Subtle Activism

“Subtle Activism … is scholarly, wise, and profoundly relevant.” ~James O’Dea, former director of Amnesty International; former president of Institute for Noetic Sciences
Book Spotlight – Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation
Written by David Nicol PhD

People on the spiritual path tend to ignore the realm of politics. Political activists often display the opposite tendency, overlooking personal growth in favor of turning outward to create new legislation. What both groups are missing is a striking new discovery: the startling idea that a change of consciousness can by itself create social change. As odd as it may sound, a critical mass of controlled studies shows that consciousness-based practices like prayer and meditation can have a practical and measurable effect on society. Revolutionary scientific research in the last few decades affirms this proposition. It confirms the intuitions that Gandhi and King used to create the most important reform movements of the last century. And now a global movement is arising that builds upon the methods once used by these great pacifists. The new research enables the current generation of change agents to apply an unprecedented new level understanding to their work, which they now call subtle activism. And the man who is arguably the world’s leading spokesperson for this movement, David Nicol, PhD, has just produced the definitive book on this subject, entitled Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation (State University of New York Press, July 2016). Thanks in part to the efforts of Nicol and his colleagues over the last decade, people all over the world are now regularly engaged in synchronized meditations and prayer events to support a wide variety of causes, in conjunction with inspired pragmatic action.
Nicol’s book cites a large body of empirical evidence in support of subtle activism. More than forty studies have been published on the social effects of large meditation groups—including 28 in peer-reviewed scientific journals—and the results show highly significant correlations between the practice of meditation in large groups and improvements in a broad range of social indicators. He also summarizes the impressive track record of movements all over the world that have deployed these methods. The upshot of Nicol’s interdisciplinary study is clear: With the use of subtle activism, spiritual practitioners can apply their hard-won wisdom to the social realm. By the same token, front-line activists now have a powerful tactic that helps them reach deeper and shift human consciousness in positive directions.
Subtle activism, Nicol points out, is a way to maximize the potential of a dimension of support that is usually overlooked in our materialistic, extroverted world. Meditation, prayer, ritual, and visualizations are not a substitute for more overt forms of action. But in the near future, Nicol predicts, the consciousness-based methods of subtle activism will become an essential part of an integrative approach to social change. Please see below how numerous authorities and experts endorse Nicol’s findings and his important achievements.
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About the Author
David Nicol, PhD, teaches at the California Institute of Integral Studies, the Shift Network, and the Institute for Subtle Activism. He is executive director and co-founder of the Gaiafield Project, and co-founder of BeThePeace and WiseUSA, initiatives that have united tens of thousands of practitioners worldwide for large-scale meditation events dedicated to social change. A former environmental lawyer from Australia, David now lives in Berkeley with his wife Kate.
Praise for Subtle Activism
“In the tradition of James’s Varieties of Religious Experience, David Nicol, a practitioner and researcher of subtle activism, has gathered extensive, convincing evidence for the effectiveness of meditation and other consciousness disciplines in service of ecological and social justice.”
—Robert McDermott, PhD, former president of California Institute of Integral Studies and author, Steiner and Kindred Spirits
“Finally, a well-researched exploration of the multi-dimensional nature of real spiritual practice. David Nicol reminds us that spiritual work encompasses both individual and global transformation and has a vital role to play in an emerging planetary consciousness. Subtle Activism is both radical and also grounded in traditional spirituality, whose real potential has been sadly overlooked in our Western focus on the individual self. This is an important contribution to the emerging field of engaged spirituality, which looks beyond the individual to the real need of the present time—a shift in our collective consciousness and the birth of a new story for humanity and the Earth.”
—Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, PhD, Sufi teacher and author of Spiritual Ecology.
“This is a wise and indispensable book that should be in the backpack of everyone who wants to help change the world.”
—Andrew Harvey, author of The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism
“Subtle Activism melds both spirit and passion in a work that is scholarly, wise, and profoundly relevant. It is a clarion call to a world careening out of balance—exhorting us to skillfully mine the vast resources of our inner lives and the collective field of higher consciousness to mobilize the transformation our world badly needs.”
—James O’Dea, author of The Conscious Activist and former President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Washington Office Director of Amnesty International
“David Nicol has brought all the fragmented pieces together to bring us to a full understanding of the subtle planes. He embraces his subject from numerous perspectives—scientific, religious, and spiritual. His most important gift is to bring our understanding from individual consciousness to collective well-being. He has catalyzed a movement for world benefit through subtle activism. This is transformation at its best.”
—Nancy Roof, PhD, founder and editor, Kosmos Journal
“Many good books are published each year but important books are harder to come by. One of the marks of a truly important book is that it challenges our deeply held convictions about what is real and what is possible in the world. It opens new intellectual horizons by showing us previously hidden connections. David Nicol’s Subtle Activism is an important book, a very important book.”
— from the Foreword by Christopher M. Bache, author of Dark Night, Early Dawn
“Subtle activism in its myriad forms is a rising force seeking to harness the powers of consciousness for positive social transformation. Nicol’s is the first authoritative treatment of this emerging planetary force. Lucidly written, grounded in relevant science, cultural history, and the author’s personal experience as a leader in the field, Subtle Activism will be an essential companion to anyone interested in the transformative potential of consciousness.”
—Sean Kelly, PhD, author of Coming Home and professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies
“David Nicol has written a superb introduction to [subtle activism], its history, its theory, and its potentials to help us meet the problems we face . . . . I cannot wait to use this excellent book as a text in my own classes on this topic.”
—David Spangler, noted spiritual teacher and author of Apprenticed to Spirit, Blessings, and Subtle Worlds
“At last, a grounded, rigorous, mind-expanding exploration of the true power and potential of subtle activism . . . . David has created a definitive work on the subject that is both fascinating in its implications and empowering for those of us committed to creating a larger Shift. David’s commitments as a scholar and practitioner shine through every word.”
—Stephen Dinan, CEO of the Shift Network and author of Sacred America, Sacred World
“As the first-ever book-length treatment of the subject, Subtle Activism skillfully combines academic discernment with fascinating historical examples and exciting glimpses of potential applications in the 21st century and beyond. But the book also touches the heart, because David’s passion for and commitment to subtle activism imbues every word.”
—Lynda (Ma Shanti) Terry, author of 11 Intentions and founder of Vessels of Peace
“David Nicol grounds his highly suggestive, groundbreaking, creative, rigorous, and well-written work in an understanding of how subtle activism has manifested in the world religions and in the modern world. He points to how it can be understood in the context of the evolution of science, consciousness, and post-modernity, suggesting its important role for the emergence of a planetary culture able to be powerful enough to address the crises of our time. An inspiring and important book that may itself well play a significant role in such evolution!”
—Donald Rothberg, PhD, Buddhist teacher and author of The Engaged Spiritual Life
“Within these pages are a treasure-trove of intel that seem to have been plucked from wisdom skillfully honed by shamans, adepts, and all manner of seers and sensitives throughout the annals of time.”
—Myra L. Jackson, Founding Board Member, Geoversiv Foundation
“In Subtle Activism, David Nicol makes a powerful case for the crucial role of working in the invisible realms for the healing of the Earth. . . . Subtle Activism is a book that will change our understanding of how to create true positive change on the planet.”
—Sandra Ingerman, MA, teacher of shamanism and author of Medicine for the Earth and Walking in Light
“David Nicol has written a masterful and seminal book . . . . The future is calling to us to pay attention. David is a visionary. As you read the book, if you let yourself, you will begin to stand in that future and new possibilities will be abundantly clear.”
—Patricia Albere, founder and director of the Evolutionary Collective
“David Nicol’s Subtle Activism champions the interior dimension of human existence and participation in the world as no other book has ever done . . . . This book is an immense achievement. Deepest thanks to you, David!”
— Saniel Bonder, founder of Waking Down in Mutuality® and author, Healing the Spirit/Matter Split

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