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Astrology Forecast November 2016

Astrology Forecast November 2016

Astrology Forecast May 2017

To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the Astrology Forecast November 2016, click the player below.


Here is the Astrology Forecast November 2016

It is time for moving forward. After months of disorientation, confusion and head-scratching, along come moments of “So that’s what this was about!” Then decisive, determined action capitalizing on the realizations.

Think of it as a Thanksgiving parade, all month long — only you’re not watching on the sidewalk or your couch, but marching into the fray, and at the end you’re not returning to your original spot. November calibrates our desires, shuts down the cosmic fog machine (at last!) and births developments with a long-term reach.

This story arc is not exactly apparent from the month’s first few days. Little is readily apparent, actually, that’s how unmoored the post-Halloween days (including election day in the U.S.) are from what ordinarily passes for reality.

Gentle, otherworldly currents are delivering artistic inspiration, encounters with the departed, guidance from on high and sensations of connectedness to all of life. Monsters from the deep are in those waters as well, closer to the surface than normal. Visual and mental cues may mislead; navigate by radar. (Refer to my Scorpio New Moon forecast, which is still in effect.)

By the 5th, a thunderclap rouses hearts and desires; by the 7th, a path opens to a fierce desire, if you focus, banish fears and take the first, bold step to claiming.

Moving forward soon loses the careful, nose-to-grindstone, down-to-business plodding that colored October. Action hero Mars, who rules how we go after what we want, begins a month-plus in the futuristic, free-spirited intellectual mode of Aquarius on the 9th. Methodical progress gives way to innovative, individualistic approaches and flashes of genius. You’ve already set goals; now make up your way as you go along, pulling moves out of the blue now and again. (Tessering, anyone?)

The bottom line remains at the forefront, though, with Venus, ruler of all we value (love, money, creativity, previous baubles), moving from theoretical Sagittarius to eminently practical Capricorn on the 11th, where she’ll remain till December 6. With “Santa Baby” popping up early on internal playlists, watch for a calculating eye and preference for lasting value to overtake relationships and financial dealings.


Mercury picks up the fire baton from Venus the next day, the 12th, keeping gab and getting around energized and lively for the remainder of the month. There’s little chance of lagging once the Sun starts his annual tour of the sign, on the 21st.

The underlying practical streak gets a boost from the Taurus Full Moon on the 14th. This directs attention and emotions to issues of physical satisfaction, security and satiety. It’s a have-it-all event: Long-term security remains the goal, but we hunger for tangible, consumable reward in the here and now, as well.

Venus’ journey dominates the rest of the month. October sounded the cosmic alarm clock and set long-simmering developments into motion. November runs them by our heart and makes tweaks in both directions. As Venus contacts all the outer planets, our desires, relationships, approach to money and ultimately value systems get softened, buffed, deepened, stretched and blown out.

The calibrating begins with a doorway to tender, kind, heaven-sent experience, as Venus reaches out to Neptune, ruler of higher love, on the 19th. That’s the very day he’s turning direct after a six-month retrograde, which began in the middle of the weird, Hanged Man-like suspension of June’s mutable grand cross.

We’ve come down from the Hanged Man’s tree and have been on solid ground since September. Now the fog that blanketed that experience — and so much of the year — is finally burning off. We are getting a much clearer view of exactly where we are — and where we’re heading.

That clarity is up for honing as we roll toward Thanksgiving and cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto come back into play. That holiday will be anything but the same old, same old. Jupiter is pumping up structural changes in traditions, families and other foundations, when he squares Pluto, agent of unavoidable, fundamental change on the 24th.

See Also

The difference in this year’s model is more than what’s on the menu. A change in location, in companions and above all in approach and significance are all in order. And they’re setting the imprint for celebration in years to come. The urge is insistent and irresistible to do what you want, what you really, really want, with someone (singular or plural) you really, really want to be with. Expect smaller, deliberately chosen gatherings, simplification and greater meaning.


The impact is far greater than a holiday celebration. A template is being installed for moving forward, as the two planets of money and desire, Venus and Pluto, meet on the 25th. Here, Jupiter is egging Venus on in her quest for tangible, bankable reward and experience. “Aha!” moments and messages assist, when Mercury gets a zap or two from radical change agent Uranus on the 26th.

Stabilizing and order begin to take shape with the Sagittarius New Moon on the 9th. Commitment of no small significance is in the air. The rebooting you experienced with the Virgo solar eclipse in September plays a role; this New Moon carries an imperative to step up and move forward on it. Relationships are a major area of activity, since structure-loving Saturn is the New Moon’s guest of honor, and Juno, the marriage goddess, is his date.

Resistance and impediments stand little chance, with Venus demanding action from Uranus. The month ends with a clash between the Sun and Neptune. This has the power to dispel illusion, delusion and any lingering fog. The impact can also rain down tenderness, compassion and kindness toward yourself and others. Allow that downpour to wash over you and water the foundations of your desires. They’ve been a long time coming.

Design your own ritual for the new moon: get tips in Kathy’s Working with the Moon talk.

Learn more in Kathy’s Astro-Overview for Fall 2016: Welcome to the New Normal.

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