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2016 Sagittarius New Moon

2016 Sagittarius New Moon


2016 Sagittarius New Moon – November 29, 2016

7 Sagittarius 42

4:18 PST / 7:18 EST / 12:18 GMT

Astrology Forecast for the 2016 Sagittarius New Moon

Beliefs are just ideas until put into action. The 2016 Sagittarius New Moon is an invitation to live them.

Well, more than an invitation, actually. Firm suggestion is more like it. Okay: demand.

The 2016 Sagittarius New Moon may be generally philosophically inclined, but this year’s model has a dynamic bent that will not be denied. It’s not the reality-upending variety of dynamic we’ve been experiencing lately, though. This Moon’s dynamic flavor inspires action that expands and stabilizes, with an emphasis on structures and commitments involving hearts and values.

What’s Propelling Us

We are feeling the pull of multiple defining moments in recent history, all of which are placing cosmic hands against our backs and shoving, but good. Think back to the following times, and connect the dots to where you are now.

The last week of December 2013 brought a tectonic shift in patterns and foundations, particularly involving relationships and family traditions, when Mars in Libra formed a T-square with the cosmic change agents, Uranus and Pluto. That shift is currently being pressured into phenomenal expansion and growth. A T-square involving the same signs accompanies this Moon, now with bigger-is-better Jupiter in Libra and that sign’s ruler Venus with Pluto at the brunt of the T-square.

That focal point warrants emphasizing: the planets of desire and money, mere mortal level and huge, primal, outside-rational-confines level, are together on the receiving end of escalating pressure to break free and evolve. And that pressure is emptying into Cancer: our concept of home, family, tradition, nurturing and security.

On a collective level, the line-up reflects fierce issues of values, economics, and tribal definitions .(Who’s part? Who’s not?) On your personal level, consider how your current relationship rule book / connections / desires connect to what shifted for you that week in 2013. Something has sprouted from that crack in the plates and is blossoming.


The 2016 Sagittarius New Moon also carries the force of the reboot we all received from September’s solar eclipse. The Sagittarius Moon’s square to the eclipse point is a cosmic shove forward, arguing for taking those post-eclipse improvements seriously. What did you clean up or close out? What boundaries did you redraw? They are moving into insistent realities asking for you to commit.

Underscoring that: the North Node is occupying the degree of that eclipse. The future has arrived. It’s time to move away from old wounds, victimization, sabotaging and thinking that is wishful at best, delusional at worst. It’s time to head for tomorrow.

Other late summer/early fall moments play a role as well. The 2016 Sagittarius New Moon is a moving-on point from determination and focused will (and perhaps some anger) that locked in late August, and then the heart (or the resources to back that determination) getting on board late September. At those times Mars, then Venus merged with Saturn, lord of structure, near the degree where the New Moon is taking place.

Issues of integrity and ethics are live and making it increasingly difficult to stay a course that conflicts with yours. A slogan from early feminism is weirdly and directly applicable: The personal is political. These days, the reverse is, too. Speaking of politics: Have some strategies, tips & popcorn for the post 11/9 world/a>/em>

So much pushing us; so much incentive; so much pressure. It’s not out of the blue, though. It’s all an organic outgrowth of matters that have been brewing inside you, and brewing between you and a certain person or two. And it enables firming the situation(s) up, so everyone can relax into and rely on them.


Action Comes Easily

Responding to this call comes naturally, too. The ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter, is in an easy channel of energy with Mars, ruler of drive and action. The combo encourages grand action with a view to the future. That could well be progressive, aware of the existence and role of others (social action, for example) and seeking negotiation, cooperation and advocacy. It could be detached, iconoclastic and going about things its own way.


However the Mars/Jupiter teamwork manifests — and however you chose to express it — it has the power to mushroom tiny efforts wildly beyond the intended.

Grab this and run. Expand your vision of what’s possible. Dream big, then bigger, then bigger again.

See Also
Astrology Forecast July 2019 OMTimes

And then do something. Especially in your dealings and agreements with others.


Major Relationship Developments

The 2016 Sagittarius New Moon ushers a phase in relationships with enormous positive potential. This is particularly so for connections that veer from what has been the wounded norm, into mutually supportive, mutually enhancing pairings.

They’re becoming the new model for long-term relationships. Watch for significant gear shifts in that direction growing out of this Moon phase, which is operating as a gateway. (Inspirational image: the Four of Wands in the Tarot, which depicts a man and woman celebrating publicly at an archway made of wands and garlands.)

Bonds that ramp up or lock in now have long-term durability. That’s not only because love goddess Venus is in Capricorn (and getting the evolutionary whammy discussed above). Another reason is her reinforcement. Juno, the protector of marriage, is right alongside the New Moon. She’s tapping on ring fingers and drawing attention to beliefs about union, commitment and structures that formalize them. Flings will be rare this holiday season. Mistletoe moments with lasting power, on the other hand …


Visibility Advisory

Going with your guidance remains the preferred course of navigation. We’re still operating under murky visibility. Neptune may have gone direct on the 19th, but his clouds of confusion, delusion and, if we’re lucky, transcendence haven’t dissipated. Saturn, ruler of the authority and the status quo, whipped them up for most of the year, and they’re getting a renewed boost from a harsh aspect to the New Moon.

The square could lend high romance to the relationship developments rolling out in this Moon phase. Less pleasant possibilities lurk in the cloudbanks, though. Let your principles guide you through them. Odds are, you won’t be doing it alone.

Design your own ritual for the full moon: get tips in Kathy’s Working with the Moon talk.

Learn more in Kathy’s Astro-Overview for Fall 2016: Welcome to the New Normal.

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