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The Best Way to Deal with Emotional Vampires

The Best Way to Deal with Emotional Vampires

emotional vampires OMTimes

Are emotional vampires after you?

by Michele Landers

The Basics of Energy

The basic rule of life: It’s all about energy and relationships are a major source of energy exchange. Relationships can either feed our power or drain our power. There’s rarely a middle ground.

Who would you guess are the biggest energy drains in your life?

~ Your Boss

~ Your spouse

~ Your relatives

~ Your co-workers

If you said, “all of the above” you’re right. And unless you are living in the Himalayas, alone, you’re not likely to escape the relationship dance that we engage in daily.

Before we go any further, know that we draw all relationships to us. Our relationships can be fulfilling or devastating experiences and yet good or bad, they all have the potential to teach us something about ourselves.


Describing Emotional Vampires

Most of us will at one time or another encounter people who seem to suck the life force right out of us, leaving us dazed, angry, tired or exhausted. Another name for these people would be “Emotional Vampires.”


Different Shapes and Sizes

The Narcissist and Controller are similar because the common theme is me, me and more me. It’s all about their lives or how you should run yours! In “conversation” with them (and I use that term loosely) it’s a running monolog of their wins and (very few) losses in life, or what you need to do to straighten out yours.

Victim/Martyr/Drama Queen; “Poor me” is the usual unstated but the “read between the lines” message you hear from this combo. Nothing EVER goes right for them and they never act on any good advice offered to them. But they keep coming back for more and more of your help repeatedly.

Let me tell you this; Emotional Vampires go right for your jugular by pressing your most sensitive buttons leaving you in a weakened state and making you an easy target to drain emotionally.

They can do it overtly or covertly. A covert Vampire will say something like this, “my goodness dear, are you stressed because I noticed you’ve put on a little weight.” “Bazinga!” as Sheldon from Big Bang Theory would say.

In any case, most of us struggle to respond because we’re trying to figure out what the hell just happened. We just know we feel crappy, maybe a little dazed and probably weak.


See Also

Plan of Action for Dealing with Emotional Drains

Recognize the signs of Emotional Vampires and if you feel you are in the company of one, metaphorically slap yourself awake, before they get a chance to dig their fangs any further into your neck. Alert your personal power center to spring into action and take control.

Take in a deep breath and straighten your spine, pulling yourself up towards the sky. This will allow your energy to flow through you more easily, giving you more power. Mentally imagine you have a scissor and cut the energy cords that are snaking around and into you.

Next, send them waves of love…yes, love. Emotional Vampires need lots of it because they are clearly coming from a place of lack. And anyway, remember whatever you send out comes back to you ten-fold!

Now remove yourself from the situation in whatever peaceful way you can.

Finally, when you have a chance to clear your emotional space, ask yourself if this reminds you of other relationships in your life. Is there a common theme? Also, have you ever behaved in this way to others?

Remember, whatever the outcome, it’s all good because it’s all a learning and growing experience. Live Miraculously!


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About the Author

Michele Landers is a Board-Certified Life Purpose Coach, Hypnotherapist, Professional Numerologist and the author of two books: “the Tao of Numbers” and “The Year of Living Miraculously.” Michele has assisted clients nationwide to gain clarity and direction in their lives. Michele was a recurring coach on Fox/ WFLX “Eye on South Florida” with Shannon Cake. Reach Michele at

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