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Author Benjamin Creme Has Passed Away

Author Benjamin Creme Has Passed Away


Founder of Share International and Author Benjamin Creme Has Passed Away

It was just confirmed by Share International (USA Chapter) that the author Benjamin Creme has passed away on Monday Morning in England.

Benjamin Creme (December 5, 1922 – October 24, 2016) is a Scottish artist, author, esotericist, and editor of Share International magazine
Lecturing in Paris, 17 March 2006 Photo By Bernard 33

Throughout his early years,  Benjamin Creme also studied various aspects of esoteric philosophy, in particular, the teachings released in the late 1800’s through Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, and more recently through Alice A. Bailey. Although these teachings led him to believe in the existence of the Masters of Wisdom, a group of perfected individuals who are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet, it nevertheless came as a complete surprise to him when, in 1959, he was contacted by one of the Masters. He was told, among other things, that Maitreya, the World Teacher, the Master of all the Masters, would return in about 20 years and that he (Benjamin Creme) would have a role to play in the event if he chose to accept it.

More than a decade later, in 1972, Benjamin Creme began a period of arduous training under his Master’s direction to prepare him for his coming task: announcing to a skeptical world the emergence of the World Teacher, awaited by people of every religion under his various names, the Christ, Messiah, Imam Mahdi, Krishna, Maitreya Buddha. Benjamin Creme’s constant contact with a Master of Wisdom gives him access to up-to-date information on Maitreya’s emergence, plus the total conviction needed to present this story.

For more in-depth information about the life and work of Benjamin Creme, visit

See Also

To read Benjamin Creme’s cover interview in OMTimes Magazine, An Interview with Benjamin Creme: Manifesting the Divine, click this link:

View Comments (3)
  • The history books will someday recount with great fascination the story of this prophet. Future generations will marvel at Benjamin Creme’s life of selfless work in preparing the world for the tremendous transformation now underway. His impact on me is beyond words. He tirelessly travelled around the world for decades, educating large audiences on the gradual approach of the Spiritual Hierarchy. He emphasized that each of us is a divine being, a soul in incarnation, and the expression of our spiritual nature through goodwill and unity in diversity is the reason for our existence on Earth. Mr. Creme very intelligently related Maitreya’s priorities to ongoing international affairs. With the help of his Master, Mr. Creme provided vast insight and a hopeful vision of the future in all realms of living — political, economic, spiritual, scientific, educational, and social.

    Maitreya’s entrance into the public arena has already begun, preceded by countless miracles, “signs of the time”, and trends that indicate something very special is brewing. I encourage everyone to investigate for yourself. The greatest service you can do for the world right now is to pass along to others this information of Maitreya’s presence and message of peace through nations sharing.

    (Slight correction to the article: the Great Invocation is not Mr. Creme’s. It belongs to no religion or group. It was originally used by Maitreya, the Christ, June of 1945 just after the Axis powers of evil had been defeated in WW II. It is one of the oldest prayers ever known, but one which hitherto was only used by very highly evolved spiritual beings and not yet released to the public.)

  • Andy, I agree with your summary of Creme’s work. There are many Transmission Meditation groups around the world now. Do you think they will continue now that Creme has passed?

  • Betsy, since Transmission Meditation is an Aquarian form of service it is intended to be used as a stimulus for humanity’s evolution for at least the next 2,150 years…maybe beyond. These groups have formed with the purpose of being energetic agents for the Masters of Wisdom. Mr. Creme’s role was merely an advisor on how to correctly participate in this process. He informed us on Transmission’s relation to human progress and to our personal spiritual growth. I would think the groups will continue onward, because the need is as great as ever. The tensions and divisions must be met with full strength by those who are on the side of good, who wish to give of their time for the spiritual “Forces of Light”.

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