2017 Starts a New Nine-Year Cycle

by Melanie Collins
A Message for Lightworkers: 2017 Starts a New Nine-Year Cycle
A Reflection First on 2016
2016 was a challenging year for us all; whether this was on a personal level or a global one.
One of the contributing spiritual factors for this was because 2016 (2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9) was a ‘9’ year and according to the ancient spiritual practice of numerology everything works on a nine-year cycle. It is said that each number from 1-9 holds a specific universal vibration and a spiritual meaning. Therefore, 2016 was the last year of a very long, nine-year cycle, bringing up old karmic imprints and negative patterns to be cleared and healed.
The Struggles Lead to Healing and Renewal
Many Lightworkers have particularly struggled this past year, the Universe has deliberately pushed us to do the Soul work needed to heal our own personal wounding, clear karmic residues and break old patterns of behavior. We have had to recognize and undo the egoic conditioning that keeps us small, stops us from being authentic or imprisons us with self-limiting beliefs. We do this deep inner healing to prepare us for the next important stage of our soul work.
As Lightworkers we are here to bring Light into the Darkness. But, this means we have to shine the light into the dark recesses of our own soul first. From a vibrational level, anything that wasn’t in alignment with our soul energy or wasn’t for our highest good had to be released or come to an end. This has been part of a bigger plan to get us into vibrational alignment with the new frequencies. These will help to bring about the shift in human consciousness to a more heart centered way of living.
Frustrations and Old Karmic Energy
A lot of personal or professional goals, hopes, dreams or wishes have not come to fruition for Lightworkers in 2016, particularly if these intentions were set during the vibrational energies of that universal ‘9’ year. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have been asking for or working towards the wrong goals, but these old karmic energies may have sabotaged your future success. Therefore, you may have faced a series of setbacks or found certain things have been put on hold because of the Universal Law of Divine Timing.
What Does 2017 Have in Store?
So, what has 2017 got in store for Lightworkers?
First, the great news is it’s a universal ‘1’ year. This means that not only is it the start of a brand new nine-year cycle, but it is all about new beginnings and new creative expressions. It’s about self-empowerment, leadership and unity on a spiritual level.
The new 2017 energies mean it is time to set your new intentions in the universal ‘1’ year energies. These intentions hold within an entirely different vibrational frequency compared to the year ‘9’ energies of last year. So, whatever was put on hold or was a work in progress in 2016, will now gather momentum. It can come to fruition if we focus on achieving our goals this year.
Letting Your Light Shine in this Nine-Year Cycle
2017 is also a year to let your own light shine and to take bold steps forward. So, set your new intentions right now, within the vibrational frequency of positivity and excitement. This will be a brand-new nine-year cycle in your life. It’s time to move in the direction of your dreams and make them happen!
About the Author
Melanie Collins is a Writer, Healer, Angelic Channel and Spiritual Teacher. Her main teachings include Soul Awareness, the Magdalene Movement, Angels and HSPs. Connect with her through her website: www.melaniecollins.co.uk or via her Facebook page
@Mel Collins or on Twitter @MelCollins444.

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