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Dr. Semir Osmanagich: Bosnian Pyramids

Dr. Semir Osmanagich: Bosnian Pyramids


Semir Osmanagich: Well, we have had so many people coming and visiting us – researchers, conventional scientists, independent scientists, spiritual scientists, psychics, Akashic Record readers. And we’ve learned that this complex was so large and so important for humanity and that, you know, archeology or even science cannot explain it.

You know, when you have 10, 20, 50 people, confirming one thing time after time, when you have pictures and videos of orbs that are intriguing perfectly spherical lights which move on their own and which showed intelligence, I mean, you cannot close your eyes pretending that anything is there. Well, we’ve been exploring stuff like that. We’ve been exploring the influence of the pyramid energy to humans, to water, to food, to all different aspect, to our aura, developing of our spiritual senses because these are the testimonies of hundreds and hundreds of people given to us on video.

So, for example, when it comes to healing process, we’ve noticed that people go to the tunnels, and after one visit only, they had some, you know, health issues, for example, asthma. They would start breathing so good that they wouldn’t need the, you know, air pumps no more. People with high blood pressure, it gets normalized. People with high glucose, high sugar in the blood, it gets normalized. People with pain, pains are gone. So, we started doing miracle studies which confirmed there was an, immediately, immediate improvement of their, you know, health status.

So, we started measuring, for example, the concentration of negative ions. The medical science knows that negative ions are very good for us because they raise the level of oxygen in our body. They kill virus and bacteria.

And then, the next thing that affects our health is the cosmic radiations. A lot of them and some of them are harmful to our body. You go to the Bosnian pyramid tunnels 100-150 feet under the ground, no harmful cosmic radiation, no natural radioactivity, which you also factor.

So, you get inside. Your body does not have enemies anymore. And your body cells can start doing their job. It means that instead of getting the pills from the pharmaceutical industry, we can go through a self-healing process.

The next thing, the water in some of the tunnels, we’ve been finding water that’s been there for thousands of years. It is not the surface water. So, we did a conventional analysis – chemical, microbiological – no viruses, no bacteria, excellent pH factor, meaning it is drinkable.

If you drink the pyramid water, you can see on technology base by Professor Kuratko from Russia that this water heals you. So, it is a healing water and things like that.

So, we realized, hey, this pyramid energy affects so many different aspects of our lives. We had a study that 160 people, and we’ve been checking their aura, by energy field around the body, before entering the tunnels and after they came back. 85% of cases, the aura, was improved 10-40%, meaning one visit only is a self-healing treatment in the tunnel, immunity goes up, and with a bigger aura, we can start developing our spiritual senses.

What are the spiritual senses? We know about five physical senses, but we have 30 spiritual senses at least. Telepathy is one of them. Telekinesis is another one. Teleportation is another one. Seeing other people’s aura is another one. So, we realized that the pyramid energy could affect those abilities in the best possible way.

Sandie Sedgbeer: During a recent visit by best-selling author and researcher Erich von Däniken, a video was made in one of your underground labyrinths. Video in which hundreds, if not thousands, of orbs, are clearly seen piling over the two of you, coming from one of the side tunnels like a tsunami and flying around you both. Do you have theories about what these orbs are?

Semir Osmanagich: Well, the two of us were talking. And we stayed in the tunnels for about three and a half hours, so I was explaining to him some stuff. And his assistant was filming it. And, on his camera, you can clearly see, like you said, thousands of orbs that are, you know, intriguing perfectly spherical lights. They are of different sizes. They move at different speeds in a different direction, some of them going zig-zag, coming back. It’s like; they’re having fun around us.

So, apparently, they show signs of intelligence. And, a personal feeling is that they are very supportive and they are very joyful, at least a great majority of them.

But, our physical senses cannot sense them, or see them, or feel them, even though there were some people who came to visit us who were able to see orbs. And there is a way, if you, focus, meditate, you can even invite them; when you make your photographs on your, you know, camera, then yes, they will be there. But, obviously, their order will be different than you think that it was.

Sandie Sedgbeer: Why are so many others in criticism of you and the Bosnian pyramids?

Semir Osmanagich: This is a huge discovery. Number one, the first pyramids on European soil. Nobody discussed the possibility that pyramids were built in Europe. Secondly, these are the largest pyramids on the planet, much bigger than Egyptian pyramids, meaning these had more advanced civilization. Number three, these are the oldest structure on the planet. They completely change the history books. And you have to know that those who control our past control our present. They are the elites.

So, if there’s such a huge discovery in little Bosnia, little countries like Bosnia don’t change our history, and especially, a nonprofit, nongovernment foundation like ours, which we named Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation. We are totally independent, intellectually and financially. Elites don’t like that. So, what do they do? They use their tools, like National Geographic, or Wikipedia, or archeological institutes trying to stop us, writing petitions against us, and at least, try to label you and boycott you.

However, the truth is much stronger this time, and it is coming to the surface. We have made this project the most open project in the world. For example, in Egypt, you cannot go and dig Egyptian pyramids. Egyptians are digging at night looking for the Atlantean library. You go and ask them about the results; they will tell you, oh, this confidential. Why is it confidential? The knowledge belongs to all of us, not the elite only.

Semir OsmanagichPIN IT

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Sandie Sedgbeer: Now, you were declared Man of the Year in Bosnia in 2007. You’re the first honorable citizen of the town of Visoko. How did the Bosnian government react? I mean you must be doing great things for Bosnian tourism.

Semir Osmanagich: Everyone who came to Bosnian pyramid sites were impressed, and they support us. So, we had some Bosnian prime ministers, ministers, ambassadors, a lot of politicians. But, all in all, a lot of other, you know, common people. So, since six, seven years now, we haven’t been funded by the government anymore, no more grants. So, we’ve been, you know, financing our operation through the tourist money. People come. We charge them a little, you know, for the tickets to see the sites. So, we have this connection between tourism, and archeology and science, and research.

In Visoko, the town that the pyramids are located, you know, I would say 80% of people support us in Bosnia, 80% of the people. But people are very supportive because they know this project is so important globally.

Sandie Sedgbeer: Earlier this year, you held a summer solstice event on the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun in which you broadcast messages of love and harmony to the world. I think that’s a really beautiful way to use the energy of a site like this, which of course, is in stark contrast to what Zahi Hawass is doing in Egypt.

Semir Osmanagich: Well, you go to Egypt and try to talk to archaeologists there. You can’t find them. You try to talk to diggers. They cannot tell you anything, always some secrets. People are so serious, too serious.

You come to Bosnia. Everybody talks to each other. You see our volunteers. You see our workers. You have researchers. You have visitors, and guests, and media. People exchange the ideas. They are open-minded with a smile on their face. It’s so different. Those people are happy to be part of such a huge and important project. So, we are bringing a new, fresh era in archeology, in science in general, with no secrets, with so many volunteers. They’re different concepts. So, this is the future of archaeology, not confidentiality, not secrets, not selective information. We want to change that because the knowledge belongs to all of us.

So, in Bosnia, we promote free energy. We promote self-healing instead of pharma. We promote the knowledge from the ancients who were able to communicate, interplanetary intelligence. So, they can see that it is the base that will bring us to the society with the free women and free men. It’s different than what we have today. So, I think that we have prevailed.

Sandie Sedgbeer: So, how much more do you think there is to discover?

Semir Osmanagich: Well, for example, in the tunnels so far, we have cleared about 6,000 feet. But, somebody enters the tunnel through the pyramids. It’s about 1.4 miles. So far, we’ve discovered five underground chambers. We discovered so many different energy fields. They’re very beneficial. We discovered water in some of them, channels. We discovered underground lakes. But, this is just the beginning. So, it’s probably less than 5% of the original network. So, the biggest discoveries are still in front of us.

Under Sun Pyramid, they discovered the best quality concrete. We are hoping, eventually, to find some entrances to get to the pyramid through the tunnels. We’re going to get under the pyramids. What are we going to find there? We don’t know. I speculate probably going to find not a smaller, but much bigger chamber, maybe open spaces.

Sandie Sedgbeer: Dr. Semir Osmanagich, thank you so much for joining us today, absolutely fascinating.  Please visit and

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