Energy – Unity and Oneness or Corporate Rule?

Dying to Live ~ Unity and Oneness or Corporate Rule?
By Jennifer Deisher
The system we live in is a slow burn into a personal and private prison of negative emotion perpetuated by antiquated ideals in regards to energy, government, and finance. Our society isn’t functioning from a place of teaching us how to live healthy lives and thrive in Wellness, rather we are taught how to slowly die instead.
From the smallest proton to the vastness of the Universe there is a constant and consistent force, and that force is energy. Energy never dies, it just changes form – and this is also the definition of Spirit or “God”. We don’t have to be “religious” or use something as simple as science to “prove” that energy has an effect on each and every one of us. We can use our understanding of energy to determine how our society shapes and forms our emotional and spiritual health to get a basic foundation of how energy profoundly influences our daily lives.
Love and Fear – Energy’s Vibration
“If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration” ~ Nikola Tesla
All energy has its own frequency which is the rate in which the energy vibrates. It’s a proven fact that ‘negative’ energy vibrates at a much lower frequency than ‘positive’ energy. As seen in the water molecule experiment, Love has the highest vibration of all and creates sacred geometry when Love energy is directed at the water molecule.
Human beings are also made of energy and our energy is our very Life-source, because our bodies couldn’t function without energy. By volume, the human body produces 60,000 times as much luminosity per cubic centimeter as the Sun, which makes human beings quite radiant indeed!
The simplistic thing about emotional energy is that there are only 2 emotions from which all other emotions stem – they are either Love or fear. Obviously fear is negative and Love is Positive, and we can visually see the difference. This means that if there is negative energy directed at a person, society, religion, or social class then we are all effected in some way through labels and judgment or the “ego”, which is a service-to-self mentality. And the opposite can be said for positive energy.
Mental Slavery of the 99%
At this point we should all be familiar with the “elite” or “the 1%”, who hold the majority of the world’s wealth and prosperity. According to an article in Forbes Magazine, almost half of the world’s wealth is owned by just one percent of the population.
The fact that there is a global elite in the first place suggests an imbalance. If we live in a “Freewill” Universe then how is it that we can be so trapped and confined within a system where we allow a select few to speak for the masses? This also implies imbalance because most of us don’t remember having a choice in whether or not to participate in the system from Birth. The elitist system is based on conditions, rules, structure, labels, and limitation which encourages and expects society to create a self-manufactured image of perfection in order to feed the 1%.
If we can find a way to empty our cup of all we think we know, we can re-assess the situation from a higher perspective. The system runs on the fear, stress, trauma, and negative energy of its participants. It’s imperative to begin to free the mind from the propaganda that is programmed to keep society on a short leash, by giving our power away to the governments, media, doctors, banks, corporations, and pharmaceutical companies.
Like the “Wizard of Oz” there is a proverbial “man behind the curtain” who is pulling the puppet strings of the few to manipulate the many.
“Mental slavery is the worst form of slavery. It give you the illusion of freedom, makes you trust, love and defend your oppressor, while making an enemy of those who are trying to free you or open your eyes” ~ Eli
I recently watched the Hollywood movie “12 Years a Slave” which is based on the book written by Solomon Northrup. It’s the true story of how he was taken as a free man and forced into slavery for 12 years. Solomon Northrup had already known Freedom but other slaves that had been born into slavery couldn’t be convinced that they were indeed “slaves”. This raises the question of how would we know that we don’t know in the first place? Furthermore, if we are born into an invisible slavery system based on a prison of fear and negativity, how would we be able to recognize it if it’s all we know and all our parents know? Especially if our parents and their parents perpetuated the fear based mentality by passing it down from generation to generation?
Fear is the most negative energy that exists in its vibration and the most “hateful” thing we can do to one another is encouraging one another to be fearful or inflicting pain because of our belief systems. By keeping the general population in fear, we feel “threatened” whether we realize it or not. And as a matter of fact the U.S. has been in a declared “State of Emergency” since 1933, which has the intention of fear. This fear leaves us in a constant state of stress, in the fight or flight reaction it brings, thus leaving the Soul to quietly be consumed by the unhealthy emotions that fear brings – in its many forms.
Energy, Power, Wealth and Resources
In stark contrast, the supportive Universe is teeming with Life and is Limitless and infinite by its very nature. The point being that if we are supporting an “elitist” system the Universe is also supporting this system as we live in a supportive Universe. It’s quite obvious that the “elite” feel that they are entitled to resources including energy, water, and financial wealth – but where does that leave the rest of the 99%? I don’t know who decided that they were in charge of auctioning off resources that belong to ALL of Humanity’s children. As a child of my Creator, it is quite logical and apparent to me that I don’t have to “earn” my right to be here in the first place, and I certainly shouldn’t have to pay or fight for resources that are for ALL of us and not just a select few.
When we support an elitist agenda we are in fact enabling ourselves to give our Power away to some sort of “authority figure”, and think that said authority figure is going to come to the rescue when times get tough. As many are finding out, this is not going to happen. The scary part is that the agenda has never been in favor of the masses but yet we support it anyway and, not only that, we teach our children to support it. This inadvertently leaves behind a legacy that cannot sustain itself or our planet, which is also consumed by our “negativity” in a physical and spiritual way.
Energy and Resources
Energy is an important factor in this discussion, especially when one takes into account that Free Energy Technology has existed for quite some time. For those who are still skeptical of this, please check out the open sourced documents for a quantum energy generator and this short clip of the Quantum Energy Generator reaching resonance for the first time in the One People Community Aouchtam workshop.
Fossil fuel and the petro-dollar are the cornerstone of our enslavement as this gives the “elite” all the excuse they need to invade countries for their resources under the guise of “terrorism”. With a select few “stealing” energy from the masses by way of fossil fuel when there are cleaner and better ways, we can begin to see how the global resources have been manipulated to line the pockets of the few while leaving the masses in poverty, illness, homelessness, and hunger.
The mainstream media is owned by corporate conglomerates who, like oil tycoons the Koch Brothers, buy the way for their agendas to make it into law and governance, and decide whether or not to report their dealings on the “news”.
About the Author
Jennifer Deisher is an Emotional Healer, Empath, Intuitive, and Spiritual Transformation Artist. She is the writer of the Moon Hippie Mystic blog and Founded Blueprints for Butterflies as a safe, loving space to assist and heal others who are Awakening and making a spiritual connection with their Higher Self. This creates a spiritual, emotional, and creative blueprint that leads to greater peace, awareness, love, prosperity, and enlightenment that amplifies and resonates with an individual’s unique and divine energy signature. To book a Soul Balancing Session with Written Reading, please visit

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