Is Ghosting an Appropriate Way to End a Relationship?

Ghosting – The Modern Way to End Relationships
In June of last year, Charlize Theron broke off her engagement with Sean Penn. That’s not news in Hollywood, as relationships between actors or other celebrities seem to have an inevitable, early expiration date. What was interesting was the news that Charlize engaged in ghosting, which is the act of completely cutting off contact with the other person.
In this era of being super-connected through our technology, the most shocking thing we can do today is to totally disconnect from another person. It’s impossible to know why Charlize chose ghosting as her way of dealing with Sean, or even if that’s what she did. But it makes me think about the whole idea of making a clean break from someone in a world that’s all about connectivity.
In the old days, when we no longer wanted to have contact with someone, we’d stop returning their calls and hope that eventually, they’d figure out that we were done with them. Today, it’s impossible for someone to misunderstand things when suddenly, they’ve been unfriended from Facebook, deleted from someone’s contacts or unfollowed on Twitter and Instagram. It’s unambiguous.
Giving a New Name to an Old Strategy
Ghosting isn’t new. It’s been around for a long time; it just didn’t have a name. Today, it’s become a “thing” because of how inter-connected we all are. If we decide to engage in ghosting with one of our friends, all our other contacts will be aware of it. It’s that much more hurtful and humiliating to the person who’s been cut off.
So, is ghosting good or bad? To me, it depends on the reasons for doing it. I’ve heard many stories from people who couldn’t understand why a supposedly close friend suddenly stopped communicating with them. They never did find out why it happened.
Sometimes, ghosting is the easy way out for someone who hates confrontation. They would rather delete a person from their contacts than get into an awkward discussion with them. Sometimes, ghosting can be a spiteful act; a way to punish someone or get back at them.
Neither of these reasons are valid. It’s painful not to know why your friend or romantic partner has gone silent. And, it also deprives you of the opportunity to learn what you might have done wrong.
Are there Good Reasons for Ghosting?
There is one good reason for ghosting, though; it’s when you’re dealing with someone abusive, unreasonable or unstable. Sometimes it’s clear that any attempts at communication will be futile, or even dangerous. The best option is to totally withdraw from the other person. In these cases, it’s done as much for safety as for anything else.
We can also see that ghosting would be a reasonable choice when our friend or partner has done something so unacceptable or unforgivable that we’re justifiably outraged and offended. In this case, either we see no point in trying to discuss what happened, or we’re too upset to talk to the other person, ever again.
Ghosting can be the natural and appropriate consequence of someone’s very bad behavior. So, although it’s extremely painful, it’s always a good idea to look within. We can ask ourselves if perhaps, we might have done something to deserve it.
Unfortunately, being completely cut off can make it impossible to ever know what we did wrong.
So, if Sean Penn did do something to cause Charlize Theron to ghost him, he might be able to figure out what he did to offend her; but then again, maybe not.

Dr. Marcia Sirota is a Toronto-based board certified psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of trauma and addiction, as well as founder of the Ruthless Compassion Institute, whose mandate is to promote the philosophy of Ruthless Compassion and in so doing, improve the lives of people, everywhere.
It depends on the nature of the relationship. If it was a long term relationship that went on for years, then it’s obviously respectful to let the person know you’re not happy in the connection and are leaving. If it’s someone you only went out with less than a handful of times, then it’s not uncommon for people to just drop away. Regardless if that’s rude or hurtful, for some others prefer they do it that way rather than drone on over how unhappy they are with you. Just go away then. Have a nice life.
As for Charlize Theron, no one truly knows what went on behind closed doors with them except Charlize and Sean. As it stands, Charlize seems to have a history of short lived relationships, which are very telling. They seem to get committed and hot and heavy very fast, only to end abruptly out of nowhere. While Sean has actually been in a long term marriage and isn’t known for the short lived connections. You do the math.