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Spiritual Living 101

Spiritual Living 101


Spiritual Living 101 – Something Greater than Ourselves

“Religions are beliefs based on other people’s Soul Adventures and experiences…Spirituality is living, feeling, and experiencing your own Soul Adventure.” ~The Intuitive Prospector™

OMTimes-Experts-Marc-LainhartPeople from around the world have discussed and philosophized for thousands of years on their connection to something greater than themselves, Gods, the universe, reincarnation, something unseen or “felt,” or more than “meets the eye” for this concrete world we inhabit.

Journey with Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™ as he “Prospects” with you in Spiritual Living 101, a series of one-hour workshops and travel from the lower valleys of society expectations, belief systems, learned behaviors and world religions, to the majestic mountain tops of Spirituality, Consciousness, Metaphysics, Self-Awareness, and the true power and connection that is within…

Through our own life experiences, we build and form the foundations on our notion of what spirituality really is. In many ways, our beliefs and “learned behaviors” can drive our everyday reality, thoughts, judgments, and opinions. No right or wrong way to approach this subject of spiritual living, just a simple workshop focused on helping you see, feel, hear, sense, and guide you to the many inspiring and positive lessons and blessings of spirit we experience every single day here on earth. If you are looking for answers, new ideas and exercises, healthy living, guidance, direction, peace, meditation, and a deeper understanding of the world around you, then Spiritual Living 101 is the workshop for you! “Spiritual Prospecting for Spiritual Gold!”

To join Marc for Spiritual Living 101, click the OMTimes Experts badge, or visit:

“The best way out is always through.” -Robert Frost


Class Schedule for Spiritual Living 101

Wednesday Oct – 5th @ 2pm PST / 4pm CST / 5pm EST

Wednesday Oct – 12th @ 2pm PST / 4pm CST / 5pm EST

See Also

Wednesday Oct – 19th @ 2pm PST / 4pm CST / 5pm EST

Wednesday Oct – 26th @ 2pm PST / 4pm CST / 5pm EST

“A Healthy Outside Starts from the Inside.” – Robert Urich

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