive psychic learning and developing, you’re in charge. It’s always at your pace and your time.
And, if this is something that interests someone, whether they want just to do it internally for themselves and betterment of their life or to ultimately coach and guide others, start meditating. Make that a part of your day. It’s so very essential, even for just five minutes a day, quieting the mind.
We as humans, we have this brain that likes to think, and it gets taken over by incessant thought and mindless chatter. And even if it doesn’t feel like it, five minutes a day of just being thoughtless is essential and doing so much more for us than we possibly know. So, make that time. And then from there, generally, a person finds their way.
Shay Parker: And like Michelle said, you don’t have to broadcast it to the world, but it can be a little corner of your world where you go to find some peace, and you go to find some of you. Michelle, it has been a real honor, and I thank you for spending time with us because it’s been a pleasure to speak with you. Find out more about Michelle at her website: https://michellebeltran.com
Shay Parker, the founder of Best American Psychics, is no stranger to the metaphysical community. In addition to this directory, she has also founded Best American Healers and the Certified Psychic Society and is the host of Best of the Best on OMTimes Radio.