Jill Mattson: The Lost Waves of Time
So, the Fibonacci Pattern of Numbers, they used a different type of geometry than we do. But, the Fibonacci Pattern of Numbers creates that gorgeous spiral in the night sky. It’s in a beehive. It’s tens of thousands of times in your body. It’s in almost every flower, every tree you see.
If God had a favorite pattern, it was the Fibonacci Pattern of Numbers. And when you take two of those numbers and divide them by each other, you get five. And then factor Etch-A-
Sketch illustration, the other little tab or button you could manipulate would create a straight line would be the Solfeggio tones.
The ancient singers that I talked about carried these stories down from generation to generation. When people hear these ancient numbers, patterns expressed as frequencies or cycles per second, certain patterns light your aura up full of white light, and so what does that mean?
Well, the white light’s the component of the rainbow of colors. So, if you have a crystal and white light goes through it, you see the rainbow on the wall.
And likewise, white light becomes the building block of everything.
So, they would see that certain number patterns fill you up to full of white light, and there are methods today with software that you can look at all the frequencies in the body. And when you’re healthy, you have every frequency there is, every cycle per second within a broad range is in your body. When you are sick, you’re missing a lot of frequencies.
So, health equates to white light, perfect health. And emotional balance equates to white light. And all these kinds of things that really like equate to all that is or mastery of all the frequencies and having all the frequencies.
Victor Fuhrman: So what we’re saying if I can extrapolate and go back to the origin, is that God, the divine, the creator is a master mathematician, a master singer, and a master speaker.
Jill Mattson: Yes. And in the beginning, it was the word, there you go, yes.
Victor Fuhrman: And everything created, it’s almost as if it’s a computer program because the number sequences are so perfect and beautiful.
Jill Mattson: Correct.
Victor Fuhrman: And as they chant in turn, perform chanting or kirtan, that energy is reinforced by the structure that they’re dwelling within. So, what are some of the roots of your sound healing? How did you get involved in sound healing?
Jill Mattson: As I said, it was a spiritual quest, and it was a 20, 25-year period. The ancients perceived that this was very powerful information. You could control people’s thoughts, health. I mean, what could be more powerful?
So, they encoded it, and it took me probably that full time to figure out all the basics of how they altered all energy through the periscope of sound. The sound shapes. It’s easy. It’s malleable. You can observe the effects. I mean, it’s so conducive to understanding all that is. And so, as I studied through these 25 years, I would learn a secret from the Egyptians, for example. And that secret might help me understand what the Chinese were kind of dancing around or to crack a code in another ancient society.
Victor Fuhrman: Now, all of us have had the experience of hearing a piece of music and being touched by it, bringing us to tears or bringing us to a rapturous sensation. How do sounds relate to our emotions?
Jill Mattson: Each emotion in your body is an exact frequency. Love always feels the same because it is the same cycles per second. So, if I create that inner-frequency, I’m gonna start to resonance, I’m gonna generate that inside you. Remember, energy transfers on the same frequency.
Victor Fuhrman: Now how do sounds relate now to our physical bodies? Let’s go into the actual physical body itself.
Jill Mattson: Everything in your physical body is energy, and it vibrates. And there is equipment today that can count the cycles per second of everything. And in the human body, your organs have a frequency when they’re healthy that’s consistent. It’s the same with your bones and your muscles. Today, you can even go to an orthopedic doctor, and he can give you a little box that has a frequency of your bone. And through resonance remember the violin, so energy transfers–the frequency of a healthy bone is transferred to you by listening, and you can take your time to heal that broken bone in half. The ancient Egyptians were doing that. This is a very, very old technique.
Victor Fuhrman: In ancient Sanskrit, in Hindu practices, we talk about root sounds or “Bijam” and each of these relating to one of the organs. This is something like that. For example, for the heart, as we what would be the actual sound that’s chanted for the heart?
Jill Mattson: I chant “ahh” because that’s been used in most of the ancient mystery schools. And you’ll find that sometimes a mystery school might modify the vowel sound a little bit. And I believe that’s because each culture would have had characteristic different health problems. So, you know, the sounds would have evolved as the human body evolved. But, ahh to me is a good vowel sound because you can feel it just massaging the heart.
Victor Fuhrman: Jill, we were talking about healing, but let’s talk a little bit more about some of the concepts that you discuss in The Lost Waves of Time. For example, you say that music is everywhere. How can we learn to listen for and hear that music?
Jill Mattson: When I say music is everywhere, I’m talking about everything is energy, and energy expresses the cycles per second or frequency. Now, we won’t hear it all. For example, plants have little vibrations, and you can record them and amplify them, and they’re gorgeous. But, without the amplification, we don’t hear them.
Same with the night sky, just gazing at the stars, yet, you know, go into a polluted section of town, and when you start having like GMOs in sound, if you will, it feels bad. So, I would say to pay attention to your feelings.
Victor Fuhrman: So, in essence, anything can be affected by sound?
Jill Mattson: Yes, absolutely. And it’s slow, meaning subtle, small quantities, but we’re surrounded. You can play my “Healing Flower Symphonies” and sleep with them, and you ingest sound while you’re sleeping, and you can get the proper dosage to make a powerful transformation, and you can do it while you’re sleeping.
Victor Fuhrman: Can we vibrate to one another?
Jill Mattson: Absolutely. I find when I look at my frequencies, I’m not special in that I’m not a big white light. I’m like everybody else, and I just have a lot of blue. For me, I have a lot of blues and purples in my aura.
And the mathematics–the balance of blue is orange, and you’ll find most of my friends are orange. I mean, they literally complete me. They literally heal me. I’m attracted to them, yes.
Victor Fuhrman: So, we do vibrate to each other then?
Jill Mattson: You bet.
Victor Fuhrman: And is there a vibration of love?
Jill Mattson: Absolutely, every emotion–and the ancient people would put love as a category. Just like light, because crystal, when you see this gorgeous crystal, they would say there’s a mother’s love, there’s romantic love, there’s, you know, different types of love. So, they would break it out into like perhaps 12 divine attributes of love, and then they would tune to each and every one.
Victor Fuhrman: And, Jill, where can our listeners get The Lost Waves of Time and your other wonderful books and CDs?
Jill Mattson: Please visit me at JillMattson.com
About the Interviewer
Rev. Victor Fuhrman, MSC, is a healer, spiritual counselor, and author whose deep, rich, compassionate and articulate sound inspired the radio handle, “Victor the Voice”. Victor is the host of Destination Unlimited, Wednesday 8 PM on OMTimes Radio.
Rev. Victor Fuhrman, MSC, is a healer, spiritual counselor, and author whose deep, rich, compassionate and articulate sound inspired the radio handle, “Victor the Voice”. A former armed forces broadcast journalist, Victor Fuhrman is a storyteller by nature and an inspiring public speaker. He brings unconditional love, compassion and a great sense of humor to his ministry. Victor is the Host of Destination Unlimited on OMTimes Radio, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM ET. http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/destination-unlimited/