2017: The Year of the Last Judgment?

by Zinovia Dushkova
Each cycle of human evolution requires the drawing of a final line and a summing up of accounts. In almost all religions, this process is referred to as the Last Judgment. This must take place at the end of our current cycle of development, which happens to be the fifth.
What Do We Know about the Last Judgment?
Helena Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine (published in 1888) reveals that a change of cycles has occurred more than once on Earth. It has always been accompanied by climate change and increasing numbers of natural disasters; precisely what we are currently witnessing. It has become rather difficult to ignore climate change. As NASA has reported, July and August of 2016 were the hottest months ever recorded. The average temperature on Earth is steadily growing. Meanwhile, according to EM-DAT, the number of natural disasters has increased tenfold in comparison with the 1950s: from 30 in 1955 to 375 in 2015.
Today, it is easy to find prophecies saying that the Hour of the Last Judgment will come in the year 2017. For example, many researchers, after making astrological calculations based on the Bible, came to the conclusion that Revelation 12:1-2 speaks about a unique arrangement of heavenly bodies. This will happen on September 20-23, 2017, and they point to this period as the Second Coming of Christ, and therefore the Hour of Judgment.
The Changes in 2017 Heralded by Prophecy
Quranic researchers, meanwhile, have used a numerological key to discover that the Quran’s verse about the return of Jesus Christ during the Last Judgment yields the number 1439. This is the Muslim year equivalent to the year 2017 on the Gregorian calendar. In addition, there is the prophecy by Judah ben Samuel of Regensburg, a legendary Jewish mystic of the 12th century. His prophecy says that the Messianic era will start after the tenth jubilee year, which ends in the year 2017.
As the sages of the Himalayas revealed to the author, there is some truth in this, but the truth lies in the fact that in 2017 the period of the Last Judgment will already be ending. It began in “the year 1999, in the seventh month” as predicted by Nostradamus. A total solar eclipse took place, which was accompanied by a parade of planets. The planets arranged themselves into the shape of a cross. This was the Son of Man in heaven, indicated in Matthew 24:29-30, as the sign heralding the Second Coming of Christ.
The Four Groups of Humanity and Final Judgment
Since that time, all of humanity divides into four groups:
1. those who have made their choice in favor of Light;
2. those who are completing their struggle for their choice of Light;
3. those who openly designate themselves as dark forces;
4. the “sleeping” masses that constitute the majority of humanity.
It appears that the period allotted to the Final Judgment consists of 18 years – 6+6+6, a number that is also mentioned in the Bible as the number of the beast. Besides its secret meaning, it symbolizes a passing age which was marked by brutish strife between people, for the beast was dominant in man. If people continue to live at low vibrations and fail to exterminate the beast in themselves, then they will not be able to pass further, into the sixth cycle of evolution.
The Fifth Cycle of Evolution
In July 2017, every person on Earth will sum up the results of their numerous lifetimes during the fifth cycle of evolution. This says that everyone will consciously or unconsciously make their final choice. And after this date, only two groups of humanity will remain. All will have made their choice either in favor of light or darkness.
In modern popular culture, it is common to depict the Last Judgment as a calamity on a global scale. But the truth is that it will end just as unnoticeably as it started in the year 1999. However, this does not mean that the consequences of the conscious or unconscious choice of each person will be invisible to them. Even now, we can observe situations in which personal character manifests much faster than ever before. This is also true on a global scale with the true essence of things or people. We can say that after the year 2017, the Law of Karma will come into full force, meting out good in exchange for good, and treating evil with justice.
About the Author
Zinovia Dushkova, Ph.D., is an award-winning Russian author. Traveling around the world, she has devoted almost 25 years to the acquisition of secret wisdom. Learn more about 2017 in Book 1 of her major work, The Teaching of the Heart series, which is available now on Amazon and elsewhere. For more information, please visit her website at: www.dushkova.com/en.

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