Dr. Semir Osmanagich: Bosnian Pyramids

Interview with Dr. Semir Osmanagich: Bosnian Pyramids
Semir Osmanagich is the author of 15 books on ancient civilizations and pyramids around the world.
In 2005, a businessman, researcher, and anthropology professor at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dr. Semir Osmanagich made a groundbreaking discovery which, after 11 years of archeological digging, sample testing, radiocarbon dating, and two scientific conferences still divide the archeological community.
Dr. Semir Osmanagich joins us to discuss why he maintained that everything we thought we knew about the history of civilization and the age and purpose of pyramids is wrong and why so many archeologists, and cultural media, and political establishments still refuse to acknowledge it.
To listen to the full interview of Dr. Semir Osmanagich with Sandie Sedgbeer on What is Going OM on OMTimes Radio, click the player below.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Dr. Semir Osmanagich, welcome. You’re a world-renowned expert on pyramids. You have investigated the structures in China, Mauritius, the Canary Islands, Egypt, Peru, El Salvador, Guatemala, Bolivia, Honduras, Mexico, etc. And, in 2005, you discovered the first pyramids on European soil. Can you tell us, briefly, how that discovery came about?
Semir Osmanagich: For the last 25 years, I’ve been researching ancient civilization and pyramids in particular. My Ph.D. was about the Mayan pyramids, and I realized that the most pyramids on the planet are covered by soil and vegetation. In China, Guatemala, or Mexico. People know about Egyptian pyramids or Peruvian, but they’re in the desert, so no greenery, no rain.
So, in 2005, I first came to a little Bosnian town of Visoko in central Bosnia-Herzegovina to visit the local museum. And then, I saw that towering the town was a huge hill, as they called it. But, it had four sides, triangular faces, four corners, the same slope from bottom to the top. I took a compass, and compass showed me that those sides perfectly matched cardinal points – east, west, north, south.
So, with a geometry and perfect orientation, I knew that despite the soil and the forest, below, there was an artificial structure. So, starting 2005, we got to archeological digging. We found that there was a biggest, a largest pyramidal complex on the planet located in Bosnia on European soil.
Sandie Sedgbeer: When you first started excavating, what did you imagine that your excavations would reveal?
Semir Osmanagich: I wasn’t sure what we were going to find the layers of soil. However, the first preliminary geological core drilling showed us a lot of anomalies that started that are not supposed to be there. And, when we started removing the soil in our archeological trenches, we realized that three feet below the soil there are huge blocks, some of them rectangular, square, or even different shapes.
We analyzed the material. It proved to be artificially made concrete. Some people call it geopolymer concrete, some people synthetic concrete. So, the ancients were able to make the concrete which, when it comes to the quality and the hardness, was better than what we can make in the 21st century. So, we realized that the whole pyramid been covered in concrete, about 18 million tons of artificially made concrete, which is much more than, for example, the Great Pyramids of Egypt’s five million tons of blocks.
Sandie Sedgbeer: So, you’ve now yielded, what, five pyramids of various sizes as what is a vast labyrinth of underground tunnels?
Semir Osmanagich: That is correct. So far, we’ve been digging on five structures. Below the soil, we’ve been finding blocks, obviously, a very interesting structure made by intelligent hands. Those five structures we named the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, Moon, Dragon, Earth, and love.
And there is a huge prehistorical underground tunnel network. So, we have a system of tunnels, passageways, chambers, intersections, underground lakes. Whoever built it, they had the capabilities to maneuver and to move huge quantities of construction material.
In the case of Bosnian pyramid projects, we realized that need to redefine what a pyramid is. It’s not a tomb for the Pharaohs. It’s not the place to sacrifice the enemy. But, we must establish a set of scientific criteria, which we did. And we have ten criteria for pyramids.
Number one, geometry, four-sided pyramid.
Number two, artificial construction material. In Bosnia, it’s concrete; in Egypt, limestone and granite; in Peru, adobe bricks; in Guatemala, shaped volcanic stone. Number three, the orientation to the cardinal points – east, west, north, south – all the Chinese pyramids, all the Egyptian pyramids, more so the Peruvian, and Mexican, all pyramids, perfect orientation. Then, in a passageway, some chambers. Then, in number five, underground tunnels in Egypt, Mexico, China, Peru, Bosnia. Then, water, they have underground water flow.
Number four, sacred geometry, then, astronomical features, energy pointed places. Below the Bosnian pyramids, we have ions which generate electromagnetic fields. We have underground water flows. They release negative ions. They have argon energy. They have natural magnetism. What the pyramid does, it amplifies existing energy sources.
And the last element is so-called volcanic lines. We’ve analyzed 75 biggest pyramids in the megalithic in the world, from Egypt, Mexico, Peru, U.K., China, Indonesia, and concluded that to all of these places, volcanic lines to run to them. So, you have two volcanoes. You connect them with a line. It is a volcanic line. You extend this line, and if you have megalithic sites, often at the end, it means it lies on the volcanic line.
The result is the pyramid an energy machine, energy amplifier.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Now, your research shows that the oldest Chinese and Egyptian pyramids are much superior to those made later. And you say, in your book, that traces of more advanced beings are all around us, which, you say, tells us that civilization devolved rather than evolved. Can you expand a little on that?
Semir Osmanagich: In China, there are 250 pyramids, about 20 large, huge pyramids. The Chinese government does not let archeologists uncover them. However, I did talk with their leading archeologist. They told me they were built from far superior materials, like granite and sandstone. The smaller pyramids were built from the mud bricks, which is inferior material and used even today.
So, the biggest ones all over 12,000 years old, the smallest, inferior 2,300 up to 1,000 before present, so superior are much older. In Egypt, the same thing, the pyramids that are being called the Great Pyramid of Egypt, or Khufu Pyramid, and Khafre Pyramid, and Mycerinus Pyramid, Jocel’s Pyramid, they belong to much earlier period. Egyptologists are saying third, fourth, and fifth dynasty, even though I think they are much, much older, about 12,000 years.
After those pyramids, there were more pyramids built, mostly step pyramids. But, they were built from, again, inferior material, mud bricks. So, the biggest pyramids in Egypt, in China, even in Mexico, in Bosnia, are much bigger, superior, and they were energy machines.
So, the knowledge that’s been linked to the pyramids has been brought to us. So, there is no slow evolution, but the knowledge came to us. So, it was more advanced civilization. As a scientist, I cannot say that it was built by humans, or extraterrestrials, or being from a different dimension before I have the definite truth. Right now, I don’t have it.
Sandie Sedgbeer: You found a megalithic block in the prehistoric underground complex that had what looked like ancient Hungarian ruins. And one visitor went to try and decipher the runic meaning which, in your book, reads something like the Gateway has closed. We are a standstill. We will have to act as warriors to defend and conquer until we can move again through the stargate. What do you make of that?
Semir Osmanagich: Well, it’s a very intriguing decipherment, I must admit. Namely, the runic symbol is the oldest formal writing in Europe, generally accepted. Some international scientists are saying it’s about 2,500 years old, independently, for sure is the thing. It’s about 7,000 years old.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Dr. Semir Osmanagich, when you and I first spoke about the pyramids back in 2011, you seemed a little hesitant to reveal your thoughts on the builders and their purpose. Since then, you seem a lot more open about the most metaphysical aspects of the discovery – the underground healing chambers, the orbs, a possible message of the ruins. What’s changed for you?

A veteran broadcaster, author, and media consultant, Sandie Sedgbeer brings her incisive interviewing style to a brand new series of radio programs, What Is Going OM on OMTimes Radio, showcasing the world’s leading thinkers, scientists, authors, educators and parenting experts whose ideas are at the cutting edge. A professional journalist who cut her teeth in the ultra-competitive world of British newspapers and magazines, Sandie has interviewed a wide range of personalities from authors, scientists, celebrities, spiritual teachers, and politicians.