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What is the Philosopher’s Stone of Alchemy?

What is the Philosopher’s Stone of Alchemy?


by Zinovia Dushkova

What Do You Know about the Philosopher’s Stone?

For centuries, the Philosopher’s Stone, which according to legends and myths can work wonders, was sought after by ancient alchemists. After hundreds of written works, it remains unclear: What exactly is the Philosopher’s Stone?

The answer is surprisingly simple – it is our heart. In their writings, the alchemists used a multitude of allegories, metaphors, and symbols that only the initiated could correctly decode. So, for example, one recipe says: “Take the mercury of philosophers, and burn it until it turns into a green lion. Keep burning – it will turn into a red lion.”

This refers to a fiery heart, since only the one who has the fiery heart is able to come closer to the mystery associated with the Philosopher’s Stone. The “burning fire” means spiritual life. When a person takes a spiritual path, they begin to receive higher energies. This invisible fire “burns,” i.e., transforms, all the seven bodies of their human structure. Initially, this fire is intended to remove a dense layer of “tissue” from the path that links the lower quaternary of bodies and the higher spiritual triad.


The Colors Associated with Transformation

Only the liberated solar plexus can help one to “turn into a green lion,” which means the next step of inner transformation. The heart center has an image of lotus petals, which are, as a rule, in the folded position. The first row consists of green petals, the second row of pink (or red) petals, and the third row of white ones. The green petals are first to be awakened, when a person aspires after the higher knowledge which will help them in the spiritual ascent. And then everyone takes their individual path. If a person’s heart does not possess noble qualities, it is not able to activate the alchemical chain of reactions. In this case, the elements are set in motion, demonstrating all their destructive force.

The secret of all supernatural abilities lies in our heart, where there is a crystal that represents the crystallized fiery energy accumulated through the ages. Tibetans call it Ringse. When a high lama dies, after cremation, his closest disciples begin to look for the Ringse. The larger it is, the better, because the disciples judge the degree of spirituality of their teacher by its size.


Insight on Sacred Relics and Crystals

Such sacred relics have been collected. With the blessing of the 14th Dalai Lama, these are now shown at the Maitreya Projects in Bodhgaya and Kushinagar, India. Since cremation is not traditional in Christian countries, we cannot judge the height of many well-known saints of the Christian Church on this basis. However, it is known that, after the burning of Joan of Arc, her heart did not burn in the fire. Instead, it remained in the form of a crystal. Her executors, not knowing what to do with it, threw into the Seine.

The crystal takes shape throughout one’s life. It may remain unchanged for many lifetimes, until any act shifts it from its fixed position. For example, a deed of light for the good of humanity will add a certain portion to the already accumulated value. After death, the crystal remains on the Earth, but the individual who grew it takes it away in their chest in the form of a blazing bundle of fire. In their new incarnation, the person will endow this crystal with a physical form again that will be equal in energy value to the previous incarnation. In this way, this treasure can be depleted, multiplied, or left the same.


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Philosopher’s Stones and Higher Purpose

Philosopher’s Stones that remain after cremation have the supreme energy and alchemical properties mentioned in the legends. But if another person would like to use the power of such a stone, the power of their own Ringse must be of the same energy level or higher. It is impossible to put these stones to evil ends. Even if one were to attempt it, because of the dissonance that brings, the stone would simply break up; crumbling into the primary elements. There are unpredictable consequences. Examples may include the death of the originator of the evil, to earthquakes and other natural disasters.

The accumulation and growth of the Philosopher’s Stone may occur mainly during our stay in physical conditions over many lifetimes. Later, in the higher worlds, a person reaps the consequences. That is, takes the place that corresponds to the “wealth” of their heart. Therefore, it is important to make the right choices in life and not let earthly illusion delude us. Our wrong actions can result in the loss of our heavenly treasure.


About the Author

Zinovia Dushkova, Ph.D., is an award-winning Russian author and researcher of ancient mysteries. Her spiritual quest has taken her to remote Buddhist monasteries and sacred abodes. Hidden within mountains and deserts in Tibet, Nepal, Mongolia, and India, she has studied ancient manuscripts inaccessible to Western researchers. For more information, visit her website at:

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