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Dismantling Our Own Image!

Dismantling Our Own Image!


by Carmen Vasquez

How many of us feel the pressure of identity? Yes, even though for some it’s hard to admit it, we all create our own image and identity. Since childhood, we are raised in an environment that determines who we become. This may be based on religion, country, society, family, friends, and so on.

These factors create for us a way to act and to perceive the world and also what we call “reality.” But nowadays, more and more people feel frustration and anxiety with the “life” they have created or have been living. This is caused by the fact that we are at a time of awakening for humanity and of evolution for planet Earth.

But how to dismantle that image of ourselves and to feel the relief as we release that heavy weight we have been carrying, trying to be what we are not? Well, I’m not going to tell you this is an easy process. This is something you must prepare for, and to do that, you must feel the inner call to change and open up to living new experiences in a lighter way.

First of all, you must resonate with this process. Do not try to understand what your inner call is telling you with your human mind. When we allow our thinking mode to talk to us, we open up space for our ego and drown out that internal voice that is guiding us.

We all are actors in our own lives. Try to imagine you are watching a play, and the main character is you-yes, you! This is the first step of a process, to start feeling like an observer of your own life and the world. When we start being observers of everything, our perception changes. Our consciousness expands and we start reacting, feeling and understanding that we are one; as well as the “why” of everything.

Of course, our identity or “ego” will try to trick us. Fear could be one of the reactions you experience in this process of change. But the good thing here is that you will be watching yourself, and when you do that, you can recognize when any emotion is coming from the light or from the fear mode.

See Also

Being observers removes that crystallized image we have created. As we dismantle this image, we can recognize patterns that help create the same repeating circumstances in our lives repeatedly. And because these patterns are also recorded in the subconscious minds of our family members, it brings changes in them and in us, even though we may not be aware of it.

Thus, when you understand and start removing layers, step by step, you find yourself in a new direction of life. Since those old patterns are not serving your purpose anymore, you start being really conscious. In other words, you enter a phase of surrender where you feel release and just open space for new purposes.


About the Author

Carmen Vasquez is the author of inspirational and motivational articles that always send positive messages to people. Carmen is a writer for OM Times Magazine and, with her husband, founder of Journey and Carmen Both websites’ main purpose is to inspire people to transform and develop their lives. She’s a mom of three beautiful angels and is happily married; the family lives on the Pacific coast of the U.S.A.

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