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3 Bedtime Routines for Better Sleep

3 Bedtime Routines for Better Sleep


by Carmen Vasquez

Bedtime Routines Can Help You Find Rest

It is widely known that today’s lifestyle creates anxiety and stress in a lot of people. Because of this, people get insomnia or can’t have the rest their minds and bodies need. Often, some simple bedtime routines can be just the solution. This is important to embrace each new day full of energy and a with positive attitude.

Fortunately, we are beings with a high capacity for creating different “realities.” We can use this ability to focus our attention on positive practices. This can be most important when we add them to our daily routine before going to bed.

Here are three bedtime routines–simple practices you can implement and make part of your daily life. These may serve to help you relax and embrace life in a more positive way, even when you are facing difficult challenges:

1. Release or Surrender Your Worries

Release or Surrender: This is the most important part for your bedtime routine, since you will be setting all the heaviness you carry during the day or in your unconscious mind free. Direct it to go to the creator or universe, where that energy can be transformed in several ways that our limited human mind cannot comprehend. So, in order to practice this, imagine you have in front of you a basket and inside it, you put all your emotions (whether positive or less positive), experiences, thoughts, worries, or any other thing you feel is creating heaviness within you, and then watch how that basket is going up and up in a vertical way, completely aligned with you, and is received by that wonderful energy that created all of us.

Doing this ritual every single day, allows us to open space on the “hard disk” we call memory. We can welcome new experience because we have a fresh, clean memory space with more room.


2. Journal Your “Magical Moments”

Another amazing thing you can do, sitting on the bed before turning off the lights, is keep a journal. Call this journal “Magical Moments,” and make it pretty and lovely because it will hold all your memories. Keep it always on your nightstand with a nice pen and every night write the date at the beginning of one page. On that page, write three things that made you feel good during the day, even though it was a “hard” day. When you take a close look, you will start recognizing every single day has amazing moments, always. For example: someone smiles at you, you find a penny or a feather on the floor, you get an unexpected phone call, your little dog wags its tail to you, you just smell a flower, among an infinity of things.

Please do not worry about writing an essay. Just play with your mind and write a short sentence that will make you smile and remember after six months or a year, when you open up a random page of your “Magical Moments” journal and read it.

See Also


3. Count On “Something I Gave” to Shine Through

On the same page, write the title: “Something I Gave.” You can write three things you gave during the day. This could be a hug you gave to someone, a smile, or some compassion. It may be the time you share being mindful with someone, or doing a favor, among many others. When you start doing these three simple bedtime routines, you will start sleeping better and waking up in a super positive mood, even though you may have lessons to learn. As soon as you practice and learn to surrender, however, you will be opening up space to have new experiences and purposes in your life. At the same time your “Magical Moments” journal will help you to see how wonderful life is when you learn to see the little things that make every day great!


About the Author

Carmen Vasquez is the author of inspirational and motivational articles that always send positive messages to people. Carmen is a writer for OM Times Magazine. She and her husband founded Journey and Carmen Both websites’ main purpose is to inspire people to transform and develop their lives. Carmen is a happily married mom of three beautiful angels. The family lives on the Pacific coast of the U.S.A.


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