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How to Deal with Feng Shui Emergencies

How to Deal with Feng Shui Emergencies


Are There Really Any Feng Shui Emergencies?

Often, I get calls from prospective clients, who want their initial Feng Shui assessment done as soon as possible. Things may have been going badly in their lives for a long time. But, once a client makes the decision to investigate the relationship between Feng Shui and what is happening in a person’s life, the analysis can’t happen too soon.

Are there really any Feng Shui emergencies? After more than two decades of consulting, I would say that there really are not too many instances where it is a true emergency. Any practitioner with integrity would not over-promise that results will come instantaneously.


The Many Factors Involved in Feng Shui

From a strictly practical standpoint, I do have clients who want answers from me within hours. They are usually house hunting and need to make a commitment one way or the other very quickly. But, in terms of someone having a horrible circumstance in their lives, employing Feng Shui adjustments, and then seeing results, there is no guarantee that resolution of a problem will come immediately. Why? Because there are too many other factors involved besides Feng Shui (your immediate environment).

Even though I love Feng Shui and have a lot of confidence in the “remedies” we use, we can’t guarantee results 100 percent of the time. This is because there are so many other variables outside of our control to influence an outcome or dramatic change in a person’s life. For example, I remember many years ago, I was seeing a lot of people in the entertainment industry. They were getting good, prompt results. When adjustments were made to their home or work environment, it enhanced individual luck. And then, the actor’s strike came and the writer’s strike, and sometimes Feng Shui alone could not kick-start a person’s career. This is because something much larger and undermining was looming over the entire industry.


Economic Factors May be a Bigger Emergency

Nowadays, the economy is very anemic in many industries and types of business. While we can make some improvements in a person’s life, if a larger force, even a global force is in play, then the minor adjustments made to an individual’s home may not work as powerfully. (Just recall the 2008 U.S. Bank bail-out when people were panicking about the economy and some bankers were jumping out of windows).

But let’s get back to the topic of emergencies. If your house is on fire, perhaps there was a Feng Shui component to making it more vulnerable. But, once the fire starts, it is too late to theorize about remedies. Or, if someone has been suffering with cancer, and there is a Feng Shui component to it (meaning the Feng Shui environment is not supporting health), then we cannot count on late adjustments to the environment to completely reverse the situation.


See Also

Bad Scenarios and Convergence of Feng Shui Flaws

In fact, bad scenarios are often due to a convergence of numerous Feng Shui flaws and not just one imperfect feature to a house, building, or neighborhood. Usually, it is the momentum of things being unbalanced for a while which manifests eventually as a chronic problem, or something sudden happening like an accident.

That said, I have seen some interesting changes occur rather quickly on a less dramatic scale. One client called off an engagement and then back on in just a couple weeks’ time after adjustments were made to her bedroom. Another client said his daughter’s bad behavior changed within days after an adjustment was made. I have countless stories about romance remedies being added and the client notices a shift immediately. So, it is possible for good changes to occur in such a short amount of time. This makes it believable that something as subtle as Feng Shui had a direct effect on the change.


Most Adjustments Require Time to Take Effect

There are many different types of adjustments. When we add certain elements to a room, like metal or water, the results can come quickly or gradually. When there is a qi flow problem, such as a front door aligned directly with a back door, buffering that direct alignment can shift the energy immediately. The predictable result can come quickly too, such as being able to save money easier.

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