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A Happiness Recipe from the 12 Archangels

A Happiness Recipe from the 12 Archangels


Have You Ever Found a Great Happiness Recipe?

What if daily life could be filled with long stretches of happiness and contentment? What if our human egos could feel confident, satisfied, and safe within our bodies and safe within our environment? And what if we could remember that if we want to create a better future, we need to let go of the disappointment and resentments of our past? The 12 Archangels, celestial healers and guides for humanity, therefore offer us their happiness recipe for the ultimate in daily life here on Earth.

Before we gather our ingredients and mixing bowl, we need to prepare the kitchen. The kitchen is a metaphor for the heart. Our heart is a doorway that opens to an incredibly auspicious passageway. This passageway leads us to the bliss of Heaven, a vibration where fear, lack and suffering do not exist. To locate the passageway, it helps to do some releasing of the past. Human beings can have a habit of living in the past, holding onto the hurt and loss of days long ago. When we let go of what did not bring us joy and give it back to God, we open our hearts and the passageway that connects us with the flow of goodness of Heaven.


Let’s tidy the kitchen with the 12 Archangels!

The Angels ask us to close our eyes and take some deep breaths. They encourage us to say, “I give all of my fears that the painful or lack filled days of my past, especially those of my childhood, back to my Creator. I give all my regrets, guilty thoughts, and not-good-enough beliefs to Mother Father God. I now choose to forgive it all and make room in my heart for happiness.

The last step of kitchen prep for the happiness recipe is to ground in our bodies. Take a few deep-down-to-the-belly breaths and say, “I Am here now.” We can then invite the child that lives within us to guide us to the drawer with the wooden spoon. This spoon is symbolic of the wand of power of our Divine Masculine and cup of security of our Divine Feminine. Our kitchen is ready, the bowl (our vessel) is prepared and together with the Divine Child within us, we hold firmly to the spoon of creation. With a focused mind, open heart and grounded body, let’s get cooking with the 12 Archangels and make some HAPPY!


Happiness Recipe:

Step 1: Go into your heart and visualize a beautiful purple door with a multi-faceted crystal doorknob. Touch the doorknob and watch the light become activated within your mind and entire being. Open the door and step into an exquisitely beautiful garden with emerald green grass and a sky the clear blue color of Spirit.

Step 2: Once you are in the garden, look for a circle of 12 great trees. They are magnificent in height and in the color of their foliage. Stand inside the circle of trees and breathe in deeply, way down into your belly. As you exhale, nice and slow, watch as the anxious “what-if-the-future-is-not-what-I-want-it-to-be” dark bits of shadow are purged from your head and body.

Step 3: See a soft violet rain begin to fall onto the trees and down into the circle where you are releasing the fear. This is the rain of transformation and forgiveness. It washes away all of the disappointments and thus makes room for something much better to manifest for you. Please see yourself shake off the old misery as if you are a euphoric pup who has had a romp in the gentle, warm rain.


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The 12 Archangels Happiness Recipe Continues

Step 4: Look up and see a platter of your favorite treat, the treat you loved most in childhood. It is floating down, gently and lands in your hands. And so, the child within you appears next to you. Together, enjoy the treat and allow the happiness to invade every cell of you with delight and delicious joy.

Step 5: See the child within you manifest a hat of tinkling bells for each of you. Smiling activates the soft singing of the bells. The great Angel trees begin to hum and the atoms in your body radiates this joy. Say, “Thank you, Happiness, for filling me. Thank you, Safety, Security and Trust for filling me. Thank you, Prosperity, Good Health, and Loving Relationship for filling me. I AM so grateful to be alive.”

Step 6: Dance within the circle of the 12 Archangels and feel the warmth of the Central Sun, the Heart of the Creator, fill you and the child within with faith and euphoric light. Thus, feed your vessel with the feeling that all is well.

All of the Angels and helpers in Heaven thank you for your willingness to step into the kitchen and try out a new happiness recipe. This extraordinary nutrition will support better health for all eternity. It is your birthright as a child of God to live on Earth as you do in Heaven, rich with happiness and faith that your future is a beautiful one.

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