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3 Powerful Ways to Guard Your DNA

3 Powerful Ways to Guard Your DNA

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by Dr. Jennifer Stagg, ND.

Our Genes Are Not Our Destiny

Our understanding of DNA is a relatively new science and one of the most rapidly evolving fields in medical research. It was initially thought that the pattern of our genes was set in stone, and in a way that is true. Your genetic code, which we could call your ‘book of life’ is pretty much static. But, it turns out that there is much more to the equation: how your genes get expressed is highly affected by your environment, with everything from stress to exercise to food making a huge impact.

This concept is referred to epigenetics. Strands of DNA inside every cell in your body can get ‘”tagged” or modified as the result of small chemical reactions, and this can affect whether a gene gets turned on or turned off, also known as gene expression. For example, we have genes called tumor suppressor genes, which as you might have guessed can impact the development of a cancerous tumor. If this type of gene gets turned off, then you could be in big trouble. Therefore, the bulk of the research being done in epigenetics focuses on developing targeted pharmaceutical cancer therapies.


A Paradigm Shift in Promoting Health

As a physician who works with patients to help promote their innate health potential, I believe there needs to be a paradigm shift focusing on health promotion instead of disease treatment. Of course, I am not suggesting that we stop treating diseases, and there is certainly a time and place for medication. What I am suggesting is that research efforts be shifted toward understanding what keeps us healthy. There are more genes for resilience that help us stay well than there are for diseases. These genes are only in their infancy of being understood.

It is generally accepted that our health status is the result of 30% genetics and a whopping 70% environment. This is fantastic news; it means that we are essentially in the driver’s seat and can take control of our health by the lifestyle choices we make. In my clinical practice, I refer to this concept as Precision Lifestyle Medicine or PLM.


Key Choices to Guard Your DNA

Essentially, it means that I teach patients specific ways to bring back balance into their life. My patients also have access to genomic wellness testing to help further personalize which choices will be best for them, addressing specifics like their mindset around food, type of exercise, the right balance of dietary fats, carbs, and proteins, and even which vitamins might be of concern.

There are many simple, generalized ways that have been shown to affect how your genes are expressed. What are the key choices you can make to guard your DNA, and thereby enhance your health?


The Truth behind Superfoods – We Are What We Eat

1. The truth behind superfoods. The concept of a superfood has been around for some time and is not a medical term. It has historically been used to describe foods that are loaded with compounds with health benefits like vitamins, omega-3s or anti-oxidants. Unfortunately, these foods are not often commonly consumed in our Western Culture, and may not be widely available. However, I view superfoods with a bit of a twist. Any food or beverage that contains compounds that can affect your DNA expression can also fit the bill. And, the added benefit for many of these is that they are widely available and often delicious. Some of my top superfoods are dark chocolate, green tea, coffee, blueberries and other dark berries, salmon, garlic, broccoli, turmeric and red wine.


Genetic Fitness – Impact of Exercise on our Genes

2. Shake up your Genes. Knowing that dietary choice is critical to protecting your DNA, it comes as no surprise that exercise can directly influence how your genes are expressed. Regular physical activity can radically change gene patterns so that someone at higher risk for disease can become a low risk. And, even more, outstanding is that the impact of exercise can be immediate, with changes in gene expression seen after a single workout!

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Chill Out – Meditation and Less Stress

3. Chill Out. I’m not talking about cryotherapy here; I am instead referring to being as cool as a cucumber. The effect of stress on DNA expression is one of the key factors impacting the expression of genes associated with the development of disease states. While you may not be able to change many of the stressors in your environment, you can change how you react to those stressors. In my experience, the single most effective way to achieve this is through a regular practice of meditation. Meditation has been documented to change the connections in the brain that wire up to the fear center.


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About the Author

Dr. Jennifer Stagg is an experienced physician, author of Unzip Your Genes, and noted authority in in Precision Lifestyle Medicine-an emerging approach for disease prevention that considers an individual’s genes, environment, and lifestyle. Find out more at

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