Astropsychological Forecast 10/3 – 10/9

The Astropsychological Forecast for 10/3 – 10/9
By Christos Archos
The Astropsychological Forecast foresees a soft week that can help us being productive and do many things without feeling that we have little energy to do things. This is a great week to create new love affairs but also to have happy endings in great projects. Psychologically this week will help us to face problems that we have to deal for very long time within our families and it is a great time to stop a repetitive behavior that is harming ourselves. Beware although obsessions in romantic relationships, feeling that the others is part of our belongings is not something very healthy.
10/4 Sun Sextile Saturn
This is a great aspect for all those that want to work with their selves and ego. Many of u belonging to Libra or Sagittarius sometimes trying to avoid harming others you harm your selves and this is something that may create several problems to your inner balance. This aspect helps us to approach ourselves with more respect and to build in self-reliance and self-respect. One important word is Industry because it is an aspect of great productivity.
This aspect is great for the 2nd decanate of Libra – Sagittarius – Gemini and Aries.
10/5 Venus Sextile Pluto
A great aspect for those that are willing to meet new people and form new relationships. It is an aspect of blissfulness and of feeling that you are a part of something greater in your life. People with alcohol issues or family problems may feel more secure and more confident to make a change in their life. New relationships may begin that will help you feel stronger and having an increase of passion.
This aspect will help 2nd decanate of Scorpio – Taurus – Capricorn and Cancer
10/5 Mars Square Jupiter
This is an aspect that may lead to overconfidence some people. It is best not to act on your own and counsel some people that may help you take the right decisions. On the other hand, it is an aspect of willful catharsis, if you are on a difficult situation in your life this aspect may lead to a catharsis and an independent life.
This aspect will influence 1decanate of Aries – Libra – Cancer – Capricorn
10/7 Mercury enters Libra
This new position of Mercury is great to form new alliances and new relationships. If you have a misunderstanding with your partner, this is a period you can work to do things together and be more productive but also this is a good position to talk with significant people on our lives and do the best to have harmony among us.
This positon will help Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
10/7 Sun Square Pluto
This week is ending a bit weird. Sun with Pluto in negative aspect may create obsessions and those having psychological problems like OCD may feel a distress this period. It is an aspect that may force us to do things that our logic is not agreeing with them and you may find some self – destructing behavior because they may be some sense of lack of self – worth. Try to avoid those behaviors and work hard for your benefit.
This aspect will affect those having planets in 2nd decanate of Aries – Libra – Cancer – Capricorn
You can find Christos in his Page

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