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The Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm


It is Universal: The Law of Rhythm

Universal Law allows us to experience a deeper connection with the Divine and to become part of its very nature. The Law of Rhythm is one that creates acceptance of timing, that is, everything happens in its own time. Our impatience with Universal timing gives a tendency to force things to happen sooner than they are supposed to. Recognizing that there is an ebb and flow, a rise and fall, and a pendulum swing back and forth is the essence of this Law.

Timing is one of the most important aspects of living the magickal life. It requires two parts: sensing the flow of energy and using magickal timing such as seasons, time of day, days of the week, and astrological energies. Additionally, understanding that everything happens in its own time is essential to cultivating patience when attempting to manifest your desires. You decide the what; The Universe decides the when.

That said, it is possible to tap into the natural flow of the energy around you to support your efforts. The moon cycle is a good place to begin. Especially on the new moon, when the energy is ripe for starting new projects. The waxing moon is a time for building power toward fulfillment, and the full moon is a time for completion and manifestation. The waning moon is a time for clearing, banishing, and removing.

Start matching your activity against the moon phases and see if there is alignment. If not, does it feel as though you are going against the natural rhythm, and it is much harder to complete certain tasks? Try scheduling your personal activities to coincide with the supportive energies of the nature phases.

Onto the seasons, where autumn is a time for preparations, harvest, and setting intentions, winter is a time to withdraw, go within, and study. Spring is a time of new beginnings, and summer is the season of fulfillment. If you want to begin a large, important project, spring during the new moon or first quarter will give the biggest boost to starting something new.

A client of mine found that she had a powerful urge to reorganize and purge her home at fairly regular intervals. We traced the timing of this activity against the moon phases and found that it always occurred when the seasons changed during the waning moon; a prime time to remove old energies and objects from her personal space. She had tapped into the moon cycle and seasonal vibrations without realizing that nature was supporting her actions. This resulted in a much easier go of the project than would have occurred if she had chosen to clear out during the waxing moon.

Planetary energies associate with days of the week, hours of the day, and astrological timing. Each planetary energy carries with it an essence all its own. The days of the week are associated with one of the seven planetary energies. Here are the basic meanings as follows:

Sunday-Sun-Power, success, confidence

Monday-Moon-Change, intuition, emotions, delusion, pregnancy

Tuesday- Mars-Strength, willpower, drive, ambition

Wednesday-Mercury-Wisdom, communication, thinking,

Thursday-Jupiter-Expansion, benevolence, optimism, wealth, justice

Friday-Venus-Love, artistry, money

Saturday-Saturn-Restriction, career, responsibility, endings.

Be mindful of these energies and see if you can connect with them on a regular basis.

In addition to the natural rhythms, we have our own internal, personal rhythms. These must be acknowledged and included when determining the next course of action. Notice within a 24-hour period when you feel brightest versus when your energy wanes. Those who are morning people get the most accomplished before midday, some feel most inspired in the afternoon, and still others thrive in the darker hours. If you find yourself at a job that goes against your natural rhythm, then you will likely struggle to maintain the required schedule. Seek a vocation that allows you to work within your true nature and natural energy cycle.

See Also

Moving in rhythm with our own natural cycles in conjunction with nature’s rhythms is essential for the greatest energetic impact. Internal cycles are present as well with hormonal cycles changing daily and monthly, for both men and women. Astrological cycles can enhance or diminish your energy and motivation. They may incline you toward a specific goal or desire.

Those not in step with these cycles or who are unaware of them experience a sense of disconnect with the energy around them. An example of this includes Seasonal Affective Disorder. This is where sufferers feel depressed in the winter when the sun is farthest from the earth. Having mood swings or getting urges to do things seemingly for no reason have a high likelihood of being connected to these internal and external cycles.

If you feel out of sorts, consider if you are currently going against the natural or personal rhythms. Trying to push forward despite indications that the energies are running the other direction creates the feeling of hitting a wall or spinning your wheels. Wait until the timing is right to move ahead. In the meantime, prepare for the moment when the rhythms support advancing your position.

By fully aligning with the natural rhythms of the Universe and being aware of your personal rhythms, things flow more easily and life feels more peaceful.

©2016 Diane Wing, M.A., All Rights Reserved.


About the Author

Diane Wing, M.A. is the founder of Wing Academy of Unfoldment, host of Wing Academy Radio, a multi-published author, and an experienced guide for those ready to see things differently. When it comes to getting unstuck and feeling great about life, her 9-word philosophy is: Let go. Be grateful. Stay open. See the magick.

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