An Election Prayer

This crazy election campaign has pushed us all to dig in to find out how we may each contribute to a positive outcome. A New York Times survey revealed that “80% of Americans are disgusted with politics in our country.” One telephone poll reported that the most common response was “I wish it were over.” In a day or two it will be over, but “How will it be over?” I am not referring simply to the candidates elected, but, far more important, to the state of mind and heart with which people vote and the predominant energy of the country in the days and years that follow November 8.
After hearing endless opinions, arguments, upsets, scandals, tirades, and forecasts, I finally learned of an approach to the election that makes sense: focused prayer and meditation. When I read on the web that many people are gathering in groups to send positive energy to “elevate the vote,” I felt a wave of relief and empowerment that I have not found in the many news reports I have read. Some people are participating in “meditation flash mobs,” showing up at polling places and sitting in silent meditation to hold the space for the healthiest results.
I am joining the ranks of those mobilizing our minds and hearts for positive results from the election, and I invite you to join me. If you do an Internet search for “Elevate the Vote” you will find a listing of groups who are gathering before or during the election to pray that good will be done. You might want to physically go to a locale and pray or meditate with others (“Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there am I”) or simply join with your family or cast your vote of consciousness individually. The power of prayer and meditation is real and creates tangible results in the physical world. (The “Maharishi Effect” has been demonstrated through over 600 studies, showing that focused meditation lowers the crime rate and prison populations.) You have or will cast your vote and you may be supporting your candidate through action and finance. Now here is your chance to influence the nation and the world with your consciousness, the most powerful voting tool you have.
I would like to offer a prayer for you to use if you like. Feel free to use this individually or in groups, and share it wherever you wish.
I now call upon the light of God to shine into the minds and hearts of voters to elect the candidates who will bring only good to the people they serve. May each voter be guided by positive intentions to generate healing, well-being, and harmony for all the people their vote effects.
I want only good for our country and the world, and I know this is the will of God. The power of good will outshines all fear, darkness, and the appearance of separation. I now decree that any and all darkness be illuminated such that the presence of love is revealed and manifested as a result of this election.
I see people coming together and elected officials serving as a force for unity and healing. I see miracles resulting from this election, in ways far beyond what appearances have indicated.
I call upon the redeeming power of kindness, compassion, service, and upliftment to become manifest through this election, and ennoble humanity.
I summon Higher Power in any and all forms, including angels, guides, masters, and the pure spirit of love to speak to every person as they enter the voting booth and move them to choose in harmony with blessing for all.
I see the results of this election leading to positive, conscious, uplifting results for our nation and the world.
I invoke the presence and power of the God of love to manifest only good through this election and all the days that follow.
I choose peace and, by example, call upon others to choose peace for themselves, our nation, and the world.
And so it is.

Alan Cohen is the author of I Had it All the Time: When Self-Improvement Gives Way to Ecstasy. If you would like to become a professional life coach or incorporate life coaching skills in your career or personal life, join Alan’s celebrated Life Coach Training Program. For more information about this program, Alan’s books, free daily inspirational quotes, and his weekly radio show, visit