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The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift


‘You better watch out; you better not cry; ya better not pout; I’m telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town!’

Who is this jolly, generous, free-spirited and wise archetype who makes us all, from the youngest to the eldest, feel so warm and happy? And what is his magical touch, and why does it bring us so much light, joy and presents, to boot? The Christmas season comes to us during the time that the Sun is traveling through the residential block of Sagittarius, that optimistic, hopeful, abundant, and wise energy ruled by the benevolent planet and guru Jupiter, who wishes nothing more than to bless us with all its many gifts.


Santa, the Sun, and the Christmas Season

This is Santa! The wise, bearded man who brings us laughter, gaiety and fun after the darkness of the intense and transformational Scorpio. Santa brings us hope to experience the wishes and dreams we have for our lives. He is the generosity of our spirit wishing to spread its love over all lands and people.

And really, during this time of year, we can truly “feel” the shift as we go to stores or walk the streets. People seem more joyful, loving, peaceful. Smiles and words of good will are shared freely with every cup of hot chocolate ordered or bag of roasted chestnuts purchased. It doesn’t seem to matter what part of the World or in what culture one finds themselves, the joy of this season prevails. Is it coincidence that the Sun travels through the constellation of optimism, joy, giving and receiving during this time? No. The Sun never lies, especially when it finds itself in the sign of truth!


The Birth of Christ Consciousness within Us

During Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, which was the birth of the Christ Consciousness within us all, the physical manifestation of the Creator brought to us through Jesus, the Christ. One could say that Jesus was one of the greatest metaphysicians of all times. And though many scholars have tried to put his life into words, it is something that cannot be intellectualized. Rather, it must be felt through our own direct perception and experience.

This Christ Consciousness is not about one religious belief system over another, but it is that which is in us all, regardless of cultural or religious background. This blessed gift of the Christ is for all creation! It does not discriminate. This is the gift that Jupiter and our favorite Centaurs, Sag, convey to us during this time, and since they rule over travel, foreign cultures, education, philosophy (like Santa!), we can use this energy to connect to the unity of the Christ Consciousness in all the world and in all people! This is the joy and celebration of Christmas throughout all the lands; the reconnection to our truth, our authentic self and not that of the ego.


The Greatest Gift at Christmas is Truth

What is this truth? How do we stay connected to our authentic self that keeps us living in the spirit and joy of Christmas all year-round? Buried within the cobwebs of bad habits, negative thinking, and identification with ego lies a most incredible treasure. It is that of love, joy, grace–the greatest gift that we could ever receive, and we find it through our practice of meditation. It is through faith that we can then live this truth.

Welcome this Truth; allow it to be that which transforms you, to help you migrate from one state of being to the next, as painful as it may be. Allow it to bring your rebirth. Find what your Truth is and how you live it daily. And what is this authenticity? It is our joy! It is our Christmas! The greatest gift we will ever receive…truth and purpose. “If there is love in your heart and your mind, you will feel like Christmas all the time.” (Where Are You Christmas)


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Actions of Pure Love During the Holidays

So, during this Christmas season while you’re busy baking, wrapping presents and decorating the house, do so with intentions of pure love in your heart remembering that all things, positive or negative, are born from a place of love and truth. Know that this is true for all humanity despite all the various cultures and religious and political belief systems. We all wish for the same things in life.

While decorating your tree, in your mind’s eye see yourself laying the gifts of peace. See forgiveness, nobility, service, kindness, faith and joy all wrapped in gold under your tree. Recognize that these are the greatest gifts of all, those of our Christ Consciousness. We are all children of God, as was Jesus, and in a sense, Christmas is the day of our own birth, as well. We, too, with daily devotion and turning inward by meditating can find the meaning of who we are, the healing of our souls, the compassion and love.

And that is our treasure….to find our true essence and walk through this life with joy, even in our darkest of times. Paramahansa Yogananda said: “From Joy we came, in Joy we live, in Joy we melt.”

And when you see Santa Claus with his gleaming eyes, red cheeks and belly-moving laughter, recognize him as the archetype that is within us all, that of hope, faith, love, generosity and truth!

Merry Christmas!

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